I Would Like to Retract my Previous Message About August 4th by Wes Annac

Lia's picture

I Would Like to Retract my Previous Message About August 4th

by Wes Annac


I would like to retract my previous message about August 4th and the falsity of channelings coming out which are claiming this date to absolutely be disclosure day. I still stand by the core beliefs expressed in that message, though after writing it I noted the shell, the box I had squeezed myself into whenever writing it.

We’ve taken to such dualistic, separate mindsets as a culture and as Lightworkers, especially in relation to disclosure. Because of the sheer monumental importance of this event, we have taken to a collective mindset of ‘yes’ or ‘no’, ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ and I strongly felt myself playing into that mindset with the writing of my previous message.

I stand by my belief that issuing concrete dates for disclosure can only hurt the collective. I am still wary about the intents of the Pleiadian channel Micah, because of his most recent message and because of previous ones. I accept that these are my feelings entirely, and should not be passed off and expressed as concrete fact, because I don’t know of his intents. And neither do you. The only one who truly knows the intents of this channel [Micah] is the channel himself.

However, I felt myself feeding the outdated, dualistic mindset of right or wrong as well as nearly denouncing the manifestation of a decloaking during the Olympics.

Even just writing those last few words made me feel tired and depleted, and I think it is clear that I am being led to detach entirely from this subject. As I have always expressed, I feel that we could and can manifest a spectacular decloaking, during the Olympics or sometime after. We truly do have the collective power to manifest this, and the Galactics and Ascended Masters seem increasingly ready as of late to ‘get off the ground’ with everything.

I feel that messages, including mine, with titles like ‘August 4th is not disclosure day’ can be a bit disheartening to certain individuals who have been working to manifest this coming about and who may feel that the issuance of such a down-putting message may hinder the work they could have been doing to manifest this.

I do not think that we should hang ourselves up on the date of August 4th and I accept that no matter how hard I may try to prevent what I see is damage being done to the Lightworker collective, messages are going to come out that make predictions which get everybody amped up and excited, whether the messages are coming through a cabal entity or through an honest channeler who is simply trying to assist with our ascension in, what to me is a bit of a misaligned manner [giving dates in their channels].

I understand and accept that people who have not yet gotten the ‘message’ that it is more important to focus on our immediate ascension than on dates, will be disappointed and upset and those certain few individuals working for the cabal will take advantage of such disappointment to attempt to steer us away from Galactic and channeled messages.

I may see all of this happening on the 4th and 5th if manifestation efforts do not prove helpful enough, and it may be disappointing and disheartening to see the onslaught of criticism that can be aimed at anybody who supports this movement. I may even see formerly dedicated Lightworkers throw in the towel and say, “that’s it. I’m done. Enough with channels and predictions…”etc.

I may see this and it may hurt for a minute. I may wish that I employed my ‘warrior’ spirit and done all that I could to stop it. But eventually, the pain, sorrow and hindsight will heal and be transmuted. Those who may be vastly disappointed if nothing happens on what to me is a misrepresented date, may choose another path than those of receiving and believing in channeled Guidance. Even so, that person will be ascending, and so will I. And so will you, if you make the true and tried effort.

I used to take to a warrior mindset and defend my channelings and those of fellow channelers who I resonate with, and then I stopped and looked at why. The way I see it, all of us who are becoming aware of ascension and who make the honest effort, are going to ascend. You are going to ascend whether you read a message through me, Mike Quinsey, Sheldan Nidle, Tom Kenyon or any other source that I personally feel is credible.

Some appreciate and integrate the advice and energies given within channeled communications. They find such energies and guidance very helpful along their Life Paths, yet know the importance of not fully and completely absorbing themselves into the messages they read, and know the importance of turning within for all aspects of Divinity.

There are some who do not accept the validity of channeled messages and who will instead turn toward different directions on their Life Paths. For some, this turn in direction may ultimately be caused by messages like Micah’s, or similar messages making predictions that serve to gear up the collective and turn this awakened Earth experience into an interesting rodeo of opinion.

I guess what I’m saying, is that I’m ready to lay down my warrior mindset and detach. I give what I give to help you to ascend, and giving this work is about all that I need to do. I do not need to argue my case on any particular issue as no matter what, you and I will be ascending if we show the effort.

Upon sitting down after writing my previous message and after doing some chores, I asked our Galactic brethren if what I had done would be ‘right’ or helpful. I expressed that my only intent was to assist, and not to put down the possibility [and it is only a possibility] of disclosure on or around August 4th. The subtle impressions that I received went along the lines of - this event’s manifestation is a possibility and is not set in stone, but we are monitoring collective reactions to the discussions of this event in an effort to determine if it is a good idea.

Please know that the above is not channeled text. It is a recall of impressions I received earlier. Upon receiving such impressions, I then thought about my message and the impact that even just the title could have on our manifestation efforts. If looked at in a certain context, it could be said that I was now inhibiting something that I very much wanted to happen. This, dear friends, is when detachment and the writing of my final message on the subject became needed.

Seeing the discussions of this event as well can always be disheartening as in my personal opinion, much misunderstanding is being garnered and we are once again forcing ourselves, as a collective and as individuals, into those polar, dualistic mindsets that we are attempting to grow out of. I was as well forcing myself into this mindset with the issuing of my previous message.

So, that’s my take. With the writing of this final message I am now to detach completely from the 4th and all of the discussion surrounding the 4th, and work on my own personal ascension, my spiritual-based work that benefits some and not others, and my own personal efforts to manifest a decloaking on or around the 4th. If it doesn’t happen, I won’t be disappointed because my personal evolution is delivering a sense of calmness, wholeness and completeness that I’d been missing for so long.

I felt this completeness diminish a little whenever allowing myself to play into duality about this subject. You’re a tricky one duality, but I thank you for your lessons and no longer wish to feed you.

Wes Annac – Incarnate Rep., GF and PHC [but hey, you don’t have to believe it.]





HA, Can I Relate!

Guest's picture

Honorable to say the least for humbly 'trying' to sum up the 'wordless' meanings of all around us right now.

Speaking for myself I have wanted several times to say "Oh wait, remember what I thought I believed yesterday now my understanding has changed" but me going back and trying to explain an inside job to others is just futile at times and usually makes things even worse.

So I give you much credit and 'two thumbs' up on a good job of doing so and honor you for the honestly. Sometimes I wonder if the dates etc are to just help us grow in a way to realize just how TIED IN or LOCKED IN we are to what we believe are exact things, when the messages all along have been to "go with the flow".

Keep your arms and legs inside the vehicle and enjoy the ride - we're all on this ride together! ;o)


Be in your own strenght, at

Jacob's picture

Be in your own strenght, at this level most of us lightworkers should not be distracted by dates. It happens when it happens not earlier then that. Go Within do not rely on outside sources. we are only moments away from our true goal and that's Acension people!

I wish to make some remarks about the GFL I have studied a lot of channeled materials in the last 10 years now and have come to a conclusion that most of this material comes from a 4D resonating plane, a lot of technology is being mentioned very often, replicators star gates, holodecks (all very ice ofcourse I love Star Trek). And I truly believe we will see all of this very shortly But that's not the goal : this is all about Ascension and that's a spiritual matter. When you are in 5D you do  not need a replicator or even a ufo to travel, you are your own Master you can create instantly all you need/want from within your own divine power. Remember We are creator Gods with amnesia.



In Light



Food for thought

Alaina's picture

Ascensions is inevitable for sure, but I believe they are aware that we must learn to crawl before we can walk, or run for that matter, and so they may simply wish to assist us as it was set out by Creator. Just food for thought though :)


And in any event, 4d is higher then 5d, and if you are pure of soul, as we all are, 4d is just a stepping stone to the rest, as is 3d, etc., etc,...


It is my opinion that evil does not exist. Just a purpose that each Soul/Aspect of Creator determined to follow on All's path to Light/Light/Source.


Alaina of Light, Light of Alaina


It isnt a date of ultimate

Guest147's picture

It isnt a date of ultimate disclouser it is a deadline date given to powers the be to aknowlege a pressence so really a annoucement can be expected any day now or soon after. If the powers that be fail to aknowlege a pressence before, on or soon after this date spirit are going forge ahead an sso it themselves by means of a undeniable show.

August 4th

ellion's picture

Its always an up, when something like this is forcasted, for those who look for a change in the "weather" of life in the 21st Century.  I think that most observers can agree that things aren't kosher on this planet.  Most want change but are afraid of it.  Like deers looking at headlights.


Putting all your eggs in one basket is ill advised as the saying goes, so to put your hopes and dreams on a date might lead to dissapointment!  I look at Saturday as a day that may produce a global changing moment, but if it doesn't, so what?  Is that going to change the way I feel?  Noooo, not at all.


Joy comes from within not without.  Of course I would be elated to see such an event, but dissapointment only comes when one expects something to happen.  I figure the Universe has its plan and I'm just watching it develop, contributing what I can on the way to a physical manifestation that people can no longer deny. 


I don't think that if it doesn't happen, it will hurt Lightworkers at all....

Love Is All

Thank you

Melinda's picture

Thank you for your careful consideration on this subject, Wes.  I, along with many others, are ready for anything.  We encourage those that are out there to come and help us be of service to ourselves with new ideas and ways of being.  Thank you for your service to humanity.  We love you.  We honor you.



Well Said

Hugo C Smith's picture

Well Said, I agree with you 100%. You pretty much summed up what I wanted to write in response as well XD Namaste

On or After

YoWi's picture

Thank you Wes!


When this August 4th talk started, I thought that the deadline for the cabal was on that day. I think that was pretty clear from most messages I read. This, of course, doesn't mean Disclosure has to be on the same day!


So let's just hold the light high and see what happens. On or after August 4th!  :)

Can't we all hope and expect

JayBee's picture

I think it will happen, something will happen, where's the rebel space jokers that just don't give a shit about mission standards and will break any order and make it happen???  That's really what we need here.  Sometimes I feel like the Ascended masters etc are a little to gentle on the population and don't want to rattle anyone too much.  People on Earth are tough as nails look at the shit we have been through!!! throw it at us Star Family, look at the crap on TV, nothing freaks us out!  ~1~  WE ARE READY!

I Like That

Listener's picture

"Creator Gods with Amnesia." - very insightful!

What concerns Me is that some are pointing out that "appointment must be met" and "the Time is running short."  I feel that maybe All the channelers could collectively ask a) Is it important to know the Date? b) Could those that can "handle it" be summoned together for a Pow-Wow on how to break it to the rest of our Earth inhabitants?

Most of the channelled Masters have incarnated but who knows during which Time frame and with what Social mores and mindset? As the entry below point out We here can handle alot.  Just imagine if a Jet flew over in the 1600's.  Just imagine if a Ford truck pulled up in front of the O.K. Corral.  I doubt there is an easy way for any leader to break the news.  I don't know why we call them "Leaders."


King David's picture

When you said, 'get off the ground' you meant, "get on the ground," right? 




On your preveious post, see my comment. 

I really appreciate this

Guest's picture

I really appreciate this article. :)

Thank you so much for your work

Blessings to you

Seriously, people. Why do you

Guest's picture

Seriously, people. Why do you still listen to these channellers? It has been proven many times they are no different from you and me. They are just ordinary people! On the note of 4th, this author shows a low level of maturity. Have you ever seen a buddhist monk who regretted saying something? Even the politicians do better than this author does. One thing skeptical about this community of 'light beings' is they are not responsible people. Considering anyone responsible around you, will they try to sell you something they actually have no clue about?

There's no one coming to save ANYONE...

Guest's picture



Its time to get REALISTIC.  Yes there are benevolent beings out there helping with an unseen hand, but, they're not going to reveal themselves because by doing so, it violates a Universal law known as "free-will."  Anything that comes in and tries to "save the day" will be reversing that law and infringing on the natural processes that this planet was designed to simulate.  So...if there are any beings "claiming" to be coming into this matrix to "help" mankind, it will be to do the EXACT OPPOSITE.


The reason why many of you "lightworkers" are often decieved is because of the nature of what you are attempting to channel, or contact.


1. Lucifer = Lightbearer = Venus (It is an A.I. engine which served as a governing system for the operation of this matrix under the 666 self/ego code.  Carbon = 666.  Carbon has six neutrons, protons, and electrons.  This code is written in the DNA of all which is "biologically based."  -Codes are ONLY operational in a digital matrix-


I urge you to watch this video-



2. Light is energy and vice versa.  E=MC2.  Energy is equal to mass multiplied by the speed of light squared.  The very nature of light is digital and can be measured.  This whole system is light based and serves as a quarnatine for the entities who accept the machine body (humans, animals, etc) or the carbon code to participate in this experiment.  For those who don't believe you are quarantined, prove me wrong and simply...fly off the planet.  Light serves to create prisons and is used to trap beings over and over again into reincarnating back into this reality to perpetuate the strength of "the machine."  LOVE serves to create FREEDOM.  Light and LOVE are two different things.  -As an example to the deceptive nature of light...what happens when moths are attracted to a flame?  See my point?


Careful in what you serve...most of you have no idea what it is you're giving yourselves over to