Hello Ground Crew
Dr Moe here. I just created a new music video playlist on YouTube featuring 10 great rockin blues tunes to ascend by. I know, I know - who's he kidding? Well really, it's what I do and you're the only audience I can find right now so please humour me.
The playlist is titled: "11 - Eleven's Coming Down"
I characterize the songs as a) Laments; b) Messages (usually incoming); and c) Prayers (from us to Them)
Comments are always appreciated.
Song Titles; 1) Phoenix is Rising; 2) Be Prepared for Love; 3) 11 - Eleven's Coming Down; 4) Bridge to Hope; 5) Forget About It (with a Jersey accent); 6) My Vision of Heaven; 7) On My Way to Heaven; 8) Twilight Time; 9) Now Is the Time; 10) Dreamer
This is the kind of funny. I personally was not enthousiastic about listening to that music. In fact I was just going to close the page because i was searching for some strong news considering the level of anticipation I am experiencing now. But my Higher Self has pushed me to just try it...then I listened to it once...then twice..then a third time...a fourth time....I can't believe it resonates so deep wtih me....this is the song we have been waiting for....! PHENIX IS RISINNNNNNNNNG! I definitely love.
Thank you DR MOE!
I love you unconditionaly!
Thank You for your feedback.
Much appreciated.