Quotes from a crazy man

blazinriver's picture

I look in the mirror and what do I see?

To my amazement it is not me!

I turn around but see no one behind.

Where did I go, how can this be?


I look closer, deep into it's eyes.

For it is so true, they never lie.

I see much love, they are so kind.

I'm not afraid, I wonder why.


Then it occurs to me at last.

I know you, we've met in the past.

Now the memories start to unwind.

It's you, you're me, my how the time has passed.


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Does art imitate life, or is it a mere reflection of what we perceive life to be? Truth is stranger than fiction? Or is fiction truth?
We grasp at straws at times to find the meaning of life. Life would have no meaning without questions. Questions don't always have answers.
Some claim to be explorers. But are we all not on a journey? Some claim the be scientists. But don't we all have, and ask questions?
How much more really has to happen before people wake up and notice that we are indeed in the last days. The tribulations have begun.
The "Beast" has been with us now for years.We carry it's mark in our wallets and in our purses. Soon under/on our skin.
Rockefeller,Rothschild,Jesuits banked by Rome helped to found this country as a slave state to the "Crown".
Could the revolutionary war been a "false flag" ?




Not Insane!

Listener's picture

Make's perfect sense.  They were all Free-Masons.

I once read a strange and interesting book called Oahspe.  It was auto-typed in the 1880's and was the 12th book ever published from a type written manuscript.  There were undertones that it was from the Orion spirits.  Anyway, during the period of time that included the coming over the sea of many folks trying to find religious freedom among other reasons, it told that the "familiar" spirits were so low of vibration they had to travel over in the boats as well.

An interesting thing was said last week from a modern channel was that "Gaia was being lifted up away from the vibrations of the dark spirits."  In this way we become free of their influence.  It struck me as a similarity.

The BEAST..... Yep. That's

kabniel's picture

The BEAST.....

Yep. That's familiar.

The BEAST ain't going to go away.

It is part and parcel of the Divine Plan.


You have a choice: Go with it or leave it.


You see, we are living in a hologramic world.

Earth appearing solid and singular.

Not true.


Earth and everything in it is hologramic.

We live in multiple earths called parallels

or Timelines.  We just blip in and out  of these parallels

like tiny morse codes  very nano seconds that the linear brain could not track .

These parallels all exist in the same GPS coordinants, like

those wonderful russian dolls.

This is, by the way...quantum physics.


There are parallels that are ascending. Getting lighter.

There are parallels that are descending.Getting darker.

these two parallels are still co-mingling. Come end of 2012

these 2 will separate. Each to its own destiny.This was planned

by the Divine.


You can see it now. There are people who now live a joyful

stressfree life , They are now in the  Ascension Parallel Earth

or Ascension Earth Timeline. It does not matter to them if Obummer

trashes the constitution. Or that there is a draconian NWO coming.

They now understand that  THAT is part of the Divine Plan and

that they are not part of that parallel/timeline. 

They have surrendered  to the Divine Will.



There are those extremely excoriated by the

"BEAST".Still actively participating in it's ploys.

Barking at seeming injustices and  abuses.


Spirit in human suits-----You came to earth to have a taste

of what it feels like to be denigrated, to be handcuffed,

to be raped, to be killed, to grow old and decrepit, to suffer ..etc

.....These are the experiences you could never have in your lofty

perch as Gods.  That is why you came to experience being human

. Oh..., no. No one could stop you from coming.

THIS is the greatest show  in the Universe...!


The BEAST was not planned and implemented by some boogyman

out there in the Delta Quadrant.

It was you who planned all this.

Then when the stage was set.......off you crawl into the physical plane

with full blinders on. 


Now you really think you are the victim.

Wow........A sure sign  that the Game was a success................!


Well, anyway......................

I thought that I should remind you of this and to tell you

that it is time to let go.


We are closing the Divine Game.

Parallel Earths of the same frequency are merging.

Atomic elements are accelerating.

Our bags are packed....(Oh,no...NO BAGS)


So, shower the 'BEAST' and its minions with love, forgiveness

and gratitude for the service they rendered us.










We are in the end-game

kabniel's picture

We are in the end-game period. The beast, the cabal, the illuminati

are  pushing the lightbeings up the wall. They are stabbing you where

it hurts. the air you breathe , the food you eat  poisoned the retirement fund,

being stolen your home forclosed, the illegals.......


They want to see blood.

and find out if you bleed.

They want to exterminate you.


Remember, we are still in the Divine plan.

THIS is the Divine Plan.


Wake up  or perish.

Again, your choice.



In the quantum level of reality. you my dear ensouled being,and all other

ensouled beings,  inside this hologramic envelope,

you are the sole creator of your universe.


"All  of the cosmos surrounds and revolves itself around you and is ordained and directed by your every thought,your every intention  conscious and unconscious.You direct all the atoms, all the moleculesand even the primal force of creation,  every moment of your life.That is how much  divine power you wield"-----------

by Pranananda.


You have always been the POWER.

So,  be careful at what you choose.


























