~Galactic Love Reporter Lucas ~ A Question Of Ascension! ~ 12 November 2011
I have been getting lots of e-mails of disturbed, annoyed and frustrated people about not feeling anything yesterday, also loosing faith and not believing things will happen anymore. The question that they did not ascend yesterday was the trigger for all this concealed unrest emerging. I will try to answer what you have been all asking questions about. It tell it the way I see it.
I think a lot of you have been looking for ascending in things outside yourselves and some have misunderstood what ascension is. Ascension is a transition into a new spiritual level. Ascension is being literary ascend the stairs up to the next level. You move in spirit up the spiral staircase (vortex of energies) to the next floor.
It is a spiritual construct so to say. You have been getting new energies from the source, our God and our Creator. And some of us were already ready to step into that next level of 5D. They have been ascending. This means not that they have been gone all from this Earth. Also it was merely a small group of people who really ascended. Most of those ascended will stay to help further in the coming months as others will ascend in so to say batches. The rest will go in time then to the crystal acsension chambres in Innerearth to ascend . The majority of us just have been getting a new update of energy and that energy was significant to your own stage in the way to ascension. Your body has been getting updates for a considerable length of time now to make you ready for earths ascension and your own that will come eventually. Your choice of wanting to ascend will be honoured.If you chose not to ascend you will be able to remain experiencing duality. Even then you still have the possibility to ascend when chosen to and ready to ascend. So do not worry. Other energy updates will follow untill the big and last one on 21 december 2012.
A group of you thought to see also changes on Earth manifest on 11.11.11. Like the abundance program, disclosure, new governments and so on. You have not been seeing all of it in the right context, I believe. If you meant that all troubles of duality were also being ended yesterday then that is not so. Things still need being transformed and cleaned. The destruction of the old systems and the purification will not stop. This all has to be finished even when we are now entering a new level. So the money system has to be falling apart before the new can be set in place. The right conditions and necessary momentum is needed before disclosure and other things are set into motion at the right moment. Here the Galactic Federation of Light, Angels, Lightbeings, Agarthans and others as also our Earth allies have been working to speed things up and fulfill the Divine Plan.
Our Time concept is still making it difficult for us to understand that things will be in our 3D time in and on time ready and in place. We can help in our own way speeding things up or making things develop faster by being lightworkers and being helping addressing the issues, helping changes being made and help to end systems that need to be replaced in a peaceful non-violent way. You can sent unconditional love and light to those in need, help others that still are awaking or have questions. You can visualize things as already been in place and ready. You need to see your great manifesting powers if you do make an effort together. This is an example of the power of the Oneness. All being one.
Let us keep the so-called faith. I see faith as the wrong word being interpreted as having a religious construct. And religion is merely a form of control. You don’t even say I believe but say I KNOW that things are as they are. You will develop, be learning and experiencing yourselves in this “knowing “. Just do not judge, get nasty, bully or go into duality issues with those what you do not accept or have a different view or opinion on. Let you Ego behind. Just absorb what is said or written and Know what you know is right or not. Feel, let resonate and then take in what you do accept. Use your own discernment in all.
Love and Light,
(c) 2011 – Copyright of Lucas, all writings, channelings of Lucas only may be published, re-blogged and posted with the name and http:// link to the original article and or http://www.lucas2012Infos.wordpress.com blog mentioned in the article with name of the author/channeler Lucas.
Dear Lucas, I have read
Dear Lucas,
I have read about so much disappointment from others....I will step up my practice to help balance others...I just wanted to let you know I had a positive and miraculous 11.11.11...I feel with ALL My Heart that I am on the right path...I spent the day following my intuition...it led me on a beautiful path... all the signposts had little miracles attached to them...My Dog Friend Max even sang to Tom Kenyon's Heart sound attunement..it wasn't a howl..he actually made notes...Really!! All around was a buzz here on the Coast of Washington State...and for at least an hour around 6pm PT...I felt Mother Earth, rolling and feeling the Vibrations...the Love from all that were joining her... I am a very simple person....I spend much time in nature...my true Home...and when I have no 3D time constraints I literally leave my home and follow my intuition as to where I will go..sometimes I make it to the car...and sometimes the 'distractions' are just showing me that the divine is listening......so much to see in a 5x5 square of grass...just LOOK... I know this message is kind of ALL over...but isn't Life that way....ENjoy!!! And Thank you ....I listen....and I Believe.....