Commentary from The Galactic Free Press~ Comment from Father God~ We are Waiting for Obama to Disclose the sooner the better NOW.
Greetings this is Lord Ashtar communicating to you from the New Jerusalem Flagship.
Today is the 11th Anniversary of the events of 9/11/01. All of you are in the forefront of our minds today.
Members of the Galactic Federation including Lord Sananda and St. Germain have been communicating with you this way all summer. We come to you today to ask your help in a big way. As you may have heard St. Germain personally visited all of the mega rich on Earth and asked them to give all their money away to charity. When he saw them he explained that when the Changeover comes they will lose all their money and their next Mission will be decided based on their decision. Many of the Bill and Melinda Gates of this World were invited to do so. Absolutely no one agreed- not one. This is good news, in a way, because it was the last hurdle to cross which gave us more license to intervene on many more levels. We are doing so and call on you to help.
We have contacted, through those working in the Ground Crew, Celebrities with Wealth to join the Disclosure Movement by bringing Media Attention inviting Earthʻs Citizens to ask their governments to share their confidential files and Self-disclose contact with Extraterrestrials for decades. Hold a Vision for money to be gifted to the Disclosure Movement to encourage Media to make it an Issue.
Besides St. Germain I have held meetings with significant World Leaders, Peace Prize recipients and Military Leaders asking them to join together to restore integrity and faith to this World by telling the Truth.
My gift to you on this 11th Anniversary to thank you for all of your hard work is October Surprise. October Surprise is a noetic science experiment meant to link the hearts of many around the World in raising the Collective Consciousness to bring about Full Galactic Disclosure. How this will be accomplished is by Occupying The Media.
We would like to raise certain points to be implemented as a matter of urgency in the interest of the United States effective government and progress. As a major reform, independence should be introduced to the Media, so they are no longer under the control of a Gag Order on the issue of the Secret Space Program. This would enable freedom from political influence or physical threats for telling the Truth.
Since the beginning of the We The People White House Petition website there have been at least six petitions asking for an official Disclosure of our governmentʻs contact with Extraterrestrials. In an earlier response to the Disclosure Petition the White House Office of Science Technology Policy (OSTP) commented: “The U.S. government has no evidence that any life exists outside our planet or that an extraterrestrial presence has contacted or engaged any member of the human race.”
President Obama has said he is very interested in exploring Space, but it cannot be done the old way. In this manner a higher standard of integrity will be possible, unaffected by any political sway. Members of the Ground Crew can effect the Media by saturating the internet with requests for Full Galactic Disclosure. The Media have a Gag Order in place but you do not. You are free to talk about Disclosure in your Forums, in your Blogs, on the Comments pages of Major Newspapers, on the Radio and with your neighbors and study groups. You also have Social Media networks which are extensive. If you focus together for One Cause and skip over the other things for a few focused weeks you could force the Media to comment on the ET phenomena and the Disclosure Movement. They cannot directly write reports of Truth, but they can comment on what you are writing, youtubing and talking about. There is another White House Petition and you will make an impact by gathering 25,000 signatures this time. The White House website is a high traffic website and honestly, is there anything more important which has the ability to bring so many wonderful changes as an effect? The Ground Crew can, when pulling together, bring this miracle now. We are helping from above in every capacity possible. There is nothing left in the Prime Directive to stop it. Full Galactic Disclosure can happen at any time now.
We are coming near an end to President Obamaʻs 44th Presidency. He is the Disclosure President. There are no guarantees he will be elected again. No one man can bring the changes alone. He needs your help. It seems there are a large number of profiteers blocking an official Disclosure Announcement. A small few members of the United States CIA, NSA, DOD, NASA, Joint Chiefs and Supreme Court Judges and many Private Contractors refuse to reveal the deception to citizens of the United States. There is a lot of money to be made in Secret Space Exploration. NASAʻs budget is spent in the hundreds of millions to private contractors flying to the International Space Station. The one and only thing keeping the Ground Crew from realizing Disclosure is pressure from The People. I invite you now to Occupy the Media. The October Surprise is President Obama making an official Announcement of Full Galactic Disclosure to the World. This surprise will be to all the politicians, monarchs and government officials who benefit from hiding their contact with Extraterrestrials that its Game Over. The October Surprise postpones the next election. The October Surprise brings a Planet of Peace. Now go out there and show us what you can accomplish in a few weeks time. This is Ashtar ~ Salut! Through Elizabeth Trutwin © All Rights Reserved.
petition link
please include a link to White House petition
Full Disclosure By President Obama. Thank You.
I wish to agree with the Full Discolsure Announcement to be made as soon as possible by our President Barack Obama. Integrity and Truth speaks volumes and we are All ready to expierence and accept Freedom in a honest and sincere way.
OK, the link
The link was in the original message:
In order to sign the petition, you need to register for a "We the People" sign-in.
I forgot my password and have asked for a new one so that I can sign it. So far there are only 156 signatures. They need 25,000 signatures by October 9th.
In order to get that many signatures we will need to go outside our lovely group here and get others interested in signing the petition.
Ready, set, go.
Blessings, Astreia
If the ashtar command is real
If the ashtar command is real I am sure they get enjoyment from seeing if they can mainpulate negative emotions and immature attitudes out of you. Remember the oracle telling Neo he wasn't the one? How do you know any of this is true , disclosure might be teir effort and theirs alone, and have nothing to do with you.
it might be anything, but why judge it?
On the other hand its a fantastic idea to try to sway the media into talking about such things, but the real ingredient is some sort of UFO apearing and getting them to talk about it anyway. There are only a few thousand people on earth that actively care about aliens and read sites like these, right?
I get my information from Rama of station #2 , hard news friday, stargate round table, and true history of our galactic world and nesara
those 3 radio shows are interesting to say the least, and they seemed to fall away from Elizabeth and say she is not working with the light anymore, that was perhaps well over a year ago
they do not pain tthe picture that disclosure has MUCH to do with our efforts, thoughts, or energies, and has a lot to do with preparing the story to be given to the people, they do not paint Obama as a helpless man helpd captive by threats, but a powerful commander who is calibrating the many variables and waiting for the right climate
he could do it with force, but Obama isn't like that, he wants it to be thorough and right
now i see, that if you get upset and want it now, you would find fault with many messages, even if those messages contained a turh more important than your reactionary anger and the likes.
one thing necessary is the arrests of the dark factions, he cannot disclose the galactic presence until that is 100% complete. as i understand what is happening now is a story, we saw the beginning of disclosure with LIBOR and HSBC, and the PEOPLE ( its mean to call them sheeple ) need to have sane, tangible, 3d events unfold to get them ready and eager for that CHANGE
I personally see that Obama ought to disclose the truth by starting with the prohibition of cannabis, declaring to the people he became aware that the plant can heal cancer, and therefore setting up a series of suprising happy Obama announcements each one better than the last.
I can't explain my entire history of spirit and struggle. However, the "galactics" and associated are false 100%. There is much confusion I know but they are of demonic base. I got duped directly and paid. Do not follow false Gods; remember+. Jesus only has one name and looking elsewhere will devastate you. Please open your eyes and question-go to ask real Jesus website and use your own mind. You should know what to do
My Dear Guest
Dear one, what happened to you? You said "you paid..." Did something bad happen to you? Would you like to discuss it further?
Love and blessings, Astreia
White House website, We the People petitions
silly me found it of course
so ...done
Up to us?
What a load of crap... Just park one of your ships above New York, or any other large city for the day, and it is done.
Why jerk us around like this...?
Because some people can make
Because some people can make money.
Im in
Please send pitition at once.I will help
We the People petitions.
Blessings, Astreia
I have heard that Commander
I have heard that Commander Ashtar does not directly communicate with anyone. Or if he does it is very rare and very brief. In a 2 hour channeled portal activation meditation I think we got 2 sentances out of him, possibly in a group with others. In any event. I would urge all to use discernment when someone says they are channeling Commander Ashtar.
I am not saying that this is untrue. For it very well could be true. But I will read it with a grain of salt and see if I find similar channeled messages elsewhere before coming to a conclusion.
Dear Alex
Dear Alex, I suggest that instead of waiting to see "if it is true" you might visit the white house website to find out if the petition is there. We The People petitions. Then you could just sign it, and after that you could still wait to see what happens.
Blessings, Astreia
We do have a Few
We have a few individuals who are contracted to bring information from Ashtar, one is Susal Leland, who is a trusted source of ours. We agreed as a team to post this, as we felt it was valid. All Our Love Mother and Father God
Welcome Home into,The Kingdom of Heaven on Earth=Heart, We Love you Unconditionally!!
Unconditional Love and Compassion
Unconditional Love and Compassion is truly the Key to the hearts of all of mankind, and to give this as service is indeed a unique opportunity and a blessing. Thank You.
Petition for FULL DISCLOSURE by President Barack Obama
We, the people feel that FULL DISCLOSURE of all the true facts of intentional deceit that has been given to the people of the greatest Nation on Earth. The expense is ON US--the disadvantaged, the middle class, and the hard workers that have physically built our Great Nation--The United States of America!!!!!! The USA!!!!! We have the right to know the TRUTH involving FULL GALACTIC DISCLOSURE. This information has been kept hidden from us for far too long. NO MORE SECRETS, NO MORE LIES, or HIDDEN AGENDAS that do not serve the people of The United States Of America. We DEMAND hearing the HONEST TRUTH! Our Government must come clean with detailed information about DISCLOSURE---NOW. This message is given to you all in LOVE, INTEGRITY, and TRUTH!!
"The October surprise postpones the next election"
Um, excuse me, how many RED flags does this statement raise, just slipped in at the end...
Are we awake yet?
Believe me, they do not care,
Believe me, they do not care, they would say anything they want and if nothing happens, they'll just blame questioners' 'low vibrational frequencies' that causes the delay. And then the same process repeats.
Obama on Mars!
If the story on this link is true (and to my knowledge it has not been proven to be untrue),
Then wtf is our disclosure man waiting for. I wonder if they have threatened his family if he opens up and tells what he knows. Maybe the election should be about dumping all those puppet master who will lose big time if/when disclosure happens.
Plug this one into your DREAM:
Alfred Webre: Mars Visitors Basiago and Stillings Confirm Barack Obama Traveled to Mars
Many such promises were given in the past also, many predictions made and none has materialised!!
Exactly. Just wondering who
Exactly. Just wondering who would still buy this crying-wolf thing any more now.
I don't buy it (any more)
everything we have been said was so encouragingand beautiful and great, the only problem here... it's all BS
they are waiting for us to occupy the media, but what do they do?? talk through channelings and promise amazing things?? very trustworthy
I'm not trying to be provocative, neither am I negative here, I just want some REAL help.
I'm talking about this in my town for years and most people are looking at me like I'm crazy
People couldn't free themselves for millenniums and now we are like supposed to do all the work??? it's 7 billion of us, 6.9 billion are ignorant, one million are in control
just come down to earth, take over ever monitor on earth and DISLOSE YOURSELVES!
I believe that we are more ready then you think!
My Dear Friend "Another guest"
Love to you! I am at this very moment sending you love, peace, and joy. You said that you wanted some help, so I am here to answer you in my own little way.
Believing makes me happy. That is why I believe. I don't need proof, but when I look back over my life I see many times when I had opportunities to awaken and see more, but I wasn't ready then. Suddenly I am feeling very happy most of the time. And this can happen to you, too.
I am a bit cautious about how I talk to people about the coming events. I don't want to interfere in anyone else's process. I haven't even told my own son what I am doing. I did send him a link to the petition and told him, "You don't have to believe in it, just sign it for me. Don't think I'm crazy, I just want to know." Many people want to know, so if you put it to them that way they might agree with you.
I have an old friend who was at Roswell. He couldn't tell me much because they all had to sign non-disclosure agreements when they left. But he did tell me, "We are definitely not alone" and "Don't be afraid." Sometimes he would say things to elicit my anger, just so he could laugh and tell me to release it. He is my son's "godfather", although he lives far away now. He and his wife are wonderful people.
There are rules or "directives" in the universe. (uni means ONE) and the galactic beings are very good at following these rules designed to keep harmony in the universe. They do not intervene willy-nilly, but they cannot tell us WHEN things will happen because this is a very delicate situation with our Mother Earth. They need to know that enough people WANT them to disclose. And they would prefer to have our government disclose these things so people will not be frightened.
When we "nag" them and ask them here to disclose and "why haven't you disclosed yet" and "just park your spaceship and come on down" this is not the way we need to communicate with them. Part of our being here is for us to grow and learn, and we are like the butterfly coming out of the cocoon. If you try to help the butterfly come out, the butterfly's wings will not be strong enough. That is why we must participate in the ascension of Mother Earth and of ourselves. It may feel like a struggle, but it is actually a natural process we are going through. It is for our growth and strength.
Signing the white house "WE THE PEOPLE" petition will help, because the white house DOES respond to citizen petitions. I had another problem, and when I made a "WE THE PEOPLE" petition and enough peope signed it, PRESTO! My problem was solved! Within a few days of getting enough signatures, I got a phone call and they were very nice to me. So, they need at least 25,000 signatures on the petition by October 9th. That's not a very long time!
So I hope that you will sign the petition - you will need to register and get a user id and password in order to sign, but that is not difficult. And once you've registered, you can also start your own petitions, as I did. They key is that there needs to be enough signatures in order for the White House to respond, as they are also very busy.
Please meditate and let your Heart guide you. It's only a request for information. But it's important information!
Blessings, Astreia
This is the age of the GREAT
This is the age of the GREAT SHIFT, no argument there. It is now leaking, as so to speak, about our hidden quantum abilities as co creators of reality even though the current 3d mess the world is in was by default. That being said we do not have to petition anyone to do something that we are capable of doing ourselves through a unified field of conscious co-creation. The current administration has not shown itself to be of the light. Do we really trust it to do the right thing for all of mankind?