~ 12~10~11~ How Will We Get from Here to There? ~

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~ How Will We Get from Here to There? ~

2011 December 10
Posted by Galactic Love Reporter Steve Beckow ~

Most of the world still labors under corrupt and dictatorial regimes

When I think we’re just a year away from Ascension and yet most of humanity labors under corrupt and often dictatorial regimes, I have no idea how we’ll get from here to there.

The nations of Russia, China and India, for instance, which together number roughly 2.6 billion people, labor under corrupt or despotic regimes. How will their people throw off these rulers, restore themselves under NESARA, and prepare for Ascension in the short time that remains?

Disclosure is in the offing, but I have no idea of how that will persuade despotic regimes to stand aside and free their populations. How will the galactics at once win the hearts of the people of the world and cause their governments to stand down, without exciting worldwide fear of takeover and enslavement? How can the energies on the planet rise high enough quickly enough to cause a global yet bloodless fall of dictatorial regimes?

Montague Keen told us recently that “the imposters will be removed. This will be done without resorting to violence or argument.” (1) How will the removal of “the imposters” proceed without resorting to violence?  Egypt and Morocco are perhaps the only countries I can think of where this has happened to date and the Egyptian army is doing its best to hang onto power.

SaLuSa accurately states that we’ve been lied to so often that we no longer trust our leaders.

“For many years you have been fooled and lied to so that governments could carry out covert actions without your knowledge. The times of automatically believing what you were told have long since passed, but because of the deliberate confusion and fear-laden messages you may find it difficult to determine where the truth exists.” (2)

He says that people know the need for regime change and the right people are standing by: “In the seeming turmoil around the world people recognize the urgent need for change, and when the right leadership emerges they will have no difficulty getting support.” (3)

But he does not say how we’ll get from here to there.

He speaks about governmental change from the standpoint of matters after Disclosure, as he does here:

“Our input should ensure that all proceeds well as at some stage disclosure will have been made, enabling us to help and advise the newly-emerging government personnel. We oversee such appointments, as we obviously have the means to know all that needs to be known about any individual. Most importantly, we know the spiritual level at which people operate and their true intent in what they are engaged in. In doing so we observe the privacy necessary to avoid delving into your private life.” (4)

He implies that the galactics have a plan, but does not specify what it is.

“The dark Ones are losing their power and the Lightworkers are closing in on them. The object is to keep them from delaying the changes that are so near, so that our plan can take off with all speed. As you might realise, immense organisation has gone into it, and our allies have been taking up their positions for quite some time.” (5)

He tells us that the Company of Light have created their plan down to the last detail and expect it to work with precision.

“Each project is a massive undertaking, but with our advanced technologies we can progress even the tiniest detail. When we give the signal to go ahead, it will work like a military campaign and it will overwhelm any opposition. As you may guess, matters will proceed much better when the right people have replaced those in authority who do not truly represent you. Attending to that is high on our list, and about to take top priority.” (6)

But neither he nor anyone else say they can share what that plan is. Back in 2010, he acknowledged the need for secrecy.

“Few if any of you on Earth have a full picture as to what is going on where the Light is concerned. It is suffice to say that you know where you are going, but do not yet know how you are going to get there. You have ideas and you have purposefully been given an outline of the plan. However, it is best that the final details are kept covered up, and then our moves will carry more impact upon the dark Ones.

“Rumors will always abound in such circumstances, so be discerning and careful as to where you place your faith. Most importantly allow for sudden changes and know that the times are so critical to your future, the game plan may be altered many times. We are patient and know that when we can finally move into action, it will be absolutely the right time.” (7)

He can tell us what government in the future will look like.

“In the future there will be no such problems, as the people who represent you will be selected based upon there suitability for the job in hand. That means being sufficiently evolved to act in accordance with Universal Law, and treating all people alike with love and respect. Eventually you will abide by the Spiritual Brotherhood and that will be consistent with your own level of Christ Consciousness.” (8)

The new mode of government will do away with party politics (thank heavens!):

“Because of these problems, it is planned to shake up the whole political establishment and eventually do away with party politics. Too much time is wasted on confrontation and decisions made for political gain, instead of doing what is best for all people. Changes will ensure that only those politicians that sincerely desire to give their time for the betterment of their people, will be appointed to positions within a new government.” (9)

Our wishes will determine what new system of government we’ll operate under: “The time for reviewing many systems and policies affecting the people will soon arrive, and it is all part of regaining your sovereignty. As a new civilisation emerges, it is you who will be treated with respect and your needs placed at the top of the list.” (10)

He reassured us last May that the Company of Light was making progress towards its goal and that the Divine Plan is unstoppable:

“All in all we progress to our goals to make the big changes that will see the dark Ones removed. So be assured that even if you do not have the details, we are achieving our aims to get matters really moving along.

“When it commences there cannot be any other outcome, as the Divine Plan will manifest regardless of any outer happenings. It is why we occasionally remind you that the Light has already achieved the victory that you have been promised. There is absolutely no reason to be fearful, and whatever you planned for yourself to go through the end–times, will come to be.” (11)

But beyond that, he acknowledges that we wait for the entire business to really start moving, not knowing which of the major events will occur first.

“Now you wait for Governmental changes, Disclosure and Abundance programs to sweep you into the remaining period of this cycle. They are progressing and at the appropriate time we will swing into action and life will change quite dramatically.

“Our initial announcements will be so important to gain the confidence and support of the people, and much attention is being given to that aspect. There will be confusion, but the truth about your recent history will go a long way to clearing away false or misleading information.” (12)

The world economic crisis is now extending to places like China which were economic powerhouses but depended on the West to buy. With the sinking of their market’s consumers into deepening economic woe, their exploitation of their peasant and working classes is probably reaching critical mass. Layoffs will impact both their recently-expanding middle classes and their once-employed workers. They are ripe for massive opposition to dictatorial rule.

Meanwhile countries such as India and Russia, which had a modicum of democracy, though corrupted, are also seeing anti-corruption protests and the first signs of restiveness from the population at large. But how will we get from here to there and how will we do it in a matter of months?

Will portals like 12/12/11 present the energetic boosts that will propel the population forward into action? Will Disclosure present the tipping point? How can NESARA be instituted into a world that remains to a large extent in bondage? How will the Company of Heaven take the world in its present condition and carry it forward to its pre-destined end  given how much road there is to cover and how little time is left?

I don’t know. Perhaps you don’t know. The task looks monumental and no details are yet available as to how we get from here to there. Undoubtedly we expect miracles, but miracles on a global scale? How will they be accomplished? What mechanism will be used to persuade the rulers to step down without violence? Who will operate the mechanism? The manner in which global change and reformation will occur in so short a time remains a mystery.


(1) Montague Keen, Oct. 23, 2011, at http://stevebeckow.com/2011/10/montague-keen-october-23-2011/.

(2) SaLuSa, April 11, 2011, at http://www.treeofthegoldenlight.com/First_Contact/Channeled_Messages_by_Mike_Quinsey.htm

(3) SaLuSa, Nov. 14, 2011.

(4) Loc. cit.

(5) SaLuSa, Sept. 30, 2011.

(6) Loc. cit.

(7) SaLuSa, Feb. 17, 2010.

(8) SaLuSa, July 1, 2011.

(9) SaLuSa, April 11, 2011.

(10) Loc. cit.

(11) SaLuSa, May 23, 2011.

(12) SaLuSa, Jan. 21, 2011.






pjtuttle's picture

I've been reading the Galactic Channelings transmissions, Steve Beckow's and Sheldan Nidle's channelings for years and not one has suggested we buy physical gold & silver! Spiritually, our priority as Lightworkers should be the inner work...meditating, or however one achieves inner silence and connection to the True Self, and also to investigate the facts as to what the Dark's agenda is.  For that I tune into Alex Jones, David Icke, Ben Fulford, David Wilcock and top financial analysist ie: Max Keiser, Bob Chapman, and King World News (to name just a few of the best sources for political & economic Truth).  All of the top economists agree that by average citizens buying physical gold & silver, the ponzi schemes the JP Morgans, Goldman Sachs, central banks, the Fed are pulling would collapse! Silver is trading at 1000:1 (physical metal to derivatives). Gold is doing pretty much the same. Their prices are based on complete manipulation and printing of paper/fiat dollars world-wide.  The media is pretending that gold & silver are in a 'bubble', hoping to fool the people out of protecting themselves for when the music stops!  I'm wondering if Steve Beckow or any other channeler can explain why rather than encouraging folks to wait for NESARA to 'save them', they haven't suggested that we all put our paper/fiat money into physical gold & silver? It's almost like the spiritual community has exchanged the religious "savior system" no  for the Galactic Federation's "savior system".  Those most loving guides of all, seek to empower those they guide....not to dis-empower them to dependance upon the 'guide'.