Vision Keeper

~ Visionkeeper ~ What an experience... 28 October

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Well, I spent part of Sunday morning sharing energies with Synergy the Crystal Skull. It was an experience unlike any other and was a welcomed burst of energy in these times of chaotic unknowing. I felt an immense presence from Synergy and was humbled by being there with him. I could feel my body heating up rapidly as I held the skull between my hands and pressed my forehead to his to activate my third eye. I felt like I was in a sauna and a powerful wind was catapulting down my spine. I am so glad I was able to experience this, especially at this time and it was wonderful meeting Sherry, Synergy’s keeper. If you ever get the opportunity to experience a meeting with one of the crystal skulls I hope you will do so.

Visionkeeper ~ Just Be~ 25 October 2013

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The title of this post pretty much says it all. As my readers know I have been taking some time off to regroup and adjust to all the changes taking place at this time. It has been quite daunting for many of us I would imagine. In this time I took for myself, I came to the final decision that I will not be returning to write my blog ‘everyday’. I will continue to write from time to time if something inspires me to do so or if something major takes place that calls to me to write about again on a daily basis, I will. I have been summoned to spend my days now being aware of living and just being, in other words walking my talk.

Visionkeeper ~Circles~ 22 October 2013

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I am finding as I go along on my journey that everything we ever needed was already a part of our lives and often times can be found in nature. What we don’t seem to need is man-made and often straight lines that separate us from what we need to know. The simple yet beautiful circle is such an example of what we do need. It has been around forever, its meanings have been passed down through all cultures and its message is so strong but sadly we took so long to embrace it.  The circle represents any number of things. Completion, the unbroken connection to life, no beginning and no end, the returning of life cycles, all things inherently connected, the oneness of all. I think if you broke them all down you would end up with the core essence being the word ‘ Unbroken ‘. Because there is no beginning or end to the circle it continues on for infinity as does the oneness of the magnificent universe. So what is it we can learn or discover about the circle and how it relates to humanity?

Visionkeeper ~Laying A Foundation ~ 18 October 2013

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I know many folks are cruising along well ahead of many in their awakening process and that is wonderful. There are also many who are still rubbing the sleep out of their eyes and I wish to be there for them as well and to offer a suggestion to those people in hopes it may help them find the courage to embrace the truth of today’s reality. In my last post I mentioned how I no longer wish to keep suggesting what people should do, instead, I said it was time to stand on your own, go within yourselves and find your own answers. That task must begin with having a strong foundation and a trust in yourself. I offer this post about laying your foundation to all those wishing direction on how to do this and then it is up to you to break free and fly alone. In order to face today’s truths, we require a strong foundation to stand upon and a strong sense of self and an unwavering trust in ourselves. For a very long time now we have been taught to listen to the Government and forget about ourselves. Now is the time to reverse that process and listen to yourselves and forget what the Government has to say. If you have a strong foundation you can withstand all the violent storms that beat against you and threaten to bring you down. So how does one build that strong foundation for security?

Visionkeeper~ The Dance Of The Spiral~ 13 October 2013

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Often times we hear people speak of difficult times as spiraling out of control. That seems like a very negative way of viewing the situation. Would it not be better to see it as spiraling inwards towards change and rebirth? The spiral is one of the oldest geometric shapes found in ancient art work. The spiral has been around since the beginning of time and has been honored in cultures world-wide and for good reason. It has symbolized the path leading from outer consciousness inwards to our souls and our core essence of being. The spiral stands for the cycles of change amongst many other things. We flow inward and outward on our journey as we shift and move from one station in our lives to the next, as we grow and expand into higher states of being. If you look carefully at the spiral you can see both pathways it creates within its shape, it flows inward on its spiral to the center or you can view it the other way and see it spiral from the center outward, just as we do. We expand and grow outward, then retreat and go within in search of a clearer understanding of who we are and where we are going.

Visionkeeper ~Energies Exploding ~10 October 2013

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It seems everywhere I go I keep hearing about the intensity of the energies right now. It is true, they grab your attention that’s for sure. Part of what we should do is stay quiet and let the energy integrate into us and become a part of us. Definitely it will do little good to fight against them. It is an obvious time for us to begin to learn how to work with these energies, They are not just something happening to us. We can learn to use these energies to propel us further along to where we are trying to go. It seems these energies are heralding in the splitting of the two worlds now, for along with them is coming unrest and chaos to those not securely grounded and aware. Unfortunately I believe the dark is trying to use these energies and unrest to their advantage as well. The Government keeps doing insane things that make little sense to many, but I think they are being done with a definite plan in mind. Get the people so worked up and create so much instability that reigning in the people will be called for. We are already seeing it happen with the shutdown. Things are totally out of whack and  people’s heads are spinning like the exorcist movie. That is just what they want and we should NOT comply and give them disorder of any kind!

Visionkeeper ~ A Return To The Cycle Of Life

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It is time to return to a natural way of living if we are to survive. A return to knowing not only ourselves inside and out, but the planet we live on and the seasons which keep her balanced. We have lost touch and it is showing dramatically in our inability to thrive. We fell dangerously under the spell of linear thinking as magic and wonder and right brain intuition were driven and beaten out of us. We no longer followed the promptings of Gaia and her creatures, we lost track of what the seasons meant or the stages of the moon or what was going on with the sun. We stopped watching and understanding the animals and what they had to say. We withdrew from nature and went inside our homes and automobiles, we wore our thick soled shoes and boots, we lived on cement foundations that separated us from the heart beat of the earth and we detached from everything that would give us guidance on our journey. We were set adrift in a sea shroud in fog and illusion and left to our own devices.

Visionkeeper ~ Just Walk Through The Door ~

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Ah yes…It feels as if we have slipped through a new door somewhere along our journey recently. We discovered the key within us and away we went through the door and out into another world. One almost seems invincible and part of me wants to say that with caution as in the 3D world that would be dangerous to think such thoughts. With that said, in this new world we just stepped into, being invincible is more a knowing that all will be well no matter what is slung our way. It is that secure feeling one gets when standing on a firm foundation, steady and sure of where you are. The energies leading up to this pass through we just made have been intense in many ways, trying us in all situations almost as if to see if we had passed the test and were able to pass through the doorway. It seems to me the keys we are being asked to locate as we go along are actually presented to us as we complete each step in our consciousness raising. Do the hard work, dig deep and make the required discoveries and the key is your to open the door to the next stage of the new world, if we so choose.


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