~Transformation and Ascension~
Oneness ~ the Teachings
~ Received and transcribed by Rasha.~
"This is the moment that you have been waiting for, for eons of existence. For, this is the lifetime that will catapult you beyond all you know to a depth of awareness and understanding you are as yet unable to fathom."
"As you gather the fragments of the structure that crumbles around you, and as you cease trying to 'make sense of it,' you will come to embrace the peace of knowing that the struggle is, at last, coming to an end. And you will experience a sense of sweet detachment from what was and an openness to what is yet to be."
"You are a multidimensional being. You are not limited to the particular identity that you have come to regard as you. There are viable aspects of yourself that live, unbeknownst to you, in parallel realities, who reach out, instinctively, for the lost aspect of the self that you would consider to be you. To these beings, you are a missing note in a chord that defines their very existence. You are the harmony toward which they strive and without which they are unable to achieve it."
"It may seem like your life has become a testimony to uncertainty in the present period. By virtue of the fact that you are reading these words and have been drawn to the energy of this communication, you are completing 'the course.' Yet, the sense of direction toward the next phase of your life continues to elude you. It should be fairly obvious, in light of the dismantling of much of your life's structure, that extensive preparation has been done. And there is a sense of waiting for someone or something to give you the 'go-ahead' and tell you what's next."
"It is not necessary to try to second guess the process, but merely to be present. Observe your situation: your whereabouts, your companions, your current focus, and the synchronous events that have brought you to this moment. And it is likely that you can discern a sense of the direction in which those factors are combining to draw you toward a new life's focus."
"As you grow to trust the process, you will be able to allow the future you are co-creating with other aspects of (your)self to evolve in a natural way."
"If you are not yet at a point of absolute clarity about the nature of your participation in your life's work, it may be that all the information has not yet been presented. Be patient and loving with yourself in this time period."
"Once you are at peace with all that you have done thus far in this lifetime, you will be ready to let go of it. Only then will you be ready to embrace a state of beingness that transcends the sense of separation reinforced by those experiences."
"Many are traveling by your side whose experiences may or may not parallel your own. And it is best to resist the inclination to judge your own process or that of others. For each of you is engaged in the perfection of his own personal journey to Oneness."
"You are amongst the forerunners of a new paradigm who will set the precedents upon which the ground rules of the new world will be based. You have identified yourself to yourself and have dared to stand alone in the Light of your inner truth, while others, still cloaked in the self-righteousness of consensus thinking, throw stones - as the fabric of that reality unravels."
"The process of awakening is not one in which a definitive threshold is crossed and one is then enlightened, transformed or ascended,. There is much backsliding to be expected on this journey."
"Your own preoccupation with the concept of completion will keep that state of attainment ever elusive. Spiritual growth is not focused on a destination, but rather, on the journey itself."
"You have come to this experience you know as your life in order to be able to reject, completely, the consensus view of reality imprinted upon you since birth, and to replace that structure of understanding with a perspective that totally transcends it."
"You are not a human being. This is simply an expression of form in which you have chosen to experience yourself. You are no more a human being than you are a rock or a tree... What you are is not limited to any form at all."
"It matters not whether you choose to follow in the footsteps of your ancestors in your expressions of devotion, or upon a path that no one has ever walked before - so long as your heart has led you to it."
"The God you long to know does not seek to control you, or to punish you when you choose to express the free will with which you have been gifted."
"The free will that is inherent in the human condition is unconditional. You are free to do anything, be anything, and believe anything, in any way it pleases you [ AS LONG AS ITS IN SERVICE TO LOVE]. That is your God-given birthright. And with that freedom goes the right to reap the ramifications of all actions. You yourself built that into the system, so that you would be able to experience the results of your choices."
"The God that you would hold exalted and worship from afar is no further away from you than your own heart."
Thank you for sharing.
Thanks father.mother.god for sharing excerpts of this divine, wonderfully written book. I have read Oneness by Rasha 9 times and every time I have read it, I found more exanded understandings of my self, and of oneness. I am grateful that I was lead to this book because it propelled, it accelerated my own divinity within. In case anyone wants to check Rasha's website, it is, www.onenesswebsite.com.
Thanks, once again, for this sharing as I feel, deeply within my heart that many people will be open to further reading Rasha's works. The information presented in her work, Oneness, is profound, genuine, divinely guided, and can assist anyone who chooses to receive the energies of Love, Light, and Oneness with One Self, and Oneness with All other Ones. It is not easy literature, yet Ascension in itself is not meant to be easy.
May One Love All as One.
RC Towers.