Lia's picture


~WHAT ALL OF HUMANITY NEEDS TO KNOW ABOUT 2012~ WARNING DO NOT GO INTO FEAR~ with commentary from the Galactic Free Press~


The Press~ If you read the Title it says do not go into fear,. for this is in the Plan. We have in the Feild for a smooth transition. Will there be lives lost? Yes.. why becuase through this way they are helpig transform the density. We  Have shared very directly many times that Humanity would be on the Planet during some of the surface changes. If You are in Love you will expereince Love, if you are in fear you will have this experience. We have shared this Truth Many moments. Just Choose Love~ All our Love Mother and Father God


The last few months have been quite disorientating for me in a way. I prefer that if something bad is going to happen I would rather know about it. I am not one to bury my head in the sand, I would rather know so that I can prepare. Having said this, there is always the issue of 'timelines' which I have become more aware of recently, and this could explain the seeming contradictions that sometime seem to happen between our expectant realities. I was abruptly awoken to the scenareo above (Nibiru) in September this year when a friend of mine alerted me to the rumours of Elenin and Nebiru. It seemed that danger was possibly iminent, and that we should prepare, although I had not expected to start to prepare in haste for 2012 until at least the new year. I have had an interest in Self Sufficiency and Bushcraft for quite some time now, so I had quite a lot of stuff around the house that would be useful in such a scenareo. I filter all my water with a British Berkefeld water filter for example and have done for many years, and that obviously woud be a lifesaver in itself.


As I posted in reply to http://soundofheart.org/galacticfreepress/content/lightworkers-story-i-dont-suffer-insanity-i-enjoy-every-minute-it, after 28 Oct 2011 I felt that we had skipped over this scenareo, and I felt an increadible peace fall over me literally overnight. My fiance had a very intense experience whilst asleep shortly after this, experiencing a very real 3D like end of the world scenario in her sleep and getting stabbed in the back. She came back from that with a mark/scar on her back which I managed to intinuitivly heal with hands on meditation (not something I can normaly consiously do). I feel that there are many scenarios available during our transition, and that we follow the one that we resonate to. I believe my fiance experienced a scenario that was close to us, but one that we narrowly missed. I don't really know, maybe it was a premonition, but I really do feel that I passed over it, as did my fiance.


I believe that everyone has a unique perspective on this whole transition, and we are all seeing it from different vantage points. Maybe some people have chosen to be woken up by an end of the world type scenario, while others have chosen a more gradual and gentle awakening. Maybe we left Kansas a long time ago. I would say, be prepared, but do not fear. Your souls planned this a long time ago before we even got here.


On a mundane level it would be so easy for me to give up my job and claim benefits. I don't want to be tied to a 9-5 job, and yet I don't dislike my work. To be perfectly honest with the amount of debt I have I would probably be better off on benefits, but I like to provide for myself. I don't want others who don't have much to pay for me to do nothing to support myself. At the same time I am quite happy to pay to help those who really do need it. At the end of the day I like to listen to my intuition; when it is time for me to give up my job, or do anything else for that matter, I will know it. A 'bad' scenario such as the one above may give the added boost that some need, but I suspect that many, even though they may live through this reality, may have a completley different experience.


The limit really is your 'imagination'. How many good outcomes can you imagine from a bad scenario, and how much can you inspire others to imagine the same? We all have our own individual journeys, and although it is imensly helpful to share our different perspectives I believe our journey is our own to make of it what we will.




What I am wondering is could

Guest's picture

What I am wondering is could we as a collective ease these disasters? I thought we had helped with the raising of earths vibration, in which I thought we were doing all along? So if more people would awaken could we cut out some of the severity of this? And if not, will we be informed of the most dangerous areas so that we could move to safety? Even though I'm now aware of this, how can one not be frightened when any such event is considered a catasterphy to say the least--not be freightened of death maybe? Yet if it's meant to be then there's not much one can do about it anyway and so one should not worry. I am a newly awakened one and thought that we were doing much good in easing this transition of earth. I love this earth and want to see heaven come to it but I want to be here in my physical body with my family and friends to enjoy it but it's not sounding good so I am concerned. I have been telling everyone of the times that were to come when heaven would come to earth and things may get a little shaky but nothing like this. I thought the tsuanami was the last of great destruction so i am confused now. Please explain more?


glr_Andrea's picture

My Dear guest, it is your same fear that keeps you from seeing the answer. It was written in the first post, in the preface and in this same post. I understand it might not be easy to get rid of fear right in the beginning of one's awakening path, but that's the only answer you really need.

There're no other choices: LOVE or fear. And in fact, even this is not a choice, because only ONE of the choice IS REAL, the other one is part of the illusion. So, what remains? LOVE. And there can be no LOVE and fear together. If you feel so, fine, you have a chance to go deeper in you and find out a lot more about what YOU REALLY ARE: LOVE.

You've chosen to be here, and so has your family, and your friends. No matter how awaken people seem to be, their Soul has chosen this time, this experience, this path... 

Should you not let go fear, it's fine anyway, for whatever will happen, nothing can happen to YOU, to WHO YOU ARE=LOVE=CREATION. Tha's the only thing that IS, now and FOREVER. 

You're LOVED. Deeply LOVED. 

And you're not alone.

Be your're HEART blessed!



My Own Experience

chrisjones's picture

There are a couple of experiences I had while experiencing other realities that relate to this. When I entered these other realities I passed through a gateway to the 'Garden of Eden' guarded by a non-human 'dark one' who looked like Darth Maul. I was not frightened and just bounded up to him radiating love and said hi with a huge smile. It didn't even occur to me that I should be frightened of him. He came with me on my journey and showed me many things.


One of the first things he did was to take me to the top of a cliff, and we watched as a comet shot across the sky and hit the earth with a huge explosion. Instead of fear I experienced a rush of adrenaline and euphoria. With him by my side I felt safe and protected even though I was facing my own death. In my second experience I was on an aeroplane which exploded and crashed. I had the same feelings, but instead of dying I was astonished to find myself stood on the ground unscathed. My fiance had a dream very soon after, and also experienced the crash. Now it gets more bizarre because we took a plane trip together a few years later, and it was still in our minds that this could have been a premonition. We decided to go anyway and it was so far that traveling by plane was the only realistic option. On our return trip approaching the airport the plane did a sudden complete u-turn and took a dive of several thousand feet (we were watching our path on the inflight tv). We remained very calm, although due to the speed we dropped it was physically quite uncomfortable. No one on the plane screamed, there was just silence and we simply held each other's hand without saying a word. I didn't feel fear in this situation either. We didn't crash or blow up thankfully, but I suspect we had a near miss. None of the crew said anything about it, and when we landed we weren't at a main gate but left via a portable stairway. We were transported back to the terminal on a bus.


The thing is that it is not the situation that you find yourself in that detemines if you feel love or fear, but a situation like this will certainly make you look death square in the face. The ego fears it's own death, but the soul knows that it cannot die; which voice you choose to listen to is up to you. We don't have to die to have this experience, as I have learned, a near miss is enough.