Published on Oct 22, 2012 by paradoxman316
As I was growing up, I heard the word: "HOLY" a lot, especially in church; and my family was active in that environment. We were Holy Rollers and proud of it. I was taught it meant sinless, without guilt. It was a standard that made me feel unworthy and not good enough for most of my life. But what if the meaning was wrong? What if it meant wholly, as in inclusive of all that is? What if that is what the single eye that Jesus mentioned was what it really meant? What if HOLY was the game plan of the controllers designed to make us feel less than, rather than pointing us to our amazing and unlimited potential? Today, I will explore this with those that have ears to hear and hearts to receive.
'Holy', 'Whole' and 'Health'
'Holy', 'Whole' and 'Health' derive from a common etymology: what you say is precisely right. 'Sin' means to 'miss' or 'go off target': and the production of moments (things/words, i.e. the tree of knowledge, the seed of death) is that which produces something other than wholeness which derails the organism toward the good, which creates the bad - if you meditate on all of this it tells of a profound story that connects literally everything in reality, and deeply affirms what you are suggesting here.