~Galactic Love Reporter Zack~
~Our Star Family is Bringing us Wonderful News~ Stay in the Light and Stay Strong~
I’ve been recently awakened to the happenings of the Galactic Federation and our families among the stars and the good they bring; I’ve never been happier or felt more connected to God. I read many good things, the gifts and path of Light that is being offered and Hope for a brighter future in which we are the way we should be. Free of government corruption, greed and a broken financial system to enslave us. But as with the good, so comes the bad. As stated before duality is ever present.
I see fears in some of the upheaval of our ways tantamount to just another system of control. The propagation of the New World Order is much to blame. While many alternative media have been helpful and vigilant to make us aware of the corrupt dealings of our world governments, it has also, unfortunately been a well orchestrated propaganda tool to discredit the Galactic Federations benevolent plans to help us in our time of great need.
The idea of a world government was scary under the current design of the NWO based on it being run by those who wish to only seek power and keep the rich richer, and the poor poorer. A complete dissolution of the middle class equal to a caste system of which our ancestors so desperately struggled to get out of.
Please understand, while the idea of losing what would be sovereign and autonomous brings a natural fear to your mind, this is a simple conditioning of what we are used to. Being sovereign and autonomous was a wonderful system while there was a threat present to destroy it and bend to the Dark Forces will. If we are to move forward in a higher consciousness and transcend the old ways, we must start truly thinking and acting as a collective. We cannot represent a world where we still have borders and restrictions and expect to be accepted into a Galactic Federation that consists of not just planets…but galaxies.
A global currency is a perfect solution to the current financial state, (when left in the hands of the benevolent, naturally.) There will be no credit crunching, no inflation or deflation, exchange rates or trade embargo. It will be a true free market with the safety knowing there are no corrupt kickbacks, no evil sweat shops where poor children and families are susceptible to the misfortune of need, and want; and last of all, no distinction of class. If we eliminate need, want and poverty; there will be no need to feel we must control territory and resources. No child will starve in a third world nation while governments spend billions on the business of murdering others. Think of what a wonderful world it could be, where we operate with clean energies, food that is fit to eat as nature intended; a world where you do not need a passport to gain entry to a country because it is shared by all. As a species, we are meant to work together because we are all the same. We are beings of Light in a world enshrouded in darkness but the dawn IS coming.
Our star families and the Creator are making sure of it. We have a very exciting future ahead of us brothers and sisters of the Light.
Rejoice knowing that this path that has yet to be traveled will be paved not by a conqueror and his army, but by a planet of Beings of Light that believe in a brighter future, in a world and future we deserve.
I am currently not consciously aware enough to be a channeler for those who bring us wonderful news, I am still working on it and talk every night to those that will listen and one day, I know they will talk back. I look forward to it with eagerness and open arms. I smile just thinking of the good to come.
Maybe that’s what joy really is.
Please do not fear the changes to come; we always fear what we have yet to understand, but we will, soon enough.
Stay in the Light and hold strong!
Our future
I disagree. This message deserves a great deal of discerment.
We've been warned by ascended masters to avoid a one-world currency and anyone that promotes it. Differing currencies make world economics complicated, but in no way cause a system to be unworkable.
A world without borders and a unified people is a lofty goal, but is something like that attainable in the near future? I don't think so.
How many worlds exist in our galaxy that have separate races, cultures and provinces? They must number in the thousands, if not millions. The Galactic Federation is most certainly advanced enough to handle the management of different races inhabiting a shared planet.
mike why are you answering
mike why are you answering yourself?
your missing the whole point
your missing the whole point of it. one world currency doesn't mean its from NWO, it could be in the form of a precious metal, that everyone will use.
We are supposed to be "one"...we are all the same, we were supposed to live like that in the first place. Each nationality comes from their own specific planets where there are other like them. We were all placed on earth as an experiment to see if we could get along harmoniously, which we obviously shown "we can't" do that. because we were given free will, many chose to do whatever they darn well please and to heck with the consequences.
Although, right now, it could be a possiblity as there are many who have awakened and are awakening.
I haven't missed the point at
I haven't missed the point at all, dear Guest.
Zach states very simply that "a global currency would be a perfect solution" to this monster of a problem. Well, is it? My answer was just as simple: I don't think so. I never mentioned the NWO or a gold standard; you did.
I agree with you about a precious metal standard, but my point concerns a world currency. A single currency is ripe for control and corruption. Look no further than the Euro and what's about to happen to it for an example. Forcing a single currency on the nations of the world just won't happen, even in this time of awakening and release from enslavement. I found Zach's suggestion ill-thought and an attempt to convince others of something we've been warned to avoid. See Laura Tyco's website for more on this issue.
Galactic Federation
Mike, explain why and how unattainable a world without borders and a unified people is. Pretty rigid assessment there considering the advances we've made as a species in such a short time. Either you're blind or incredibly dumbed down to NOT see the people of this planet already coming together in unity.......take your blinders off.....
You're being a little naive,
You're being a little naive, there, Sonny-boy.
I believe this to be a message from the cabal.
See Salusa's post.