~An Hour with an Angel: Archangel Michael Answers Your Questions~
Questions have been asked about why events promised for the end of the year have not materialized. Of course we haven’t reached the end of the year, but nonetheless I’ll be asking Archangel Michael again to go over his statements on the subject.
I will also ask him if the Japanese people stand in peril of a nuclear bomb being exploded to cause a second catastrophe, as Ben Fulford has alleged. You know that I think there is no chance of any such thing. I’m only asking AAM to quiet fears in the face of questions, not to raise them.
As well, if we have time, I’ll be asking him to discuss with us the two matters of the “Divine Plan” for the end times and “divine deadlines.”
Clearly he won’t be able to reveal the divine deadlines themselves. To do so would allow the remaining dark ones to prepare and cause harm to us – not to the galactics. But at least we can learn more about the general nature of divine deadlines – if we have the time.
Given the preciousness of time and the ground to be covered, we won’t be accepting questions from call-in listeners.
This will be a sleeves-rolled-up session. You’re invited to listen in.
Perhaps I should mention here as well that on Christmas Eve I had an accident running for a bus. I slipped, fell and appear to have dislocated two ribs. So if I wince in pain on the show, I apologize. But I don’t want to miss a broadcast regardless. I may publish somewhat less however until I’ve recovered.
Monday night 6:00 p.m. PST; 9:00 pm EST; 2:00 am GMT.
Dislocated ribs
Hi, Sending you reiki light to ease the pain in your ribs. I damaged one of mine also few weeks ago so I can empathise explicitly!
Peace be with you.