We've just launched a new mobile version of the site! If you connect to the site with a mobile device and are logged in, you should see the option to view a version of the site specially created for devices with smaller screens. It's still in development, so if you find any bugs, see any problems, or have any suggestions, feel free to reply below.
Fri, 10/19/2012 - 11:17
Mobile Version of the GFP
I view this site on my mobile often I'll check it out later
Is the mobile for itunes and android? As soon as you click the optin to go mobile on your phone, are you there instantly?
If you're logged in and on a mobile device, an option should appear to choose the "Mobile Version" of the site. It should be at the very top of the site, and after hitting the button, the whole site should change to the mobile version unless you switch it back, or are no longer logged n.
It's still very much in the testing stages, but it's worked on the devices I've tried it on.
Ok. Maybe I was in it. I was looking for something that you would download and then have the option of going into or not. Thank you for clarifying!
I just figured this out! Oops, I wasn't logged in!! It looks Great!!
I like the mobile version! Thank you! :-) <3
sweet i'll try it out! great stuff!