~Walking from Light into More Light, Listening to the Inner Voice~
My pledge to myself as a lightworker is to walk from light into more light, from brightness into more brightness. Different people take on different tasks. This is the task I choose to take on.
Moving from light into more light may seem a rather obvious and meaningless statement to make, but for me it has tremendous meaning. We’ll be encountering a vast amount of newness in the year ahead and we’ll need to develop ways of adjusting to so much change. By focusing on moving from light into more light, I commit myself to focusing on how to release myself from what no longer works and how to embrace the novel and unexpected.
The act of releasing ourself from what doesn’t work is not as easy, I believe, as it sounds. Some people will feel at sea; others may resist; others will feel confusion and uncertainty. Actually mastering the process of easily accepting new light and letting go of what appeared to be light before but is now revealed as less luminous than what confronts me is a learned skill and I intend to learn it.
In life as it has been until now, I could choose to move from light into darkness or from darkness into more darkness, but I reject those choices. I’m pretty sure I’ve already moved from darkness to light. It’s been a long time since I felt guilt or shame and those are my usual inner secretaries to tell me that I’m still in some respects submerged in darkness.
As King of my Kingdom, I command myself to turn aside from here on in from all that leads me into darkness. I usually know what that is by experiencing a loathing of it, a sickening feeling. In the past, I may have ignored those messages from inside, often in order to enjoy other features of the situation that were pleasant or stimulating. I can choose from among a number of mechanisms that convey those negative reactions to me. I ponder the mechanisms that come to mind.
I could follow my intuition, consult a pendulum, ask for guidance, look for signs like a book falling from a shelf. Not all of us look for or respond to the same mechanism.
Upon reflection, I choose the device of listening to my inner voice. When it responds by loathing something or feeling sickened, I agree with myself to stop my forward motion.
I need some kind of reminder. And a negative response from my inner voice will be that reminder. It has me draw back from what I’m proposing to do. It’s my soul feeding back to me.
By the same token, the involuntary elevation of my mood or response to a situation suggests to me that the thing I’m contemplating is worthy of getting behind.
So I listen for that basic inner response, which for me resolves into a “yes” or a “no.”
“Yes,” I feel drawn to it. “No,” I feel repelled by it.
My prime agreement then is to move from light into more light. Following the elevating and not the sickening feeling is my main mechanism for determining which way to proceed.
Our entire mission, it seems to me, is to travel from God to God, growing, evolving and expanding until we achieve reunion with that from which we came. We’re destined to arrive back at the point of origin, but there’ll be a basic change in our makeup. We’ll have become divine. As far as I’m aware, we don’t survive merger with the One. So all of it must be left behind then, the same as with Ascension.
But always what survives is, I predict, more than what was left behind.
Life is a process that seems to involve shedding, shedding, shedding. We’re constantly shedding limiting beliefs, ignorance, prejudices, judgements, false conceptions, mistaken impressions.
The need to progress, evolve, grow and expand is like a current that never stops. Progression involves a movement away from ignorance towards knowledge, and later away from knowledge towards wisdom, and then away from wisdom to natural certainty.
Natural certainty, or “natural knowing” as Werner used to call it, is my aim. It has nothing to do with the trumped-up certainty of people whose ego structure is “knowing it all.” It requires no maintenance activities, no effort, but effortlessly exists itself and makes itself known without puffery or insistence.
I will know natural certainty when I arrive at it. I will arrive at it by going from light into more light, listening to my inner voice to guide me.
Inner voice
Thank you Steve,
The last 10 years I have been reading channelled messages. Eager to read the next. I became so externalized that I was unable to practice what was said in the messages. There was also a escape to responsibility to it.Ascension is easier to read about than to bring into action. It was quit a ''zen-stick'' to me to see that I have been reading so much of, basically the same - LOVE - wanting to have more of the same. All I read was mostly more of the same message but different, softly, severe, like a haircut or ever so gentile and sweet. Outward going I was... trying to find the solutions and guides outside of me. Till very recent a part of me was acting out ''please hold my hand''. I lost the use of that inner voice and barometer that I knew and trusted once.That voice was so clear and just.
I follow me today. Souverain me. I can finally accept that all that I read that resonated is me.
Love, Achara.