~Pleiadian High Council: Do the inner work~

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~Pleiadian High Council: Do the inner work~


~Galactic Love Reporter Wes Annac~


Pleiadian High Council: Do the inner work

“Our scribe has requested that we no longer give updates concerning disclosure and Resumed Contact, but dear ones we give you such updates for a clear reason. We will be directly working with many of you when the time comes to heal this world, and as such we wish to establish not just a partnership, but a friendship with you. As such, we give you the updates as to what is going on to a certain extent; we share with you what we can but for the purposes of keeping confidential information away from your dark who would use such information to our dis-advantage, we must be careful in what we share. There are certain matters and developments that we must, only temporarily, keep hidden. We do not enjoy such lack of transparency, but we do what is necessary to help release you from the very tight grip of the dark on your world. The dark is not used to being told no or losing, as throughout your history they have been able to use money to get nearly anything they wanted.

Now is the time where you bring about your own release from the dark on your world, and while we are here to help you achieve such a difficult mission, we are not here to do this work for you dear ones. We are simply with you to be observers, while at the same time slowly disengage your dark so you can all feel more free and less dense; so you can all get the work done that is required to see you taking on an ascended Light body form. You will begin to feel much Lighter when the dark is fully disengaged; their mere presences away from the Earth will take with them much density that has served to keep many of you down. We do not wish to fill you with hopes of a glorious future that will ‘never’ come about, we are simply telling you what the period ahead is going to be like. Indeed, when reading of a glorious future such as we have told you about, from your current positions in the lower dimensions of struggle, it can seem that all we are speaking of to you is a fool’s dream, but dear ones it is not!

We have helped you to develop technologically along your cycles as they were planned by your heavenly Creator. If one were to do some studying on the subject, one might realize that your ‘booms’ in technology over your recorded history have not been an accident; all of your major developments have followed a specific divine plan, and you are now reaching the end of this plan that is to see you take on an ascended form if such is your wish. Many of you, even many who are currently following channeled messages and are slightly entrenched in this movement, many of you may in fact choose not to ascend this time around, and this choice will come about when you realize just all that is required for ascension. Having the intent, the desire to ascend will begin to shift your personal vibrations in the direction of the ascension pathway, and along this pathway you will see and realize things about yourselves, things you have held so dear that may be difficult to give up, and you will realize that many of these things will actually hold you back and keep you from progressing further along the ascension pathway.

These will be some of the most difficult lessons to learn, those of giving up closely held attachments, but we wish you to know that such attachments for many of you form a direct bridge to the lower dimensions and will serve to bind you further to the lower dimensions while giving you the illusion of progressing further upon your ascension path. We guide to you all now that many may rush along the ascension path only to realize that there are in fact aspects of your lower dimensions that they are not yet ready to give up. For some it may be harder than anticipated to give up fear, struggle and (the need for) conflict and while we know that those traits seem like they would be easy things to give up, many of you have yet to realize just how deep a role fear, struggle and conflict play in your lives and daily habits. Some of you, even souls who read these messages and messages from other Divine sources, have thought about how much you wish to get away from all the negativity, all the fear and the struggle, yet you do not realize that many of your patterns and habits that you are so attached to, are still rooted in fear, are still based on the fact that you Live in an dualistic third dimensional world. Many will have trouble giving up complaining and arguing, because a part of them still thrives from such low vibrational doings.


We do understand fully the difficult situation you are entrenched in on your world, and many of you who know yourselves to be starseeds or incarnate higher dimensional entities from other worlds, are beginning to feel just how difficult a situation Earth truly presents. Many of you that have begun to awaken, who are exposed to the low vibrations on a daily basis, have begun to ask yourselves ‘why did I choose to do this again?’ When we receive such thoughts and wonders from you, we cannot help but smile. We say this partly because of how ready many of you were to take on the Earth challenge, when you had been told directly how difficult it would be. Indeed, even those doing the telling still did not know fully just how difficult a planet Earth can be to grow on, and it warms our hearts to not only see you awakening to such truths, but to see you surpass such truths and progress further along your ascension paths than you ever had before, on a planet that is vastly more difficult than any planet you had Lived and grown on before.

We wish to guide to you now, to truly let yourselves see and feel past the lower dimensions of Earth. Truly let yourselves feel that despite the overbearing obstacles that are thrown in your way, seemingly every day, you are growing past such obstacles and realizing you for your Divine nature. It is now a time to connect with yourselves, to know fully and to Love yourselves, for until you can do so you will have a hard time Loving and connecting with others. This goes back to what we were saying before about the want to stick with lower dimensional habits of arguing and living in fear. Many on your world are stuck in a place where they are having trouble Loving themselves, and as such they tend to lash out at others so they can feel a bit better about themselves, so they can feel closer to themselves. Some on your world feel that if they can point out the perceived flaws of others, then it takes the heat off of them and thus they are able to feel better about themselves. It is a temporary high that never lasts, and that never proves to actually help anybody involved, especially the one doing the criticizing.

Things will be much clearer and easier once we are able to be with you, and again we do understand the frustration involved with us that has now spread to many of you. As our scribe has been guiding, we wish you to know that indeed, we never wanted you to blindly follow us or our messages. We never wanted you to become fixated on certain dates dropped, or to hang on our every word. We are just one source of many assisting Earth right now, and your ascension and the events that are leading up to your ascension are in fact decided by you, not us. We simply work with the energy that you on the ground manifest for us. When your sights are high and your moods are good, an energy is manifested that we are able to work with and use to the advantage of the Light. When you are down, upset and especially when the lower moods and energies are aimed at us, we are able to do very little and at times we must in fact leave your atmosphere if the vibrations are too low. We do not have to leave often, and we have not had to leave for some time, as for the most part the collective energy on your world has been in high spirits, with the exception of these very recent days and weeks.

Dearest ones, if it helps you than do not follow our words any longer. This is guidance that our scribe has been giving to others, and it is guidance that we have shared with him to share with you. It can be compared to the unquestioned fixation on religion; how much many of you seem to follow our words and fixate yourselves on specific dates and occurrences.We have watched many of you ignore genuine advice about how you can progress on your spiritual path in favor of a date dropped or an event said to manifest. We do understand fully that many of you wish for a sweeping miracle that is to suddenly change Life as you have known it, but this is simply not how we operate. Yes, after a certain point we will need to take over on matters because Earth and heaven wish to wait no longer, but we are not out to personally please anybody by acting upon specific standards set by you on Earth that we have nothing to do with. As we point out events that could occur, we pour a specific amount of hopeful energy into it, but never too much as we fully know and understand that the situation on Earth is constantly changing, is constantly evolving and as such sometimes matters do change.

The dark on your world are allowed as much freewill as you are, and when they plan a devious scheme we are not in fact the deciders of whether or not such a scheme is to manifest successfully. The decider of that would be your collective karma, and the karma of the individuals who may be affected by such darkly-inclined events manifesting. Your dark ones do not realize it, but they are in fact directly aiding your ascension and the clearing of your collective karma as they perform their dastardly deeds. Once an event has transpired that is of a darker nature, the karma is automatically cleared by all who are experiencing such events firsthand, and as such, events of such a lower nature are never allowed to happen again. While they are kept on a tight leash, your dark still do have freewill just as you all do; it is an experience granted by our Heavenly Creator who does not judge anybody, ever. However, with every dark action that comes about, your dark ones lose the opportunity to ever perform such an action again. So with every step your dark takes, they are digging themselves deeper, so to speak.

If your collective energy is not yet high enough for the complete removal of your dark by the time the final Divine date has passed, Heaven will be directly stepping in and ordering their removal anyway. We can feel in the Heavenly realms that our Creator would feel as if your ascension process was incomplete or somehow unfinished were we to remove the dark before all of your karma is cleared and lessons are learned, but we have went [gone] very far out of our way to let those who are leading us know that the troubles you are all experiencing are just too great to keep you toiling in such difficult low vibrations any longer. We dearly wish you could know just how much we have been ‘lobbying’ so to speak for our immediate arrival and your release from the dark on your world, but we have been shown that you must bring about the exposure of the dark and the clearing of karma and learning of lessons yourselves before we can step in and inform you of your history, which is very different from what you have been led to believe.

After a certain point, the Law of Grace will come into effect and we will be able to be with you and help you to expose the dark while we help you to help yourselves be granted the prosperity and purity on your surface Earth that you have desired and deserved. Our Earth allies have been quite hard at work helping to bring such prosperity about, and before too long you shall all be released from the struggles and bonds that have kept you chained to your lower dimensional patterns and habits. If you wish to, do not follow us or our messages anymore, as now is truly the time to turn within, to look yourselves in the mirror and see what aspects of yourselves are incompatible with ascension, with the higher vibrations. Many of you have felt that following channeled messages somehow makes up for the lack of inner-work that we dearly wish to see you doing, and we guide that if you follow such hollow ascension procedures, then you are bound to be disappointed when events that are predicted do not transpire. Do you notice dear souls, how there are plenty of ascending souls on your world who are far more interested in the steps needed to progress along the ascension path, rather than when extraterrestrials will arrive on your world?

We never wished for any of you to look to our or any other channeled messages as a sole source of spirituality, rather we look for you to do the inner work that is required. Next time you are reading channeled messages, pay attention to how many are discussing date dropping and miraculous, sweeping events (and how hollow such messages seem to be) and how many are discussing what you can do in the infinite moment of NOW to progress upon your ascension paths. Growing, ascending and doing the work yourselves is what is most important, and we are simply here to help you achieve such means. At times we will give you updates but only if we can be sure there is no trickery involved or that the date may manifest, but dear souls such dates are only one small, very tiny part of the messages that we give you with our hearts! Many have taken on the assumption that we are out to deceive, and to those beginning to subscribe to such opinions we say to you now, if you feel we are deceptive, if our messages do not resonate with your hearts or do not feel right for some reason, any reason, than we are a source that does not match your own vibrations and as such, we would recommend turning away from our messages or any messages or messengers that do not resonate, and instead of looking outward for other sources that may resonate, turn inward to yourselves, to your own guides and your higher self, because your own personal ascended energies will always resonate, and will see you progress upon your paths as you know you should be.”

(Thru Wes Annac http://aquariuschannelings.wordpress.com)

Peace on Earth




inner wisdom

Guest's picture

my inner wisdom has informed me that the creator has a plan for both the light and dark souls. thank you for informing others that doing their OWN WORK is of the utmost importance.


Good evenin!   I was 12 when

Guest's picture

Good evenin!


I was 12 when my mother said she hears a lecture that there are ewtraterestrials around the planet and they overlook that we have no more atomic bombings like it happened in Japan.

I believed that we really are not alone immediately. That happened in 1965.

So 45 years passed and I never saw UFO in the sky but my husband did. And I know all my life that we are not alobe here.

But now this process of waiting became really very tiresome. I am longing to meet our galactic friends and go to the Ascention with their guidance and love.


d'tewa's picture

Greetings and Love to All!

     While agreeing that the subject of worry is a 3rd dimensional thinking, it seems that I'm having a difficult time not worrying.  Reason being, a long time ago I felt that it was necessary to work on staying on my S.C.A.T. diet (no Sugar, no Caffeine, no Alcohol and no Tobacco (or marijuana)) in order to purify my body and leaving the 3D habits, thereby making it easier to ascend.  So, when I know that I should not be doing these things and I procrastinate or have a difficult time not doing it, I worry and think about it everyday. 

     I Am a Starseed.  I know it, I'm sure of it.  I've read messages saying that Starseeds will ascend anyway as long as they've woken up and diligently express the desire to ascend, but even if that's so and they still maintain the habits of the 3D thinking, will they still ascend or be held back because the habits or the worry of still doing them?

     The reason why I feel that this specific diet is necessary is because years ago when I followed this diet to the letter for several months, is when I was awakened by the kundalini.  Plus, I feel that one needs to let go of ALL 3D thinking and habits in order to feel and experience the higher dimensional attributes.  Am I correct in this thinking or is it simply an my individual choice or belief?

     Does anyone have any thoughts on this?  I would greatly appreciate any replies.

Love and Light.

Love and Light, d'tewa

Isn't the belief that your

will's picture

Isn't the belief that your physical diet prevents you from Higher Dimensional Thought itself a "3d thought"?  That just reinforces the illusion that Consciousness is limited to the physical body, and that our physical form prevents Multi-Dimensional Thought. Humanity is not cursed by what's in their bodies, but by what's in their minds.


Jesus said it well, it's not what goes into a person that defiles them.

If you feel that diet is

World-Bridger's picture

If you feel that diet is nessasary then it is, for you!

I don't drink alcohol or do hard drugs. I do a little caffine in the morning, I smoke organic tobacco to help ground me, I smoke cannabis organic only, however I don't need any of them nor do any of them stand in the way of my relationship with God. Cannabis actually helps me, however if myself told me that I needed to or it was impeading on my spiritual growth, I would also go on a diet. 





I too am a starseed and my

Guest's picture

I too am a starseed and my soul is telling me to quit marijuana completely (I still smoke a bowl once in a while, altho I am striving to completely stop), as well as cease all use of alcohol.  It's really what our soul is telling us that is right.  If you feel the S.C.A.T. diet is right for you, then it is.  I am not being urged to purge myself of sugar so therefore I am not focusing on that.  I also know, by discourse with my soul, that even if I do not completely succeed in halting all partaking of weed and drink, I will still ascend.  The reason my soul is suggesting that I stop those things is because it will make my body healthier and purer in the meantime, because it is best (not an absolute must) to prepare myself as much as possible before ascension.  Despite still ascending whether I quit for good or not, I am seeking to quit for good.  Remember, before most ppl ascend, our Galactic family members will be here on the surface interacting with us and giving us any extra help we may need.  Those that are totally ready to ascend now, are doing so, those that are not totally ready, still have time to prepare and will, if they so choose, recieve help from our Brothers and Sisters.  Mind you, we can request for help anytime we like, from any of our Universal Brethren and Sistren of Light: Ascended Masters, Angels, ArchAngels, Guides, Galactics (altho their pretty busy with all kinds of other things so they are least likely to be able to really help) and other beings of Light.  For example, I had a pretty severe mental addiction to pot, and I just couldn't seem to will it to budge.  I prayed to the whole company of Light, to please help me break this mental addiction.  I was also, and perhaps most importantly, sincere in my request.  Virtually immediately they granted my request and took completely took away the mental addiction.  I came into some money the next day (which I usually had this huge almost panicy urge) to buy pot.  I did not have that urge, at all.  It was amazingly freeing!  I bought none!  And I loved it!  The next few days later, my sister gave me some and I did it, didn't even get high.  Wow.  So, my point is, do not forget to ask for help from the company of Light, they are here to help, it brings them the greatest joy in the multi-verse to be of service in any way that eases our troubles.  Also, remember, the answer is inside, nothing no one tells to is equal to what your heart/soul/higherself tells you.  We are all different and some people will so no need to stop smoking, while others, like you and I, will be guided to do so.  It all depends on what our soul has planned and who and what we are and what we chose to do.  It is all unique circumstances that are fueled by our individual choices.  Namaste sister.  You have done very well, and our mission is almost complete.  Do not worry so much at all.  I love you ALL, much Blessing, Love and Light to everyone.  May we ALL walk eternally in the Light Together.

Excellent! Yes we must always

World-Bridger's picture

Excellent! Yes we must always follow our inner voice! Anything that gets in between you and your relationship with God and your Higherself is not good! Cannabis is an amplifier for sure, if you have other issues that you have not delt with i.e:sex addiction, food addiction, fear, co-dependency etc. It can amplify those desires or afflictions. What it gets down to is anything that causes you personally to look outside yourself for anything needs to be cut, it is all part of the cleansing and clearing of our consciousness and being.



First rule in self mastery: That which you accept you become part of!! Like Will said: "Humanity is not cursed by what's in their bodies, but by what's in their minds."