Jailed and Jailers Pitched In Help After Storm

MomT's picture

The New York Times, By Published: November 21, 2012

Inmates at Rikers Island load clothes and linens into a giant industrial washing and drying machine, which was installed in July.

There are plenty of unsung heroes in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy, but the story of how those at New York’s least desirable address lent their muscle and might is perhaps among the most compelling.

On the night that the storm roared into the city, Dora B. Schriro, the correction commissioner, slept on a couch in her office at the Rikers Island jail, bracing for flooding and reassuring inmates and employees that the island would weather the storm.

To read the rest of this story visit The New York Times



What will happen to people

Guest's picture

What will happen to people that are serving time in jail/prison after the shift occurs?


Love and light!

