~What if it has already Happened?~

Lia's picture
Here are the Comments from KP's latest post about the Government changes
Submitted by Guest (unregistered) on Tue, 09/25/2012 - 07:23.

What if it has already happened and our job is to raise our vibration frequency to match that time line.  The outside world just reflects/mirrors what is happening on the inside.  What is "out there" was created in the past, you can not fix it out there.  Change the dream, the picture we are sending out, dream it as done. 

Sweet Dreams!

Guest's picture
Submitted by Guest (unregistered) on Tue, 09/25/2012 - 04:55.

Yes, I have thought this all along that it would be too intense for it to happen all at once and we do not need anymore chaos. If things are going to happen it needs to be so that people can digest but steady none the less. Anyone who is wanting instant changes is only thinking of themselves. Just have faith that there is much more going on behind the scenes than we can comprehend right now but is for the good and benefit of all. Stay focused in faith that changes are already happening & together we will bring it into manifestation. Trust that it is all in Divine timing and in the meantime, keep spreading the word and leading by example how we as humans should act and be none other than love and understanding with compassion for all <3

Cherie's picture
Submitted by Cherie on Tue, 09/25/2012 - 04:18.

I have also hoped for change at least in the financial section leading to govt changes but have also come to realize that would be too much at once for most people at least here in the US. We have seen dramatic changes other places followed by chaos so more slow deliberate moves feels right. I feel like the financial changes would help ease the way for everything else as it would alleviate suffering all over the world and the people would no longer be hungry in much of the world but I feel you point. It does feel like we are quickly approaching one timeline though. I do believe the elections will be pivitol but am not sure how. I think there will be many suprises. We all only have to look forward to Oneness in any case as it won't be long. Thanks for summing up what at least I also feel.

Viktoria's picture
Submitted by Viktoria (unregistered) on Tue, 09/25/2012 - 03:01.

We are becoming one!  After reading your article I too feel like you do over this whole governmental fustration. We all feel like this... so why not get on board and use the powers we have with energy and blast/beam their hearts with love/light daily?  Politics have been a sore subject to even talk to one another about calmly these days.  I tell people this... I ask MF/God to give us the best man for President that's good for humanity during these times of Global Conscious Awakening.  Then I visualize or/know it will be done. 


Guest's picture
Submitted by Guest (unregistered) on Tue, 09/25/2012 - 01:26.

Sure, I've thought of that and I can respect that. But on the flip side there are many like myself who are not okay with the slow pace of things and I find myself wondering if it will happen at all. I stay hopeful but I'm too aquainted with disappointment for my own liking.

iwerx2's picture
Submitted by iwerx2 on Mon, 09/24/2012 - 22:49.

Thank you.  You are a very wise man.




black and white

Guest's picture

What I have found particularly difficult is being in 2 worlds. Seeing the pain the struggling and seeing those that are still not getting it, selfish, self centered, all about me first...I have my days when I think...How can these people not understand...How one can go out and spend 250.00 on shoes, and walk right past the homeless man who hasn't eated in days and not even notice.

It is so very odd for me to be in a place where these two worlds collide...daily...To feel pain for one and pity for the other... yet try to love both  for who they are and where they are... It is so much my hope that when it is all said and done... they will sit together and have a meaningful conversation about the path they choose.

Our New World

Guest's picture

It seems that lately all the channels are saying things will be taking longer and it will not be an instant change. Seems like the closer we get to Dec 21 the story changes. It seems like the horse chasing the carrot now. I quess I am tired of all the disappointments and broken promises that I have listened too over and over and over each month. I am tired of watching the rich get richer and the rest of the population being treated very badly.  Sure we may have karma to deal with but it seems that the elite are getting their way all the time, they supposedly are the ones who should be stopped as they were suppose to give up the control freaking years ago so why is this still being allowed to happen still ---stop it now!!!! Lightworkers are just being strung along.  Maybe it will never change. Why are these people being allowed to continue to harm the world and people in it. Why are they more important than the rest of us??????

copy that

Guest 's picture

Well put my friend, how could anyone that is half awake to life on Earth itself not consider alturnitive motives behind what has been eledgedly "channeled" to us over and over again and again, prediciton after prediction that has not come about and looks to have little hope to? NESARA to come out in 2000/2001??? There will always be a video or Theatre shooting, war or circumstance to shift the "reason" to why the promised disclosure, promise NESARA, the arrest that were down sized to "containment" like as if an "Ascended Being" especially an "Arch Angel" would not have know to speak it as "containment" initially, or many other promises made that have not happened??? So who are these people doing the eledged channeling? The cabal have been super slick up to now, think they all of a sudden got stupid? Who is it and why are they keeping just the ones motivated enough to read them at bay, what is really going down here?


With millions of ships why can they not keep the bad guys from posining us all day any day they so choose?


At this late stage in this game of course we all have these kind of questions. I mean look at the thousands of years and hundreds of life times that up to now we have be dupped??? I smell a rat in Demark.


Good luck to us all



You mentioned free will

will's picture

You mentioned free will before, and that has a whole lot to do with all of this. Nobody's coming to save Humanity, as the experience on Earth is, if nothing else, an educational one. If Humanity as a whole is still bowing to the Cabal, then the lesson hasn't been learned yet. Having "outside" intervention would just cause Humanity to become dependent, and they wouldn't come to know their own true power. You can fertilize and water a flower, but you can't force it open.

Your Soul Is Eternal, and while it may seem like Humanity's suffering has gone on a very long time, it's really just the blink of an eye. Sooner or later you will see things from a Larger Perspective, and all the pain and the fear will just be a bad dream. On an individual level, contact with your Star Family and raising your Consciousness to 5D is fully possible right now. Of course, it was possible for people thousands of years ago, as was mentioned to Humanity back then as well. Not many have chosen to follow that path, though the number has recently been greatly increasing, and those ones who have chosen to save themselves certainly aren't complaining about nothing happening.

this is bullshit. if the

Guest's picture

this is bullshit. if the future already exists i would not have to match my vibration cause i would be allready on the course to it... my vibration 10 minutes from now would be an exactly one as it would be at any given time. but we are alive, we can make choices. if in 5 minutes i go out and smoke crack will result in a very different vibration than if i stay and meditate. can u see? if the future already exists we would not be alive, it would have no meaning. we would just be watching a movie unfold and this is not true. i'm sick of trancendental superstitions!

Just currious

Guest 's picture

Why does the cabal allow these sites to put out this information? If it was interrupting their agendas they wouldn't so what is it for then? Do we need to call in Columbo? If you go back on a site called, "ascesionnow.posterous.com" you can track the eledged "Ascended Masters" and "Arch Angels" several years back and then they were saying the same things they have up to recent, now they've toned it down a bit on their predicitions as we have rebutted to them seveal times and some that "channel" them have quit due to the miss leading information put out be them. The eledged "SaLuSa" had me ready to pack back in the early 2000s. I mean by what he kept eledgely saying it was LIKE NEXT WEEK THE BIG ONE IS COMING, THE SKY WILL FALL, THE BOTTOM WILL COME OUT!!!!!!!!!! They guide us to think from the heart, be in peace, calm, take it all as it comes and don't lash out. This is perfect traing if you want the mass/sheep to follow you into containment/FEMA camps. When they say that the cabal will be off planet, of course they will, they know what's coming in the up coming alignment and they have off-planet bases on the moon, mars and other plantes likely. Not to mention the under ground facilties. And of course we would be directed to believe the the Annanaki and all the bad ones have been removed. I just cannot get it how so many time our eledged "allies" in the skies have been given the green light, the go ahead, the approval by Heaven and God Almighty and still the sit by the "millions" waiting for what??? I think the ships we've been seeing in our skies are simply the cabal as we know they have this tech. So what are we all being lined up for, and by whom? Did you know the NESARA promise has been going on for centuries? Did you know that evil forces have been in charge of earth for thousands of years? Did you know that the Olyimpic games was the final date for the cabal to go peacefully, again? Have you seen Bush, Bilderberger, Rothschiles, Rockerfeller, Morgan, Gates, Rumsfield, Romney or any of the leaders of the US in cells? NO. If we do have free will by God's laws, then that would mean that we have free will to allow the ETs to intervene, right, I mean and I right or not? So come on down and intervene, how many times have you said that? I will give up my free will for the time it takes to excape hell, won't you? So what is really going on out here?? Did you see Soilent Green? Shiendler's List? Ever hear of a guy named Hitler? I'm feeling like a cow.