Three full days into the fields of 2012 and I so feel like I woke up into a living dream. Magical even. But before I get into the details of why, I want to do a review of some really really important things I have come to learn about how we should walk within this new energy field.
Twice in the last several weeks, my heart spoke quite clearly... in feeling to me. Once, as I had already shared in a previous blog when Archangel Michael asked me how I see myself in 2012 and then most recently was within a conversation I was having with a wonderful lady I was supposed to read for. She was talking about stocking up on the "comforts" of our life... my mind went immediately to chocolate, coffee and smokes. They are my comforts within my life. We chuckled for a moment and then... my heart kicked in. This time I could see the energy flow out of my heart as I felt my soul so deeply wanted to live in a place that nurtured it, surrounded by like minds/vibrations. It actually took me by surprise for two reasons, firstly was the intensity. My heart, my soul yearned for this in no uncertain terms.
But I actually seen the energy emitted from my heart center. It was like a cloud of smoke coming out... pink at the base that moved into a soft yellow at the outer most field of this energy. It only moved about a foot from my body... I should have known something was near... but I was so surprised at the experience and hey, that moment in time was not about me, but the precious soul on the phone.
I also feel the need to mention when my mind thought of chocolate, coffee, and smokes I could see it clearly. So clearly it was as if my mind turned my inner vision to a hi-definition image. Crisp, tangible, clear. My heart on the other hand... poofy energy filled with feeling.
It is no wonder we make choices from our minds. How do you make a choice from poofy, feeling drenched pink and yellow energy? I can grab the chocolate but how do I grab a feeling?? Well, let me tell you how!!
With my own soul shutting down my psychic abilities on New Years day to focus on my own Self, my own life and that green energy that greeted me, I suppose I should have known something big was around my corner... but I didn't.
I did realize I am tired of working out of my car. I go thru $50 in gas a week sitting in the driveway... not to mention the constant use of the cars engine. There are so many other things I want to bring to life to help others, but I simply cannot do it from my car and in the house, I have zero connection to spirit.
I could so feel the promptings in my own heart wanting to have my feet live and walk the same vibrational field as my consciousness does. But how can I do that... I spent my savings on moving back to New Mexico and being sick for 2 weeks... I have no money left for anything.
But, I would be such a fool if I do these readings, which are intense these days. "Intense" by the adamant nature of spirit that I can both hear and feel when sharing with a client. The sale tags, the spiritual attributes in a back pack... Life wants us to Live our Dreams not be held hostage by them!!
Yesterday thru the course of more readings, more messages of "just go for it" I couldn't ignore my own heart promptings any longer. By late afternoon I decided, OK, time to move. I went to craigslist and looked for the cheapest housing... yuck.
I kept hearing a message to a man I read for the day before "don't sell yourself short." Easy for spirit to say when they are not worried about a bank account that is supposed fund your dreams. Ohhhh... we can be so human!!
And then I opened an ad that said Jemez Valley Cabin for rent. Even tho my mind was sure it was a vacation rental and almost didn't open it, I opened it anyway. Ohhhhh my freakin God!! Heaven. Let me show you what I seen:
The ad said it was $685 per month and they wanted first and last to move in. I was about $1200 short. I closed it, then opened it, closed it, then opened it and decided, it was just out of reach per my current financial situation.
I woke up at 1am and all I could feel was this amazing place in Jemez Springs. I opened the ad again, and closed it. There is something that happens when you wake up with freshness in your body... the mind chatter is not as loud as it can be deep into a day. I had to write to her. I introduced myself and gave her my website link as a way to get to know me. I already knew it was a "her."
As my morning progressed I was writing an email to a friend about this sudden desire to move and this proptery that is now haunting me when all of a sudden... I felt it. I got an email back from the Jemez lady. I went to my phone email and sure enough... she invited me to come look. Part of me felt crazy for even wasting her time, I started to go thru people I knew who may have this large amount of money to lend me. But my heart reminded me, when something is meant to be... it is and it is effortless. Just do it!
I had to smile from ear to ear when she emailed me directions to this property. It was just beyond "Shangra-La Gallery directly across from mile marker 11." I actually cried when I got her email. Her first line to me was: I think this is probably the exact place that has been calling to you. It is located in a healing community, and sited in a clearing that is a definite power spot. The mesa is sacred ground, and the water in the little river is warm in the summer and fall.
As I drove to this place I felt exactly as I did when I first drove to the mountain-side in Vermont. My chakra's were spinning so fast that my head was getting dizzy. I could feel it drawing me in.
Now I have got to pause and share something I so didn't get yesterday!! In a reading I had done... I had seen the lady's arm as pure golden energy. In front of her was 3 horizontal vortexes stretching out into her future and all I kept hearing spirit say, reach out for what you want. Well that sounds fanciful... but what does it mean really??
My experience later in the day yesterday... was exactly what it meant!!
We sat and talked and shared. I was in love... Am in love. I could feel my feet and my heart vibrating in unison. She lived next door and there was another artist (she is one as well) who lived in another cabin right there. 3 women living in heaven together... separately, yet... understanding why we choose to live off the beaten path.
And then the moment of truth. I told her, which there is no doubt she already knew, I was in heaven there... but... and I explained my financial situation. She didn't care. She didn't ask for a credit report, nor my bank statements, not even past references. She trusts her gut and heart to put the right person in this sacred land. She trusted me and allowed payments as I got money to cover the money she was asking for..
But one major drawback... I have no cell signal in this place. My soul income is from readings... yikes. She ordered me broadband internet to make sure I had a way to continue doing my readings. All this, with a promise to pay... just like that. No thinking, no worrying... just helping me and she didn't even know me but a couple hours.
I signed the lease, she gave me a key, told me I can move in anytime I wanted but understood I had to wait until the internet modem arrived, which they were shipping via fed-ex and I expect to live there by Friday.
Trust me, I am still pinching myself. If this is a dream, please don't ever wake me up.
Who knew in less than 24 hours my life would change completely... and all I had to do was reach out from my heart promptings.
I cannot wait to do readings from this place. I cannot wait to learn, absorb and teach from this place. Over this coming weekend I will be launching new aspects of myself. Finally The Soul Gym as well as private courses to teach you how to fully and truly live from your heart and how to live the promptings of your heart!
Here is to all of our Dreams Come True and the audacity to LIVE them!! Be sure to go shopping NOW... Life really is having a clearance sale filled with LOVE!!!!
I love you all soooo much!! Thank you all for fueling my life with your desire to know more!
((((HUGZ)))) of New Life, New Energy to ALL,
Lisa Gawlas
Thanks for Sharing.
Wow, what a fantastic story! And ironically, I find myself in a very similar situation, one that even woke me up at 1am last night - a beautiful place is calling me, but financially...can I do it? You've inspired me so much to just go for it! I'm SO happy for you - it really seems like a magical place - ENJOY!!!! :)
Love and Hugs,