So tonight I had my Third dream abaut full UFO contact.
I really want to share these dream with you guys because I believe these dreams are a sign.
Always in these dreams I am at my Mom's apartment, it's night and I look out of the windows and I see the sky FULL of HUNDREDS of Spaceships! :D
It's AMAZING! All the Dreams start the same way.
In the first dream I had telepatic contact, and they told me they where always there if/when I needed them.
The second I had no contact but it was still as amazing, and i was less suprised.
But In this dream I actualy got visited by some of our Brothers and Sisters. (Or Children I think actualy...)
They where very very lovely. So wonderfull... This race looked like a Human Hybrid race... They looked like an ordenery Nordic race, exept they where very short, and had bigger head and eyes...and longer armes. but they where absolutly beautifull.
This woman had the moast beautifull eyes I have ever seen.... I told her how beautifull she was^^
And ofc I woke up....
My own option of this dream is that my higher self is preparing for somthing that will happen in the near future.
I belive that there will soon in 2012 be UFO's hovering over every major City in the World (I live in Oslo)
And that I need to be prepared for meeting them...
I know they usaly come in my dreams rather than showing themselvs "Physicaly" for me... becouse I am still not fully preapared. I woud probably go into shock or somthing XD or get realy scared or suprised.
And the funny thing is that I saw a triangelar ship the day before. I know that a lot of the Hybrid races have Triangelar space ships... I strongly belive this was theirs.
So.... yeah. Preparation of Star family contact in the near future...
Have anyone had any simmilar experiances? I personaly belive there will be full UFO contact very soon...
I feel I am starting to get used to having contact XD
Take care! And have a lovely Christmast! ~ <3
Hello Kaira:-)
I had guite a similar dream, exept in mine, there were some bad guys, preparing some kind of evil weapon...and the second before this weapon went off, it somehow turned into a peaceful weapon:D and right after, I saw a triangelar spaceship:D, and from within the ship, there was a Galactic, waving back at me:-) it was heartwarming...I was smiling and knowing it is alright...
Another Response
Several years ago I experienced a dream that took me aboard one of their ships. They were loving and as you pointed out, the Nordic type. They escorted me to various areas of the ship, such as the library of other planets and their occurances, and their computer stations. I recall a huge window or screen that showed me any place on earth I wanted to view. They even showed me a certain area where there was war and conflict. I could feel their anguish and sadness as we watched, and discussed that this was one the main reasons for them being here, besides ascension. This dream was very vivid and had all the feelings of love and compassion, as well as warmth and beauty.
Since then, I've had telepathic visions come up of a different race that's been trying to make contact with me. And, still another race of beings that was in a short, but not memorable dream which happened just last week.
Just a couple of days ago when I was walking home at night, I looked up into the stars and saw them blinking everywhere. I got so excited about that, I stopped over to my lightworker friend to show her, but when she came out to look, they were gone. Go figure!
So, Dear, yes, I do believe that things are gearing up and the visitation will occur soon. I feel it in my bones. For the longest time, I've been idling, but this time, I can feel the momentum. Something is ready to break loose, and the excitement is in the air. I can feel it. Can you?
Love and Peace.
Love and Light, d'tewa