Earth is becoming a star its time this knowledge goes deep into society and awakens the last sleeping giants, i made this video for others so they can re-remember, some are already awakened, yet they do not even know what our planet is going to become, they are awake but on a road thats not feeling positive for the direction our Earth is going toward.
Please do not be afraid for this process she will not stay physical as some have told, and how many times have we heard she is going into a higher dimensions and thats it? well personaly i have heard it way to many times and the multitude is always wrong, i'm but a messenger and i share with you what i know to be true for i have seen it and i wish you a lovely but short journey ahead.
| Update 19 Jan 2012 |
(Upcoming Video)
- Information on the Ascension process how it works
- The questions i have received will be addressed
- Earth's Transformation i will explain in Detail
- The Role Mercury and Venus Play in the Process
- Earth's Different perspectives of Ascension within lightworker groups will be analyzed.
- I will Also Go into the concept of Beings that are arround our world right now
and their agenda(s).
Please know that for the truth to come out, i have to include this i do not want to spread any negative energy on these little reptoids anymore because in the past i did that to many times, and they are not worth it.
This is too much if what you
This is too much if what you say is true what can you do about it. This will put everyone in fear. This is A me.ssage that does not need to be share
This is a Transformation from the inside out, what in here is to fear Love? We have statd many times that this Planet is to Become a Blue Star Seed Nation. We have not been kidden' Love Mother and Father God
Welcome Home into,The Kingdom of Heaven on Earth=Heart, We Love you Unconditionally!!
On second thought I willl be
On second thought I willl be sendig you light and my prayers are with you
Hilarion mentioned this....... his posting on November 11th:
"All around you, the metamorphosis of your beloved Planet into the great shining star she was always destined to be is taking place." link
I see this as what Earth will
I see this as what Earth will become in the third dimension which we will no longer reside in, so why would we fear this transition for Gaia? If our planet turns into a star, the energy Gaia will exude could allow the birth of a new planet and human race. Since she is pure love, when she becomes a star and rids (for lack of a better term) her third dimensional energies, she can help balance the energies of the universe for other lower dimensions. Their growth or birth.
If we still live with her, our dimension would not be fire because the perception of "fire" effects different dimensions differently. Almost like in other dimensions, what we see as important elements in our human form mean something completely different to higher ones. They're still important, but are applied to the universe as a whole differently than we as 3D beings would suspect. I'm not sure we are capable of comprehending except what our heart tells us.