Angel Wisdom

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Passion

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Sunday, November 3, 2013  Angel Wisdom

What do you desire? 
Take this opportunity to look deep within your heart and ask yourself if you are truly following the path of your heart or have squelched this passion in order to make those around you happy? It is time to focus on your intentions and desires. Make some optimistic long-term plans and goals for yourself that are based entirely on your passions. This is what you came here to accomplish and it is time to follow the path that leads you to those dreams. 

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ 6th Senses

Doreen Smith's picture


Thursday, October 31, 2013  Angel Wisdom

Expand your Senses

Expand your Senses

Take the time to notice and work on your abilities to hear, see and feel the loving guidance that your angels send your way. Listen with your mind, heart and body, as they send you messages using your many senses and this also includes earth angels in physical form to help guide you.

Your angel guidance is to develop and focus on using your different senses during your meditation practice. It is through consciously focusing on one area at a time and expanding your use of it that you will improve and pick up the more subtle vibrations that are around you.

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Clarity

Doreen Smith's picture


Tuesday, October 29, 2013  Angel Wisdom

Get your mind really clear

As you clear your mind and get really focused on what is most important to you, that focus helps you create it at a faster and finer rate and attracts to you more of the amazing that you desire. Sit quietly for a bit and find that still, wise centre within you. Allow the wisdom of your heart to radiate through you and all around you and dissolve any thoughts and feelings that are not necessary right now, you can always pick them up later if they are important to you. When your thoughts and feeling are calm, shine the pure light of your heart on what it is you desire to create or bring into your life. Keep your focus and breath deeply for a few minutes holding the desired thoughts or your intention. 

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Imagination

Doreen Smith's picture


Monday, October 28, 2013  Angel Wisdom

Be Creative

Let your imagination help you to manifest what you desire. It is your secret weapon and it is just waiting to help you create your intentions. Use the power of your creative imagination to add as much vision, depth, feelings, and focused intention as you can and be creative and perhaps even add in a sense of the ridiculous and make it humourous  and grand. 

When you hold a vision with good and feelings and emotions and do as often as you can, you are  creating huge momentum and naturally drawing it to you. What do you desire right now? Visualize it, feel it, taste it, and smell it. Create a movie for yourself of what you will look like and feel like when you reach your destination. Do not be concerned with the hows, your angels can help set things up for you and it is important to just be open to the hows and pay attention to the options that start coming your way. 

Stay positive and keep your focus. Do not let negativity from others or yourself block your progress, just keep flying high and your eyes on the prize. 


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