Angel Wisdom

A Time of Thanksgiving: By Caroline Aguiar

Lia's picture

Happy thanksgiving

Written by Caroline Aguiar

As the wheel of this year nears the end of its cycle, its often felt as if each season passed in a flurry, like a sudden snow storm blowing across the wide, open plains. Although there was much joy and cause for celebration, there were also times when we may have felt pushed, and pulled in all directions.

In my life, this year was incredibly eventful in many ways.  I still remember back in February, during my morning meditation when suddenly the word “change” came to mind.  I felt deep within, and with all my knowing, this was to be a year of great change. I didn’t know how, or why back then, but “change”,would definitely knock on my door.

The energetic fluxes which have accompanied us throughout most of this year have brought enormous amounts of love, and new ways of being which have enabled us to move forward with confidence in regards to inner transformation, emergence, spiritual growth, clarity, and a deeper understanding of purpose within our present lifetime.


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