Aisha North

Linda Robinson ~ Archangel Zadkiel ~ Receiving The Energy Of Higher Light

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LindaRobinsonGreetings Beloved Ones,

We are Archangel Zadkiel and Lady Amethyst of the Seventh Ray of Light of Transformation and Manifestation, and we greet you in Love and Light. Today, we wish to discuss energetic patterns of change and their importance in bringing in new patterns of Higher Light.
You are receiving powerful influxes of higher energy coming to you in waves that are increasing exponentially.

Aisha North ~ The Manuscript of Survival – part 393

OdiStar's picture

Aisha North - 30 January 2014


By now, you will all have been well acquainted with these endless fluctuations of energy coming into your being, and we venture to guess that you have all in some way been able to access hitherto unexplored territory within. This may not feel as any major feat to some of you, as you have so far probably not been able to get but a small sip from that huge ocean of endless information that lies within, but still, we do think it has whetted your appetite for more. For more is to come dear ones, and it will come in fits and starts, in huge chunks and in tiny morsels, and probably when you least expect it to. For in this, as in everything else, trying to force your way forwards will not work very well, as it is by simply allowing yourself to let go of the need to control this process that you will be able to fully enter this ocean of the future. And so, whatever it takes, make sure you do not make the mistake of setting up a plan on how to do this.

~ Aisha North~ The manuscript of survival ~ part 392 Increasing Activity In the Skies

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The increasing activity in the sky will also induce some increased activities within you all. And no, we are not simply referring to all of that dreaded physical moaning and groaning that your body is apt to perform. Rather, we are referring to those activities that you are all eagerly awaiting, in the form of a deeper connection not only with those aspects of you you have yet to make acquaintance with, but also with the rest of Creation. For now, these long hidden doors will start to creak slowly open, and one by one, you will start to see glimpses of light where you before have seen nothing but blankness. And yes, we do mean that in every description of the word “light”, for the light you will start to distinguish will come in many shapes and forms, and we venture to guess that after this, you will no longer think of light as merely a way of illuminating the surroundings. For we think you will start to realize just what light is, for it is so much more than a particle or indeed a wave, the two conditions your scientists like to define it as. Light is indeed far more variable than that, as it can be likened to a living entity, and a highly intelligent one at that.

Aisha North ~ The Manuscript of Survival – part 389

Silver's picture

By: Aisha North, 01/20/2014

We would like to delve a little bit into a subject we have discussed earlier, as this is something that perhaps has been overshadowed a little bit by recent internal upheavals if you will, and what we are talking about, is the subject of creation and the role that you all play in it. If you cast your mind back to the messages we delivered on this topic a while back, you will remember that we went to rather great lengths to reveal the nuts and bolts of it, if you will. In other words, we discussed the basic principles, which are indeed extremely simple, but which raises some rather complex questions within you all. And this is indeed what we would like to return to, for what is standing between you and this basic and all-pervading process of creation, is your endless quest for answers. And so, you tend to make extremely complicated what is in fact extremely simple, and as usual, what stands between you and your own greatness, is that small but still rather formidable obstacle of the human mind, or rather, the human way to perceive things.


KP"s Blog~“Light Ships” Visible over Lima, Peru, Today (that’s 1-19-14)

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Click to enlarge…

Marcela (who is from Peru) mentioned this article (in to me. It is an indication, perhaps, that the “visible type” disclosure will be taking place more frequently during this coming year. We did talk about how the “off-world-visitor” phenomenon is much more accepted and readily discussed in almost all countries outside of the US. Anyway, these photos are spectacular…


Aisha North ~ The Manuscript of Survival – part 388

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By: Aisha North, 01/18/2014

By now, the incoming waves of energetic transformation have been lapping at your heels, but now, you will find yourself swimming in a veritable ocean of it.This may sound ominous to some, but trust us when we say that you will all feel buoyed by these energies, not drowned in them. And why is that? Simply the fact that you have managed to un-manacle yourself from the old inhibitors that you have been dragging behind you, seemingly forever. We know these words will sound repetitious to some, but bear with us, for we do see the need for countless repetitions of the same message. Do not take this as any form of criticism, rather, it is simply a statement to signify that we are all aware that this process of total liberation from the old is not one that is accomplished seemingly overnight. In many aspects, it will be so, literally, as you will all experience true quantum leaps on your advancement towards the real you, but if you look on the whole, you see step after careful step being played out. And yes, this is indeed all part of the plan, and yes, we have also taken into consideration the endurance and the tenaciousness of human perseverance and indeed patience. For even if it may seem to be wearing thin in some of you, we also know that it is in fact more than durable, and if it was not, this operation would not be opened up in the first place.


Aisha North ~ The Manuscript of Survival – part 387

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By: Aisha North, 01/16/2014

As you have perhaps already noticed, this continuous ebb and flow of energies has laid bare so much land within you all that has hitherto been left barren, but now, the time to till, sow and plow this land has come, and the crops from all of this arable land will soon come to fruition. As usual, we speak in riddles at times, but let us try to explain just what we mean by these words that we have already given you.


You see, mankind has in many ways been living in a bubble, suspended in a vast sea of energy, but as this bubble has been very much contained within itself, not much of any outside influence has been able to penetrate within this little globe populated by a vast array of humanity. And so, you have in many ways been left out of all that has happened around you while you have been whiling away the time in your little bubble of disharmony. For as you are well aware of, the disturbances that you have endured during the time of your evolution, has in many ways been isolated events. That is, they have been going on within this same bubble, unaffected by what has been there, on the outside of this thin membrane at all times.


The manuscript of survival ~part 386

Lia's picture

The manuscript of survival ~part 386

As you have perhaps already noticed, the ebb and flow of these brand new energies works in very different ways than before, and rightly so. For you have not only reached a brand new plateau in this ongoing process of reconnecting and remembering the different aspects that compose the true you, you have also managed to wrestle yourself away from the influence of the old and outdated modes and frequencies.


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