Commentary Thank You to Kauilapele's Blog : That’s not Ben’s original title, but I felt it captured the essence of his latest report. He discusses a lot here, and it certainly appears that “the cabal” are flailing out as much as they can to create havoc where they can. Fortunately, we have information from Ben and others, that point us to what is actually going on. The Libya “event” was likely a non-event (a great game would be, “Where’s Waldo”, or Where’s the ‘Libyan Benghazi Consulate’”? Check it out here. Find one?) From what I’ve seen, every standard media channel drones the same type of story about Libya “event”, and so on. Well, the queen bee does need her drones.
Much of this most of us would be in a tough position to validate all of Ben’s points, although I can say there was no website listed for any Libya Benghazi consulate at the US State Department embassy website (that by itself may not prove that there is no consulate, however; maybe there’s just no website for it).
Given what Ben is going through, perhaps one might consider a donation to his work.
[There is a bit at the end of this that explains how to subscribe to his weekly newsletter. Also I believe one could donate to his cause directly at (via Paypal), should you feel so guided.]
- As the battle for control of the global financial system rages towards a climax, murders, provocations and disinformation campaigns are all escalating.
- Xi Xinping vanished from the public spot-light for two weeks to hide his bruises after being beaten up by his handlers…
- The murder last week of Japan’s Financial services Minister Tadahiro Matsushita was linked to a cabal attempt to extort money…
- The sudden death of Shinichi Nishimiya, Japan’s newly appointed ambassador to China is believed to be linked to the cabal…
- These murders and other un-reported ones elsewhere are part of an attempt by the cabal to extort money to prevent the bankruptcy of the United States of America corporation (as opposed to the American Republic).
- The owners of the Federal Reserve Board crime syndicate… have been trying to steal money… a flotilla of battleships stealing gold from Indonesia, the Philippines and elsewhere… taken to the Freeport mine in Indonesia before being moved on to Hong Kong for re-smelting.
- Henry Kissinger has been an executive at the Freeport mining company.
- …the various troubles in the Middle East are all being coordinated as an ongoing operation… in the Middle East and Europe. The recent anti-Islam film that has been blamed for causing unrest was made by Nazi agent Terry Jones…
- …most of these incidents are either fake or grossly exaggerated… stories about the US Consulate in Benghazi… is a prime example… there has never been a US consulate in Benghazi.
- The attempts to foment unrest are being met with disgust by ordinary citizens in both Europe and the Middle East…
- Mazzara, together with Daniel Dal Bosco and Leo Zagami were recorded by intelligence agency sources saying that they had “nearly got me”…
- Secret negotiations have been initiated… The P2 Lodge has been asked to stop its anti-social behavior and offered forgiveness in exchange.
- There is a… consensus… that Rome is the location of a rogue ancient artificial intelligence that can only be terminated by deleting Rome. The White Dragon Society… hopes to prevent such a drastic move.
- …we can report that some extremely heavy hitters are saying they will be making big moves against the cabal this week.
- Time for talk is quickly running out for the cabal.
Murders and war-mongering continue to escalate as back-drop to high level negotiations
by Benjamin Fulford 9-18-12
As the battle for control of the global financial system rages towards a climax, murders, provocations and disinformation campaigns are all escalating. The disappearance of Xi Xinping, the man who is supposed to be the new leader of China, is one example. Xi Xinping vanished from the public spot-light for two weeks to hide his bruises after being beaten up by his handlers, according to two separate high-ranking Chinese sources. Xi works for Jean Daniel Cohen of the French Hoche group and has been ordered to provoke anti-Japanese demonstrations in China, according to one of these sources. Mr. Cohen has not returned this writer’s call asking to confirm this.
The Japanese junior officer corps nearly fell for the recent Chinese provocations (including the sending of warships to disputed Islands) and demanded war before cooler, senior heads warned them it was all a trap.
The murder last week of Japan’s Financial services Minister Tadahiro Matsushita was linked to a cabal attempt to extort money, Japanese public security police sources say. Matsushita had refused to hand over $5 trillion…
… to agents working for the cabal. Matsushita was forced to write wills at gunpoint and was then drugged and strangled, according to the police sources. The sudden death of Shinichi Nishimiya, Japan’s newly appointed ambassador to China is believed to be linked to the cabal, although investigations have just begun.
These murders and other un-reported ones elsewhere are part of an attempt by the cabal to extort money to prevent the bankruptcy of the United States of America corporation (as opposed to the American Republic).
The owners of the Federal Reserve Board crime syndicate, for their part, have been trying to steal money wherever they can. In one of their maneuvers a General Rosiere (first name not known) has been travelling around with a flotilla of battleships stealing gold from Indonesia, the Philippines and elsewhere, White Dragon Society sources say. The stolen gold has been taken to the Freeport mine in Indonesia before being moved on to Hong Kong for re-smelting. Henry Kissinger has been an executive at the Freeport mining company.
In a separate scam two cabal agents Keith Benedict and Terrance Wayne, working with someone named Tonni in Indonesia have been running an international network of foreign exchange booths run by Indian nationals. These booths have acted as an information collection source to identify large stores of cash and other valuables for the cabal to steal, according to CIA sources in Europe. Until these crooks are arrested, it may be wise to avoid certain money changers.
Meanwhile, the various troubles in the Middle East are all being coordinated as an ongoing operation Gladio in the Middle East and Europe. The recent anti-Islam film that has been blamed for causing unrest was made by Nazi agent Terry Jones, according to an MI5 sources in London. Jones is part of a Frankfurt, Germany based George Bush Senior operation known as COREA. Other Nazi agents, acting in concert and on cue, then proceeded to carry out violent acts targeting US and other Western embassies throughout the Middle East.
However, most of these incidents are either fake or grossly exaggerated. The big stories about the US Consulate in Benghazi, Libya being attacked and American diplomats being killed is a prime example. All you have to do is go to the US State Department home page to confirm that there has never been a US consulate in Benghazi.
The attempts to foment unrest are being met with disgust by ordinary citizens in both Europe and the Middle East and it is certain the attempt to use these incidents to start a “New World Order,” with a single world religion, are blowing up in their faces.
Speaking about blowing up in their faces, Vincenzo Mazzara, a Cavalier of the Teutonic Knights who this writer has accused of trying to murder him twice, contacted me through an intermediary last week.
Mazzara, together with Daniel Dal Bosco and Leo Zagami were recorded by intelligence agency sources saying that they had “nearly got me,” after I was stabbed with a needle after a speaking engagement in June.
There is now enough evidence to bring attempted murder charges against all three of these individuals together with their puppets Ichiro Ozawa and Yasuhiro Nakasone.
Secret negotiations have been initiated between the White Dragon Society and the P2. The P2 Lodge has been asked to stop its anti-social behavior and offered forgiveness in exchange. They have also been warned that professional cleaning teams are in place and waiting for the green light should negotiations break apart.
There is a growing consensus in both Asian and Western intelligence sources that Rome is the location of a rogue ancient artificial intelligence that can only be terminated by deleting Rome. The White Dragon Society is opposed to destroying such a historically valuable city and hopes to prevent such a drastic move.
In any case, although there is much that we cannot write at this time, we can report that some extremely heavy hitters are saying they will be making big moves against the cabal this week. Time for talk is quickly running out for the cabal.
[A subscription to Ben's full articles is only $8 per month ("Payments can... be made with a ‘PayPal’ [account]“), but Ben will allow anyone who can not pay this to subscribe for less (or free). On one page of his site he says, “All subscribers will agree to pay whatever monthly subscription price they can afford. Those who are really poor can get it for free.” In my mind, if you like the articles, and want to support Ben and his work, consider subscribing to his blog.
Ben may be contacted at any of the emails below which he provides on his websites:,,,]
Love Benjamin!
I love his honest,dont care what you think,it is what it is way.Last weeks article warned of the chaos to come in Europe and other areas,so when I found out about the bs movie story the first thing I did was went to .gov,lol and found that there was no such Embassy/Consulate reported it on my fb page but of course some had ignorant comments for me so I the contacted Infowars /Alex Jones and he looked into it and started reporting the truth along with a few others I contacted.Everyone needs to start doing there own research because the amount of lkes going around is incredible and please stop being nasty and rude just because you dont know or disagree,get the facts. As they say,dont insert foot!
Theres something in the Bible about the 7hills being destroyed? Im not a Bible buff and dont know this first hand but have heard bits and pieces but thats Rome from what I understand. Is it unavodible? As we all Im sure,hope not.
Ben, if by some chance you happen to read this,Whats up with Iran? Can you look into it? Will Zion be wiped out by them? Honestly,I dont see any other way of removing the Cabals head quarters,as they say cut it off at the head!
Ben, your awsome! I thank you for all you do,I been following/supporting you for some time and I know very well you tell us the raw truth despite the threats/attacks/lies and enimies you made doing so,I know its not always easy being for real many people are so comfy with lies,Im with you and say to them To bad! get over it! thats not rea,wake up! Love you Ben <3 <3
To admin on here,Im happy,very happy you added Ben but also very surprised because you removed Greg Giles who says much of the same things Ben does in different words of course( still dont support that) they have both said Obama is not of the light and will be arrested for crimes he has done against us. According to Ben theres a fight going on within the Cabal and Obamas on one side of it and yes Romneys on the other,thats why when Nesaras put in place the President will be replaced by someone truly dedicated to the light. I agree with them on many/most of what they say and have a question for you,why would you remove Greg? Hes one of the best channelers anywhere,you might approve more of a different approach but Im sure Arch Angle Michael would tell you sometimes you gotta fight and this is sometimes unavoidible
Hello Shelly,,, i just like
Hello Shelly,,,
i just like you are a supporter of ben fulford,,infact he played a big part in my full awakening,,and onwards it goes...
but i think you will find maybe the admin removed gregs messages when they started to endorse violence,,,,,violence is not of the light,,or its certianly not what i would call light and love....
i would consider violence very much of the dark and the dungeon they have made of the 3d i hope this helps shelly...
have a good day my freind,, :)))) light and love to you and yours....we are one :)))
Greg's messages have been lacking in credibility as well. A few people have taken him to task over his glaring inconsistencies. There are better channels out there that don't seem to have been comprimised like Greg seems to have been.
Namaste <3
To defend or not to defend...
To 'happy' I would say that in this world it is apparent that we have countless parasitical realities to contend with daily and that as we move out into the cosmos as space fareing beings we will run into paracitical civilizations who would think nothing of destroying entire planets at a whim and are in the records as having done so. This means my dears that if we are unable to defend ourselves from paracitical groups living in space then we wont get far down the road before we succumb to ones more ruthless than we are protective. To get back down to ground here on earth, it is equally apparent that there are individuals and groups who are as ruthless as any out in the greater universe and if you dont develop ways to defend your lives and flocks then you will die like the timid creatures you've become. This has been one of the ways the dark side has continued to destroy evolving peoples by disempowering them so they will not or cannot fight back. Do not alow yourselves to be disarmed because the perils are great and it is life and death and not some fancifull hollywood movie here folks. Many human colonies throughout the universe have gone down because the people were lulled into a false sense of security by smooth talkers and uninformed leaders. We are powerfull spirits in this dimension on planet earth and must stand fast in the face of the destroyer and turn the tables on its advance. The timelines tell us of success this time and so onward we go. Namaste you great light warriors,R
$8 per month
$8 per month times how many subscribers?
There's a difference between covering costs and getting rich.
peace at too big a price
To all those who have been programmed by the lies in the Bible, Jesus(Esu Immanuel) threw the moneychangers out of the temple. This was a man of action and conviction who walked his talk.
AA Michael carries a sword, why?, to do battle, and he isn't afraid to use it!
Those ones who turn the other cheek will go down with their beliefs. One must defend one's temple of the living spirit, their human bodies from destruction and abuse. How will one complete one's mission if one allows oneself to be abused?
That doesn't mean that oneself is violent. The parasites abound and have had their day and a good crack at an earthly takeover, it ends now. Good riddance.