Éire-Gizeh Connection and Stargate Creation Complete

glr_Andrea's picture


Éire-Gizeh Connection and Stargate Creation Complete…


Full portal opening in Éire and expansion of existing Éire Stargate has been completed via the 9-9 Gaia Worldwide Window.

Full portal opening in Gizeh and expansion of existing Gizeh Stargate has been completed via the 9-9 Gaia Worldwide Window.

Connection of Éire Stargate and Gizeh Stargate has been completed via the 9-9 Gaia Worldwide Window.

Mirror Stargates in Hawaii, Peru, New Zealand, Mexico, Texas (US), have connected with these via 5D-7D conduits.

Gaia Planetary Stargate has now been activated.




Stargate activation!

Ra-Raela's picture

Hurray! A bright light shines forth through the apparent, illusional darkness! Blessings to the activators!

I wish I knew how this all

Guest's picture

I wish I knew how this all works...it is celestial magic and I have faith in this magic...portals...stargates...and special people who just know...and work on our behalf...Divine energy medicine for this time...