Bill Ballard ~ So Many Peeps Are In 4D Now ~ GREAT~ But How Do We Get Them to 5D

Lia's picture

There has been such great changes being felt as the collective shifts into 4D and seeing all from a different perspective. Those of us who knowingly came here to shift the planet into 5D now are trying to figure out how to accomplish this next phase... What a trip this is! LOVE!


response to Bill Ballards video

Lacie's picture

The quantumpathic energy method ( is the best way I have found to stay in the heart and it does not take a long time to heal! I'm so excited for the world to learn about this. All the dimensions are inside us. Love

wake up call

sheriheart's picture

I am not sure most of humanity can move on without some event or disclosure to hit them in the head. I have been like a preacher from the pulpit for 12 years and so many are in such fear of their world changing that at times it seems like their mind automaticaly shuts down when hearing truth other then their own reality. At times i want to scream, but know that is not what i am supposed to be doing now lol. I believe the phrase "The truth shall set you free", is appropriate and ready or not it is time for it.


Marc's picture

I totally agree with your point of view. Even though many of us are stepping into 4th dimensional awareness, in order for the majority of the population to fully dedicate their focus to 5th dimensional thinking would require great commitment and trust in the devine plan. For humanity to truely get their priorities straight would require a significant event of disclosure or exposure of information related to the immediate impact of spirituality and consciousness on the physical plane. If everyone understood that they directly create their own reality, we would understand that we are powerful divine being therefore more willing to focus all our attention on expanding our levels of consciousness and raising our vibrations.


Unfortunatley, many of us are becoming stuck in 4th dimensional awareness because we have too many attachments to 3d which we just aren't ready to let go of (families, jobs, beliefs...) and I think even though we are doing the best we can, until we are 100% devoted to the divine plan that is to be, progress will be slow.


Thats just my take on it anyway. I trust all will turn out exactly how it was meant to in the end :)

How do we get to 5D?

4dangelo3's picture

Well Hi know you are the first person I saw on the net.talking about GFOL and i could not beleave my ears at what you where saying,after ferther digging 3 plus mounths of relentless studies,and going with this rollercoster ride,about on thing are the other.I think we have alot mixed up from people that get off are get payed for disemformation.Yes i beleave that we have a light family of the univerce,and they are here to help us get to a place where uncondishtional love is our new and only way to be.My mission in life is to bring peace to the would.the only way that I know this can happen ,if we hade to do this on our own ,"this could be the case considering all the disemformation" you just dont now what to beleave when some people are lieing though there teeth.think about it Bill.If we had to do it by our self?To make uncondistional love the law .I can tell you that this plan of just thinking about it sounds and fells like a trick to me,although that is the frame of mind that is what we need to get to.Let me get to the point.I dont believe that Obama has asended like some say.Becouse it just doent fell like it ,when you still see our goverment going off on the chem trails like its going out off style.the only way we can fix this our self is to ellect a president we can trust.Her name is Jill Reed she will make a amendment to our constatution called the 'THE PRIME LAW" you can look her up on youtube "TVP ,basicly the prime law is uncondistional is the way there for sure.You see the President of the USA has the power to make a amendment to uor constatution with our help.THE PRIMELAW is Crist contusness.So Jill will do this "I put  my life 


 on it that we can trust her with this task",think about what it will do for the world.NO FORCE ,NO THREAT OF FORCE, NO FRAUD,"FORCE IS JUSTAFIDE ONLY WHEN THE PRIME LAW HAS BEEN BROKEN.She has a write in canadisy.( REED/CAREY)I dont trust giving up on this wounderfull moment in time,AND NOT THINKing FOR OUR SELF'S.We need Jill she has the right plan of action.I know that every good person will vote for this law .The only ression they would not, is brain washing are or just plain stupid.I have heard so many people say that they are going to vote for one person just so the other person dont get it.So people are going to vote for slaverly just say thay dont give it to the other puppet."Come on people wake up"we have a lady who is going to do this for us.Jill Reed is the only person running for the Pesident that has the key to our freedom.check it out for your  .Thanks for being in your hart  " how do we get people in 5D"? we fix our constation by adding THE PRIME LAW to it,that will crate the invierment to alow it to happen!

Hey man some nice points but

Guest's picture

Hey man some nice points but check your spelling. Obama was going to be president again no matter what we don't choose the president the people who run the country do our votes mean nothing. And for unconditional love a woman that will put a law into place, with love there are no "laws" u can't force someone to feel love the way mankind is heading there will be no president and no laws and no government because we won't need them any more just need some more people to wake up