What I think will happen on 11/11/11. Posted on October 25, 2011 by Satina
I believe that everyone in the world will, on November 11, 2011, or the 11/11/11, experience a super enormous BLAST of fifth-dimensional energy that will change the world forever and prepare everyone on it for Planetary Ascension.
What will this look like, physically? I believe all of those who are unawakened or have not released all of their attachments to the old way of living will have a Jerry McGuire-type moment of sudden awakening. In the blink of an eye, they will suddenly realize, as their heart chakra is blasted wide open, that they cannot continue one more moment to do the destructive, fear-based things they’ve been doing. Then they will, just like Jerry, be “Free-Falling.” We, as the Servers and Lightworkers, will then be called into action to help these newly awakened souls find their footing in a world that no longer supplies ANY energy or support to anything except the transformation of Earth.
What will happen to those of us who have been going through the Light Body Process, the Energetic Synthesis, the Frequency Upgrades? We’ll be ready to embody this phenomenal rush of super high-frequency energy and will be transformed. I believe we will have a huge rush of fifth-dimensional energy that will open our intuitive, healing, and otherwise “supernatural” or “miraculous” abilities in a way that has not been experienced by us in this lifetime. These abilities, these gifts, this vastly expanded knowledge of ourselves, each other, and the world is what we will use to do everything we can to prepare these awakened souls to live in a fifth-dimensional New Earth. As we lovingly and responsibly use these “new” abilities, we will increase our frequencies higher and higher and experience Personal Ascension. Higher frequencies will open ourselves to greater and greater access to the powers of creation, and then we will fulfill Jesus the Christ’s prophecy of, “All these things you will do and more.” We will become Ascended Masters walking the Earth.
The New Earth will be fifth-dimensional, and those who choose to Ascend to Her will have amazing powers of manifestation. I’m sad to say, many will not make it to this New Earth because their souls are not ready to stop playing the game of fear and contrast. But really, all is well because their souls are young and they still need to play in those realms until they are ready for something new, and that’s fine. But those who co-create all the new systems of a New Earth will need to know how to use their new powers of creation, and that is where the Lightworkers will be most needed.
What did you think would happen today, 10.28?
Happy October 28th, 2011 to All!! Now that the energies of creation are fully grounded and heaven begins to favor the positive, the show should get really interesting! Life is fun... :) ♥
Welcome Home into,The Kingdom of Heaven on Earth=Heart, We Love you Unconditionally!!
I love your vision. Namiste'
Expect official gov't
Expect official gov't disclosure in a window of 2 wks - 2 months. Very, very excited.