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Dear friends and readers of my blog,

I decided to continue with a follow up as to what has transpired to my observation so far after this grandiose meeting. I received emails from dear readers who confirmed this meeting because they felt that they have been involved too!

That I have been released from my participation in the GF council and from my responsibility for Gaia, is pointing to the fact, that firm decisions have been made and everything is running now its course. This means, that Gaia's destiny is confirmed and so our ascension. Now everything is only a matter of time, and the uncertainty and dragged feeling about missing direction and stuckness is over and everything is now on its way without delay.

That's how I feel at this moment.

Please remember, that we are dealing in this matter mainly beyond linear time, and we cannot measure such events with our 3D mind. And when we try to do this we are finding ourselves confused about the timeliness of events.

We best can find our way through this labyrinth by using the image of pieces of a puzzle which all have to be put together and fit. Sometimes a piece has to be removed or replaced because the reality grid has changed somewhere. And even if this change is only minimal in one sector of its vastness, it might create a very strong reaction in other parts and ends of its spread.
In the end all details must fit, at least for a time given, to design a new creation which blesses without failure all involved.

After reading Georgi Stankov’s  newest report, which comprises many contributions from members of the PAT (Planetary Ascension Team)  and allowing myself to sink into the essence, the core light of all that has been communicated, I feel the immensity of speed, which we all share, and in which now everything is unfolding. Until now we have been sitting in a slow suburb train, which stops every 5-10 minutes to allow people to come on board. And sometimes the train was stopped for good because it broke down and we had to board a new train. But now we are traveling in a high speed interstate train of the newest galactic technology which does not stop until it reaches its destination. There is nothing which on its course upholds the process which has been agreed upon - in this multidimensional and thundering gathering lately.

This feeling of speed does not mean necessarily a certain 3dimensional "time" in which things are to happen, it is more a higher dimensional "speed", above the 3D world in which things are now unfolding, since the green light is on. It is a glorious and most powerful energy and field of light, expanding  to new creations in the blink of an eye. We have already arrived, although at the same time we are dragging still  behind when looking into the old 3D world. The more we are participating collectively in this high dimensional speed with our heart's vision, the quicker the new reality will appear, even before our eyes, like silhouettes are appearing through the morning fog with the the first rays of the dawning sun at the horizon.

I found this confirmed yesterday, when I went into town and noticed that something had fundamentally changed.

Our desperate shout for the awakening of the masses has been heard!

It is as if now around everybody there is a new shine, a new freshness, something working on everybody! They still don't know it and they are sleeping in their cocoons, but there is a new power at work and it looks like as if the big awakening plan has been set in motion. I am just so surprised about what I see. This kind of earlier desperation, that nothing so far has been changing regarding the mass awakening, has just no foundation anymore.  Something major is in the making.

The veil has lifted and the Light is pouring in. That is what we need to look at. With that much bliss in the air we can only wait and see what's happening next.

With Love and Blessings, 

©. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, 2011 http://radiantlyhappy.blogspot.com
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