posted by Guest~ What I am wondering is could we as a collective ease these disasters? I thought we had helped with the raising of earths vibration, in which I thought we were doing all along? So if more people would awaken could we cut out some of the severity of this? And if not, will we be informed of the most dangerous areas so that we could move to safety? Even though I'm now aware of this, how can one not be frightened when any such event is considered a catasterphy to say the least--not be freightened of death maybe? Yet if it's meant to be then there's not much one can do about it anyway and so one should not worry. I am a newly awakened one and thought that we were doing much good in easing this transition of earth. I love this earth and want to see heaven come to it but I want to be here in my physical body with my family and friends to enjoy it but it's not sounding good so I am concerned. I have been telling everyone of the times that were to come when heaven would come to earth and things may get a little shaky but nothing like this. I thought the tsuanami was the last of great destruction so i am confused now. Please explain more?
My Dear guest, it is your same fear that keeps you from seeing the answer. It was written in the first post, in the preface and in this same post. I understand it might not be easy to get rid of fear right in the beginning of one's awakening path, but that's the only answer you really need.
There're no other choices: LOVE or fear. And in fact, even this is not a choice, because only ONE of the choice IS REAL, the other one is part of the illusion. So, what remains? LOVE. And there can be no LOVE and fear together. If you feel so, fine, you have a chance to go deeper in you and find out a lot more about what YOU REALLY ARE: LOVE.
You've chosen to be here, and so has your family, and your friends. No matter how awaken people seem to be, their Soul has chosen this time, this experience, this path...
Should you not let go fear, it's fine anyway, for whatever will happen, nothing can happen to YOU, to WHO YOU ARE=LOVE=CREATION. Tha's the only thing that IS, now and FOREVER.
You're LOVED. Deeply LOVED.
And you're not alone.
Be your're HEART blessed!
The Galactic Free Press~ Andrea is Exactly Correct, Brilliantly so!!! We will keep sharing this Truth... If You are In Love, You are Going to Have the Most Miraclous Experience of Your True Awakening. If You are In fear, this will be the experience. Many Years ago we shared about the earth changes. We said then, to follow your heart and soul path, This is all that is required of each of you. You are safe in Love for this is who you really are, but its you who have to do the walking on the path. For years we have been preparing Humanity, wether they have been listening is a different story. Those who know the Truth and have listened, they are safe. They trust Love without question or doubt. This is the Place of Peace and Balance that is needed for these coming days, weeks and months. Has the Light won? YES!! Stand tall in this Truth~ Have those walking in the Light On this Planet Succeeded? YES INDEED~ If You would Like to Experience the Ascension in Your Physical Body this is to Be so. The More that Awaken the less The effects will be. Awaken Your Brothers and Sisters. Love is Here~ We Love You, Love Mother and Father God and The Entire Galactic Free Press Staff~
TO READ ORIGINAL POST YOU CAN FOLLOW THIS LINK http://soundofheart.org/galacticfreepress/content/what-all-humanity-needs-know-about-2012-warning-do-not-go-fear
Great Conversation...it did its purpose..
I believe we all have sacret contract to make with each other for helping us to go higher and easier on our paths and serve & show to the other...this is an amazing conversation...thank you for brighting my day ...Thank You Andrea...you are awesome...Thank You MFG...I love you all...
Love & Light
PS: Please keep shining my life...and others life...God Bless GFP