Press TV - 10/9/12
A US analyst says the key pro-Israeli neo-con elements who ran the former George Bush administration’s foreign and military policies and planned the 9/11 attacks are now running the campaign of Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney.
Rejecting US President Barack Obama administration’s official account that the alleged mastermind of the 9/11 terror incidents in 2001, Osama Ben Laden, was killed by American forces and then dumped in the ocean, Kevin Barrett said in a Press TV article, “Real perpetrators of the 9/11 attacks are still at large.”
“And what's worse is that they control most of the United States Federal Court system and mainstream media, and are running the campaign of presidential candidate Mitt Romney,” he adds.
According to Barrett, Romney's top foreign policy advisor Rabbi Dov Zakheim is “one of the leading suspected hands-on designers and controllers of the Israeli-instigated 9/11 false-flag operation.”
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Please... if you're going to
Please... if you're going to expose Romney, then you should also expose
Obama as the goes for him on who is running his campaign.
Per Benjamin Fulford, the "Queen" & the Pope are funding his campaign:
"In the cabal controlled US election farce, meanwhile, the Pope and Queen have been funneling billions of dollars each to get Obama re-elected as US president, according to Italina P2 Freemason sources."
And your very own website states that both the Queen & the Pope are cabalists:
"The Cabal is made up of people like The Pope, Queen Elizabeth, The Black Pope and some Jesuits, members of some wealthy families like the Rothschilds, some Freemasons, some politicians, etc."
Romney vs Obama - an illusion of choice.
We support Obama
We support Obama because he is a Lightworker. Mitt Romney? Not so much...
Queen Fullford
Fullford says only what he is allowed to say, he is not a true source of truth, just portions of it
tara and rama are some of my favorite sources of information from
Obama works with the GFOL and the ashtar command, the corrupt people have to be allowed to incriminate themselves, albeit he could have just had the space people come on day 1, and I vote for that,
anyway believe whatever one wishes its just ideas and information, the truth is only known by a few, i just trust what i hear from them :)
If you'd like to believe
If you'd like to believe that, then I'm happy for you.
But you're basing your conclusion on just channeled messages, which can (most likely are) manipulated.
No thanks.
As per the GFOL and Ashtar Command:
I don't know if
I don't know if you were talking to me or not, Guest but I have a response to your comment.
I don't know if other people are basing their conclusions on channeled messages or not but I agree they shouldn't be doing this. Yes, it's okay to read channeled messages but you must use your own discernment when evaluating the information presented - the Truth is found by going within.
That is how I learned that Barack Obama is a Lightworker (I had my doubts, too). I meditated on it and asked my Higher Self and the Angels, etc. I got a response that left no doubts.
Guest, you say that other people should not draw conclusions from channeled messages. But you seem to be basing your conclusion on outside sources as well. Isn't it the same thing? Go inside if you want The Truth.
Hi Rain,
Thanks for the reply.
I haven't made a firm conclusion yet as to to whether Mr. Obama is a lightworker or not.
At the moment, although it may come off that I'm concluding that Obama is not of the light, I'm pretty neutral about all this and just waiting for things to unfold.
But I am doubting that Mr. Obama is of the light considering the "negative" actions that outweight the "positive," despite the fact that the physical world is all relative.
In essence, there really is no dark, just an absence of light or an illusion. We're all Source.
Some souls have just decided to take on the role of the "dark" during this lifetime.
So yea, I can agree that Mr. Obama is of the light. But maybe he's taking on a "dark" role this time.
Now I'm more than open to being wrong about Mr. Obama. And if I am, I'll humbly eat my words as there may be some things going on behind the curtain which I or other lightworkers are not aware of. But we'll all soon find out. At present, I stand with the many other Ascension sites that believe Ron Paul should be the uSA president.
The reason why I suggested what I did in the beginning about exposing Obama as well is because your site kind of comes off like a mainstream media site at times. You expose all the "negative" stuff about Romney yet none of the "negative" of Obama. It's just like the political ads and propaganda of mainstream TV: make your party look good while making the other party look bad.
Well, if you're not going to tell both sides of the story, then how about not exposing the "negative" about either candidate?
Best regards
I respect your opinion and position.
But I disagree.
Why Believe Ben Fulford without discernment??
Ben Fulford has been under assassination attempts so many times that I feel that his opinions and sources are severely compromised. His intel is always a high percentage of accuracy and some obvious disinformation disguised in the mix. He says that the Queen and the Papalcy of Rome are in a war against the Rothschilds, when the dark force comes from all one strain of Europeans, and the Nazi's were part of that same strain. If you go back far enough in the Earth's past, the Middle east tribes and the caucasus people have the same origins. The Anunnaki. There is only one faction that broke into 2 divisions long before the Scriptures were actually written, and neither back Obama, They just want you to swallow that lie, to create division among Lightworkers, and Fulford is one of the main tools that they use for the nefarious purpose.
press tv
Just to be aware of. Press TV is owned by the state owned Islamic media company that is owned by the state of Iran.. highly suspicious in terms of anti Israeli sentiment. Not that 9/11 was not an inside job.. I believe it. But I don't believe Iranian propaganda.
this is a joke on you
After lisening to the dabates last night ,I could not beleave how immateure both of them are,I wrote a qwote done that obama said that show's him self to the person he is,this is what he said"when I talk about secerity ,I mean what I say".I think we are smart enough to see what's going on.Put a end to this puppet show and elect Jill Reed she is the one that has the kee to our is called "THE PRIME LAW"It mean's,no force,no theat of force,and no fraud,by any goverment ,grupe of people ,person, or contract, the only time force is justifide is if THE PRIME LAW IS BROKEN.She will make that amendment to our constatution.It is the only fix,beside's some type of hevenly intervention.this is my mission in life to tell you that we have the answer.Why would you ellect obama when he said that.I dont think he's the assended master that some people say.JILL HAS A PERTECTION ONLY BUGGET,See the platfom at " see MARK HAMILTON'S 3000 year old secrit on youtube.How do you define uncondistional love,"THE PRIME LAW" get the word out about JILL REED.She has a write in campaign , if you dont see her on the ballot wight in( REED/CAREY) in the blank spot for write in's.