By 2012thebigpicture
Why it's NOT just another year…
Will Hurricane (Frankenstorm) Sandy preempt the election? That’s a very real possibility from the sound of the meteorological predictions. Better batten down the hatches if you live on the east coast—that’s USA and Canada.
How bad is it? Reports out of the Caribbean say 22 have died as of today.
Will it make it easier or harder to execute The Plan?
We could be in for some very interesting times in the next couple of weeks, or even longer. Very interesting indeed.
Don’t panic, just be aware, take what precautions you can and know that it will all unfold as it’s meant to, for our best and highest good.
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Not sure if it's divine or not but...
I'm in New England and the chemtrailing this week has been intense. Plus, HAARP has been very, very active in New England this week. It would appear that the PTB are trying to steer this storm towards New England to inflict some chaos.
Please look at the real-time haarp status update here:
It would appear that the storm is being steered into New York City,Connecticut, Rhode Island and Massacusetts in particular.
This site and map are real eye openers!!!!
Perfect Storm
Didn't someone claim not too long ago, that the HAARP project had been shut down? Must've been on another timeline, because here is evidence to the contrary. This storm definitely seems weather engineered and artificially stirred. Question is, will there be any kind of intervention from our Galactic brethren. Now would be a good time to show their salt!
Any time is a good time for t
Any time is a good time for t hem to help us, make their presence known, as detain all evil powers on the planet simultaneously, how about today ?
Engineered storm?
I don't know about that, but I do know it's past time to take action to address the effects of humanity's responsibility for global climate change. Half of the US is still in denial! Please support Green Energy and those who promote its use. Thank you!