~Synopsis of David Wilcock’s “Financial Tyranny”~
2012 January 16
Galactic Love Reporter and First Contact Team Member Steve Beckow

To make sure that everyone has a chance to glimpse at least parts of David’s recent article on “Financial Tyranny,” (1) here are snippets from some of the more significant parts of it.
Please keep in mind that David pushes farther and farther into this subject perhaps at great personal peril; certainly he cannot be sure that that’s not the case.
As you read through it, also keep in mind a statement that Matthew Ward made back in 2010:
“The Illuminati is not an organization of card-carrying members, but rather the ‘umbrella’ name of disparate groups and a large number of powerful individuals who have been controlling or heavily influencing the most important aspects of life throughout your world for centuries.
“In recent years they also have become known by other designations, such as the secret government, New World Order, dark cabal or the elitists; and they include the top figures in financial institutions, investment markets, multinational corporations, religions, education, media, military forces, judicial systems, entertainment, the medical ‘establishment,’ regulatory and advisory bodies, royal families, Zionists.” (2)
“Previous messages have identified many disparate groups under the Illuminati “umbrella,” the pyramid organizational structure that keeps lower-ranking members uninformed about the intentions of those at the peak, and the powerful global network that for centuries has controlled everything that influences life on your planet.” (3)
Matthew had much more to say about the Illuminati in that article, but I’m not sure most of us are prepared yet to accept many of the others things he said.
David’s research extends our public knowledge very significantly. And it does highlight the forward motion behind the current movement towards accountability.
80 percent of the world’s profits are being earned by a ‘core’ group of 1,318 corporations.
As we look even deeper, we find this ‘core’ is mostly run by a ‘super-entity’ of 147 companies that are totally interlocked. 75 percent of them are financial institutions.
The top 20 companies in the ‘super-entity’ include Barclays Bank, JP Morgan Chase & Co., Merrill Lynch, UBS, Bank of New York, Deutsche Bank and Goldman Sachs.
Many key Federal Reserve personnel work for these companies – and they secretly handed themselves trillions of dollars in free money between 2007 and 2010.
The 147-part ‘super-entity’ has controlling interest in the 1318-part “core”, which in turn has controlling interest in 80 percent of the world’s wealth.
Though this information is a closely-guarded secret, there have been enough leaks to confirm the identities of the key banking families who founded the Federal Reserve.
By now, many of them should sound familiar to you – since they used the Federal Reserve to bail themselves out:
J. W. McCallister, an oil industry insider with House of Saud connections, wrote in The Grim Reaper that information he acquired from Saudi bankers cited 80% ownership of the New York Federal Reserve Bank- by far the most powerful Fed branch- by just eight families, four of which reside in the US.
They are the Goldman Sachs, Rockefellers, Lehmans and Kuhn Loebs of New York; the Rothschilds of Paris and London;the Warburgs of Hamburg; the Lazards of Paris; and the Israel Moses Seifs of Rome.
CPA Thomas D. Schauf corroborates McCallister’s claims, adding that ten banks control all twelve Federal Reserve Bank branches.
He names N.M. Rothschild of London, Rothschild Bank of Berlin, Warburg Bank of Hamburg, Warburg Bank of Amsterdam, Lehman Brothers of New York, Lazard Brothers of Paris, Kuhn Loeb Bank of New York, Israel Moses Seif Bank of Italy, Goldman Sachs of New York and JP Morgan Chase Bank of New York.
Schauf lists William Rockefeller, Paul Warburg, Jacob Schiff and James Stillman as individuals who own large shares of the Fed. [3] The Schiffs are insiders at Kuhn Loeb. The Stillmans are Citigroup insiders, who married into the Rockefeller clan at the turn of the century.
Eustace Mullins came to the same conclusions in his book The Secrets of the Federal Reserve, in which he displays charts connecting the Fed and its member banks to the families of Rothschild, Warburg, Rockefeller and the others. [4]
This is where the lines between government, military, finance, defense contractors and corporations all begin to blur. At the core of all this is a “super-entity” of 147 companies – 75 percent of which are financial institutions.
A hugely popular Rolling Stone article by Matt Tabibi systematically revealed how Goldman Sachs is at the center of an incestuous relationship between Wall Street, the elected government and the Federal Reserve.
This article earned 23,000 Facebook Likes and 268 written comments as a result of its stunning journalism – most of which I won’t include here due to its complexity:
[Goldman Sachs] seemed to count on the unwillingness or inability of federal regulators to stop them — and when called to Washington last year to explain their behavior, Goldman executives brazenly misled Congress, apparently confident that their perjury would carry no serious consequences….
Goldman… [is] a powerful, well-connected firm, with the ear of the president and the Treasury, that appears to have conquered the entire regulatory structure — and stands now on the precipice of officially getting away with one of the biggest financial crimes in history.
The fact that this evidence [covered throughout the article] comes from a U.S. senator’s office, and not the FBI or the SEC, is itself an element in the worsening tale of lawlessness and despotism that sparked a global economic meltdown….
If the Justice Department fails to give the American people a chance to judge this case — if Goldman skates without so much as a trial — it will confirm once and for all the embarrassing truth: that the law in America is subjective, and crime is defined not by what you did, but by who you are.
The Federal Reserve created the National Education Association via the Rockefeller family:
By way of grants, they spent millions of dollars, money which was used to radically bend the traditionalist education system toward a new system that favored standardized testing over critical thinking, toward “scientific management” in schools.
This was part of a calculated plan to make the schooling system benefit corporate America, at the expense of the American school child. Powerful foundations with private interests, such as the Ford Foundation, continue to support, and thereby influence the policy of, the NEA to this day.
Additionally, an unprecedented U.S. Congressional investigation into tax-exempt foundations identified the Rockefeller and Carnegie Foundations engagement in an agenda for vast population control.
Norman Dodd, Research Director for the Congressional Committee, found this statement in the archives of the Carnegie endowment:
In order for such a vastly interconnected group to avoid detection for this long, it would also be an absolute requirement for them to buy, own and control the media.
You will soon see compelling, documented proof that the power elite were already bragging about this accomplishment by 1815 – the same year Nathan Rothschild won the British government on a bet.
However, we will review recent history first, so as to better understand how today’s world of seemingly hundreds of independent media sources is actually quite tightly controlled.
In 1983, there were 50 different independent media companies in the United States. By 2004, this number had reduced to five key players: Time Warner, Disney, News Corporation (FOX), Bertelsmann of Germany and Viacom (formerly CBS).
These five huge corporations — Time Warner, Disney, Murdoch’s News Corporation, Bertelsmann of Germany, and Viacom (formerly CBS) — >own most of the newspapers, magazines, books, radio and TV stations, and movie studios of the United States….
These five are not just large — though they are all among the 325 largest corporations in the world — they are unique among all huge corporations: they are a major factor in changing the politics of the United States, and they condition the social values of children and adults alike.
[As you delve into the individual categories of cable, television, print, telecom and radio, you find a few more companies chasing behind the Big Six – but not many.]
These companies often control the entire creative process of a film or television show from beginning to ending – making it an ideal environment for creating propaganda:
The U.S. media landscape is dominated by massive corporations that, through a history of mergers and acquisitions, have concentrated their control over what we see, hear and read.
In many cases, these giant companies are vertically integrated, controlling everything from initial production to final distribution.
Three of these mega-conglomerates appear on Fortune 500’s Top 50 Most Profitable list for 2010:
This includes General Electric at 11 billion, 644 million; Walt Disney at 3 billion, 963 million; and Comcast at 3 billion, 635 million.
Now step back and think about what we have learned so far in the course of this investigation.
The Federal Reserve handed out 26 trillion dollars in bailout money – to themselves. To their own companies. To their own banks.
That means they’re suffering. This is not something they would have done if they weren’t forced to. They are experiencing real trouble – and it’s affecting global headlines with rumors of financial collapse.
According to former Forbes Asia-Pacific bureau chief Benjamin Fulford, the 2008 collapse was pushed over the tipping point by an international coalition of countries who are actively resisting the Federal Reserve group.
The Federal Reserve appears to control, directly or indirectly, 1,318 corporations that earn up to 80 percent of the world’s wealth. 147 corporations within that group are totally interconnected with each other, and earn 40 percent of global revenues.
Global media was consolidated from 50 independent corporations to five giants in barely over 20 years – from 1983 to 2004.
One of the top two or three most profitable businesses in America is the healthcare industry. In order for the “super-entity” of 147 corporations to control 80 percent of the wealth, they would almost certainly need to invest in healthcare.
Six out of the top nine media corporations have directors with controlling interests in the pharmaceutical companies.
Eight out of the top nine media corporations have insurance and / or pharmaceutical company executives serving on their Board of Directors.
This is precisely the type of interconnectedness discovered by the Swiss team of scientists – using supercomputers.
(1) David, Wilcock, “FINANCIAL TYRANNY: Defeating the Greatest Cover-Up of All Time,” Divine Cosmos, Jan. 15, 2012, at http://divinecosmos.com/start-here/davids-blog/1023-financial-tyranny
(2) Matthew’s Message, April 26, 2010, at http://www.matthewbooks.com/mattsmessage.htm
(3) Matthew’s Message, Feb. 14, 2010.
Please make your work more readable!
Why cant you left align your work and make it a smaller more attractive font like everyone else online? You blog looks like a 5 yr old made it, seriously. Davids work deserves better too.
We do things a little
We do things a little differently here, and have found it quite impossible to do things in a way that makes everybody happy. I also don't think it's such a bad thing to deliver the messages in a way that requires a little extra concentration.
If large font and centered text were the norm, people would find it awkward to read things in any other fashion.
There is a version of the Press that has a smaller font and is left-justified though: