Vision Keeper

~ Vision Keeper ~ A New Journey Begins…

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Welcome to 2014. We made it and it appears we are stronger and more focused than ever before! The journey continues and so must our stamina. First of all I want to thank all of my readers for being a part of One World Rising. It has been such a pleasure having you all be a part of the awakening process in one form or another. It has been an amazing journey for us all and I’ve so enjoyed having you awakening with me. So many things we have learned over the last two years, we have learned to grow into ourselves and our wisdom and strength have grown along with us. There is a remarkable strength that comes with knowledge and understanding and even more so with truth. It has been escaping little bit by little bit and hopefully will pick up speed in this new year. It is time for truth to consume the world and shift our consciousness to better understand our situation.

~ Visionkeeper ~ It’s All About You…- 15 December 2013

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As I hear the continual, insane, drumbeat about the failure of Obamacare all around me, I know it is time to sit back and spend quiet time looking for the good buried beneath the trash of it all. It is there, it is ALWAYS there, we just have to make the supreme effort to discover it. If one were to listen to the daily news reports(God forbid!) it is plain to see the people being whipped into a frenzy and pummeled with the fears of the almighty ‘what if’s’. Such a waste of precious energy. So rather than waste it, let’s redirect it towards something positive.

~ Visionkeeper ~ Beyond ‘Tis The Season…

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As we spin along on this journey we are all encountering and the energies multiply and the intensity grows and our heads try to grasp all that is changing, I can see beyond the drama of it all. What is revealed to me is one very simple fact that we truly need to focus on, and that is compassion. When we take everything apart and whittle it down to the core issue I so often speak to, we come up with one basic issue that can remedy everything in the world, compassion. That is the key to opening the final door to the new world fully with no going back and forth between worlds any longer. If the world, if each and every one of us, practiced compassion everyday as a part of who we are not because we remember to do it, then all the issues will slough away and we will be left with a magnificent world filled with joy and love and oneness.  If everyday we are living from our hearts, feeding our starving souls and reaching out to all those who need us because we feel the desire to do so, then the door swings open and we are invited to stay and be a part of the new world.

~ Visionkeeper ~ Disconnect – 23 November 2013

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I wanted to take this opportunity to mention to everyone that the upcoming holidays are a wonderful time to practice our skills of change and bring back the true meaning of the holidays within our own homes and our own hearts. The usual pressure by mega corporations has begun in earnest for people to buy and spend their way into the oblivion of deeper debt for superficial reasons, totally disconnected from true meaning and from love. People are camping out in front of big box stores to be first in line for a big screen TV that will do nothing for them but enlarge the lies for them to watch. People are fretting how they will afford to buy Christmas gifts, all the trivial trash made in China and doing nothing for our own economy at all, at the same time they are having their health care destroyed from the inside out, prices are sky rocketing and pocket books are now empty. When will we stop this insanity?

~ Visionkeeper ~ Screaming Loudly – 14 November 2013

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Okay. Time has passed and I have stayed pretty quiet, as I said I was not writing my blog anymore unless something catastrophic happened or something was noteworthy of writing about to help the world move ahead and settle further into the new paradigm. Well, I guess this is one of those moments I cannot look past or ignore. Day after day the main stream media geeks continue to pick over the failures of Obamacare, attacking the parties, once again dragging the people down into the mire of negative crap to keep them distracted and held down where they feel we  belong. I cannot take it any longer without speaking out. As most of you know I don’t watch the news stations and the propaganda they spin, but I do pass through them on my way to other stations. It is hard not to hear what is being said. It is pathetic and shameful to say the least. Can they not ever get to the heart of a matter and spin it truthfully? NO!

~ Visionkeeper ~ Where To Next… – 8 November 2013

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It is raining today. I am inside where it is dry and warm and my thoughts have been drifting all over the place. I had one strong thought come to me however, and it stopped me quietly in my tracks and suddenly everything began to make sense to me. For quite a while I have struggled to figure out what I would write about as we moved forward on our journey and got further and further away from everything we knew as part of the 3D world. I took time off in hopes of getting a second wind and rediscovering new subjects to write about so I could proceed ahead on this journey. What I failed to see and accept at the time, was the fact my job was complete, I had done what was needed when it was needed over the last two years to try help get us to where we are now along with along with many other bloggers. What I realized finally was the fact there will be others who come behind me now and carry on where I leave off, if in fact we even need that.

~ Visionkeeper ~ Gifting The World – 6 November

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It seems important at this time to stop searching for the who we are and finally figure out what gift we have to offer the world to help to make the world a better place. We all have something special that makes us who we are but are we using those gifts, are we offering them to the world in hopes of making it a better place? Isn’t this ultimately what we are here for? Helping to make the world a better place by sharing our love? It really is that simple. When I pass on I would like most to be remembered not for who I was but rather what I gave to the world that hopefully made a difference. Making a difference in the world is such an uplifting experience and it seems the world as a whole is desperately missing uplifting experiences that bring great wonder to our lives. So many have lost their wonder for life it seems. What is life without wonder and feeling uplifted and inspired? It is empty and hollow and without deep meaning. It is surprising that the world has survived for so long without that! For a very long time we have been a world of walking Zombies, going through the usual but minus the heart felt emotions. Thank Goodness we are changing that quickly now. We are coming alive like an appendage that has fallen asleep and begins to prickle back to life.!

Visionkeeper ~ Re-Inventing Holidays ~

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Halloween has arrived. It has been a great many years now that I have shunned away from holidays and many saw me, I’m sure, as a fun buster. For a long time I never could understand why I didn’t get into the festivities along with everyone else. Since those earlier days I have come to understand my hesitation to join in. Somewhere buried deep within I grasped the reasons for the holidays being not quite what we were being led to believe. Our holidays were created for corporate profits and many times not for our best interest. Look at Halloween for instance. We dress our kids up and take them around neighborhoods collecting what amounts to bags of poison! Sugar is a poison and yet we have grown up consuming it often in generous quantities and in the end it is to our detriment and sadly to our children’s. Of course the corporate candy creators love Halloween and use it to stuff their pockets with our hard-earned money and we end up destroying our health. Christmas is all about business profits, filling our voids within with stuff that in the end will do nothing to fill that void. Corporations love Christmas as well as it once again fills their pockets and empties ours.


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