~Taurus Full Moon 10 November 2011 ~
The Taurus Full Moon occurs November 10, on the eve of the 11.11.11 a date of transformation from third density into Higher Consciousness. We are at a crossroads. We are at a turning point in our lives. Will we choose a path of Love and Truth or will we continue to live in the illusion of separation. Will we choose unity consciousness recognizing that ALL ARE ONE? Alternatively, will we stay in “The Matrix” that breeds fear, poverty, and war? This Full Moon shines the light on these two worlds, revealing where we are and where we are choosing to go.
The Moon is feminine in principal and exalted in Taurus. She seeks safety, security and sustenance. Taurus is the builder and the accumulator. Taureans are the ‘The Producers’ of the zodiac. Taurus is a money sign. Their key phrase is “I have.” Possessions and material things are of great significance to Taureans. This is because they do not feel emotionally secure unless they can see and touch the objects they own. This intense need to possess and enjoy with the five senses can drive Taureans to be extremely productive. It takes a great deal to anger a Taurus. When in rage, they have a strong desire to throw things and storm around the house. Have you ever tried to push a stubborn bull? You cannot. On the other hand, when Taurus the bull is ready to charge forward it is wise to get out of their way.
The Full Moon in Taurus brings to conclusion, climax or close what has been building since the Oct 26 New Moon in Scorpio. Taurus rules the Second House—true values, self-worth, self-esteem, money, talent, gifts and abilities. Values—anything we appreciate, like and enjoy, whether it is mental, spiritual, emotional or physical.
We are at the beginning of our spiritual revolution. We are riding the wave of change. Additionally, the significance with the sacred dates 11.11.11, and 12.12.12 are portals into Higher Dimensions. These blessed openings are giving us unprecedented Love/Light supportive energy for our transformation. We are awakening. All of Cosmos is participating in our graduation and empowering us to create Heaven on Earth.
♠ What do you want to build?
♠ What increases your self-worth?
♠ What do you love and value?
♠ What makes you feel strong?
The Sun in Scorpio empowers us to face and feel everything. We are to realize that all things change. Scorpio a water sign dives into the depths of self and reveals what we are missing. Scorpio rules the Eighth House—death, rebirth, the mysteries, hidden talents, and magic. Scorpio teaches us to own the power of our emotions, fears and the secret aspects of Self. Scorpio shows us how to align our feelings with our actions. This empowers us to live authentically from Love and Truth.
♠ What do you desire?
♠ What you are hungry for?
♠ What are you missing?
♠ What are your hidden talents?
Neptune and Chiron complete their yearly retrograde cycle at the Full Moon amplifying the spiritual message that we are Ascending. Creator is giving us the green light to move forward. It is decision time. We are uniting and collaborating on the world we want to have—abundant, free and beautiful. We are collectively creating on a scale bigger than in the past. We are ready to go to the next level. We are ready to go to full consciousness.
“Beam me up Scotty.” –Star Trek
Meanwhile, back at the ranch, our current realities are collapsing like dust in the wind. The chaos and breakdown in our governments, systems, beliefs, relationships and structures are necessary to quicken us to change. Even if we have to protest every day until we have Economic Justice. Do not judge yourself or others our current realities are transitioning. Mind centered thinking may not offer insight or understanding into our lives or transformation. Criticizing others, needing to be right and right fighting is the old energy. Mind centered thinking keeps us spinning in the ‘monkey mind’. This creates more anxiety, confusion and not the clarity we seek. Connecting our head and heart, being heart centered creates inner peace and opens the door to full consciousness.
Believe—hold the vision of a kind, peaceful and prosperous world.
Individuals that have had access to full consciousness have been great divine channels—Earth Angels. Beethoven, Rembrandt, John Lennon, Steve Jobs, Einstein, Marilyn Monroe, Elvis Presley, Walt Disney and Oprah are examples of Earth Angels. Way showers, gifted teachers and masters of their craft, who channel the Logos—divine knowledge, wisdom, light and love. For instance, Beethoven’s masterpiece Ode to Joy was an example of his genius, greatness, and divinity. Beethoven was a divine channel on Earth. His music lifts us up into higher dimensions. Moreover, he too, like so many Earth Angels experienced great personal hardship, pain and suffering. Family and friends misunderstood him. His father/music teacher abused him physically causing his deafness. The community ridiculed him. It was only in his passing that people realized his immense contribution to our culture, lives and world. Beethoven’s biggest heartache came from his separation with his one true love. His twin flame the Immortal Beloved.
Our shift into full consciousness will make millions of people into divine channels—Earth Angels. Once we are in full consciousness by 21.12.12. We will be restored to our original talents, gifts and abilities. The aging process will go in reverse and so will all disease. Imagine a world where we have millions of lightworkers—Earth Angels working together to create a free, prosperous, and peaceful world. Are you ready to be the cosmic genius and talented manifestor Creator has destined? Are you ready to reach your Fullest Potential/Power?
Mars enters practical and diligent Virgo at the time of the Full Moon. Mars will be in Virgo for the next eight months. Mars will retrograde in Virgo January 23, through July 4, 2012. Mars is our drive in life. Mars is our energy, strength and will. Mars in Leo gave us the dream, the ambition and the big idea. Mars in Virgo can apply the vision in small steps, efficiently and effectively. Mars in Virgo is in a supportive trine—helpful, flowing and harmonious with expansive Jupiter and powerful Pluto. This earthy grand trine will be in effect until the end of November fueling hope, optimism, creativity and the will to resolve long-standing issues. Wherever Taurus is found in your natal birth chart is where you are to learn a sense of values—where you are apt to be locked up in the world of matter. Here is where you are to be “productive,” but productive in the realm beyond the material world. The Taurus Full Moon is asking us to close the keyholes of the past. We are not to be too possessive of the ‘old days.’ Release, allow, flow with the wave of changes, endings and revelations this Full Moon offers.
As we pass through the 11.11.11 portal Creator will expand and uplift our consciousness. Believe in miracles happening personally and collectively. At the end of the rainbow, dreams do come true in the most magical and miraculous ways. Believe in ‘happy endings.’ Believe!
Love and Abundance for All,
Kelley Rosano
No part of this article may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without permission.
©2011 by Kelley Rosano All rights reserved.
Taurus Full Moon 10 November 2011
This is great thank you for sharing the good vibrations!