Thank You to 2012thebigpicture
And I mean GIANT! Look at this thing! Is it from a whale? We’ll have to wait for that answer.
A giant eyeball found on the east coast of Florida, is a real-life fish story that’s fascinating the world. They’re still studying it over near Pompano Beach, but very soon it’ll be on the way to St. Petersburg, to the main research hub of the Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission.They’ve gotten calls from England, from Germany — it seems the whole world’s got their eye on the giant eyeball. The eye-popping photographs have folks around the world asking who or what does that thing belong to?
“It was round in the sand,” said Gino Covacci, who found the giant eye while walking on the beach Wednesday. “I just gave him a kick and it looked at me and I said, ‘Wait a minute, this is an eyeball!’ Mama Mia!”
“It’s kinda between the size of a baseball and a softball,” said Kevin Baxter, who is with the Florida Fish & Wildlife Research Institute in St. Petersburg, where the eye will eventually be studied.
“It’s kind of an unusual circumstance, we don’t have an eyeball hotline for instance,” Baxter laughed, as his phone rang non-stop with calls from all over the world from people curious about the giant, ocular orb.
“England, Germany I believe and other places across the United States as well,” said Baxter said. They want to study it and make sure everyone’s in scientific agreement, before making any determination.
“It does appear to be a fish of some kind and it would be a large fish,” said Baxter, which would have bones and a spine. He does not believe it’s from a squid and Charles Messing with Nova Southeastern University agrees.
“That does not really look like a squid,” said Messing. “So I did a little hunting and I came up with that it is a Broadbill Swordfish.”
“Nah, it’s too big for that,” said Jim Koehler, a Marine Biologist with the National Park Service on Long Island, NY we ran into in St. Pete on Friday. We showed him the pic on our iPhone.
“Could be a large cetacean, sure,” he said, referring to another word for a whale.
“There have been a couple of pretty big tunas caught lately that I’ve heard about on the news, so I know there are some pretty big ones out there, so that’s gonna be my best guess,” said Todd Fedyszyn of St. Pete.
“Um, this big!,” said 7-year-old Sidney Moyer, who weighed in with her arms outstretched as far as she could.
“So give me your best guess Sidney, what do you think that is?,” we asked, showing her the pic on our iPhone.
“Maybe like big fish or a whale, I mean, I don’t think it could come from a small fish, because it’s so big,” she said.
And as for the wonderful… it’s my humble opinion but I think this is really cool.
This is a Pleiadian beamship or “wedding cake” saucer that visited Billy Meier in Switzerland in the seventies as you have no doubt seen many times by now.
If you go to this website, you can listen to a 3 minute audio recording Billy made when one of these ships approached or hovered near him. They may have stripped it from the Super 8 video he took. I don’t know.
It’s interesting that people nowadays say the ships they see make no sound, but are they THIS close?
This sound would be unmistakable, and resembles the audio used in some movies when space ships are present.
Perhaps the Pleiadians have modified their craft over the years, or can render them silent if they choose. This is shrill!
giant eyeball in dream night before photo aired
The night before this photo aired I had a vivid dream of being shot at though a huge eye-ball shaped screen. Lucidly, I thought the screen image was a blast coming the dot moon photo. In the moment of the dream before I woke up, I ran back to get the camera bag and whoever was behind the eye-shaped screen allowed me to retrieve it. I don't know what this means but it feels important and connected. Much love.
Beautiful Cloud Woman
That is very interesting, your dream. Thanks for telling us about it!
Love and blessings, Astreia