Lia's picture


 Galactic Love Reporter ~Lynette Leckie-Clark



Commentary from The Galactic Free Press~ We feel there is excellet information here. However, being told to do specific things for this is not needed, being pure means you have no held belief systems in your Body Hologram. All you have to be is Love. Water does assisting you in grounding the energies.Love Mother and Father God and The Entire Galactic Free Press Staff


I Kuthumi come forward to speak to you at this time. A time of great remembrance. Cellular remembrance, brought forward through the changing vibrational energies of the ethers, through your etheric bodies to filter into the higher chambers of your heart. These energies mingle with your cellular structure, traveling throughout the physical body and finally merging with the same higher vibrational frequencies entering through the Soul Star chakra to the Crown chakra, merging into the Pineal gland. So here is unity of your Heart chakra my friends in this great year of emergence, 2012.


Pure Energy Intake

It is therefore vital for your progression that you embrace ‘pure.’ Pure air to breathe in order that your life giving lungs can function at optimum strength. The higher frequencies filtrating through the lung walls to merge and activate the Thymus chakra, creating positive speech of compassionate wisdom. Wisdom flowing from the heart unity of Christ/Creator, activated from the Light cells of the Soul Star through the Pineal gland – merging as you speak, as you feel, as you love.


Pure water to be taken into the physical body to refurbish and generate each and every cell, assisting in your body’s wellness. Strengthening your life force, bringing you a pureness of physical energy. This life force, so vital to you is a sacred core of your being. It must be nourished correctly if you are to embrace this year of changing frequencies. Through this sacred core, which also feeds your chakric system, flows the great Light – the wondrous cells from the Creator anchor into, and through, all of your bodies. You are indeed a sacred vessel as you stand on this planet Earth.


Pure food is also required - without chemicals. I have spoken of this previously but I remind you again now due to the importance of this issue. Be mindful of ‘pure.’ Pure water, pure food. Nourish your sacred vessel, your physical, emotional and mental bodies well.


You may ask why I speak of this. It is because you are transcending my friend. The process has already begun, some 15 years ago. Yes, this year of 2012 is significant but do not expect to magically transform to a higher frequency of Light in a day, or even a night, no. It is a process. You are now at a point where a strong Light body is required. You could liken this at your present evolvement, as a loose shell of Light, protecting your lower and higher physical, mental and emotional bodies as your cellular structure transcends to anchor and hold more Light. Eventually, becoming Light.


As you are transcending, the cellular change is gradual. The etheric body filters in pure Light frequencies to your physical body. The existing Light body must be strong as the new energies are becoming much stronger, particularly through the coming year.


Physical Symptoms

Some of you are already experiencing symptoms of transcendence. Feeling unwell with no clear symptoms, frequent ringing and ache in the ears, feeling lethargic, agitation with no cause, headaches, feeling a ‘thick’ and heavy head, aching of the skeletal body. These are some of the more frequent symptoms. All with no cause, simply a feeling or an unexplained pain. The lower bodies are adjusting you see. All of this is occurring while you are experiencing life on Earth. You may ask “why? Why can’t I just incarnate when the change in frequencies is complete? Then I needn't worry.”

My friend your voice is needed to restructure the way things are done currently in business,in banks, in governments. These things are also changing, as they must. So you see transformation is occurring on every level. Through the cellular transcendence you will change your thoughts, your words, and your priorities.

For now I urge each of you to nourish and strengthen your Light body. This will keep your three lower bodies strong as they need to be, in order to transcend into the higher bodies, and further into Light..


Heart Unity

You can indeed feel the wondrous heart unity available to each of you. A mergence through the higher heart to that of the Creator/God. Heart unity. Mergence. True bliss and magnificence. We create. We serve the Creator/God. You are beginning to understand this now. You feel it.

In this we do indeed serve each other and God.

Peace and purity to you


If you share this channeled transmission, please acknowledge the channel – Lynette from Kuthumi School of Wisdom. www.kuthumischool.com



GFP commentary

William's picture

GFP- I find your qualifying commentary to this post to be....short sighted.

I really don't know why you even need to add the qualifier? Did you post

this channeling so you could validate your self as uber alles, especially Kuthumi??

.As a reader of this  site, I do so because I like the quality of the postings, not for commentary from the host(s). I come here to get away from the ego driven commentary of

sites like 2012 Scenario(Becow) which seem to believe that we patrons of the site

are unable to discern and absorb input from the postings that resonates with

us without a qualifier stating what YOU got out of the post.


I am not going to get into my COMMENTARY of MY reading of YOUR COMMENTARY

as that would further detract from readers OWN ability to decipher what it is

their eyes are seeing.


I am left to wonder whether you know who Kuthumi is or whether you are not sure

of the integrity of the channel???? Please....be clear of your motive before you

post this kind of judgement. You have my email address if you would like to discuss

the issue in private.

In appreciation of 99% of what you do...I AM

Will I am

first off.. the only

izzy's picture

first off.. the only judgement there is is the judgement from the ignorance that is projected from within your own unconsciousness to the outside world.


mother and fathergod are fully conscious beings who do not judge hold grudges or perpetuate ignorance. they advice humanity to discern always ..they encourage not only each other but all of humanity that is evolving to feel what it is they feel to be present within their similiarly unique consciousness.


not only are they aware of who kuthumi is but they see all beings for who they truly are.


seeing as how you perceived there to be judgement i would suggest that you look within to see why it is you perceive there to be judgement my own insight would tell me that its from your own conditioning.


im not saying im completely clear of conditioning myself for i feel that there will always be inner work to be done.by the way once there is no more inner work you are free in Love everyewhre present and you just be. but i am aware that judgement comes from unconscious reverse and forward psychological conditoning. but i am not blaming you for this happening.i am simply pointing out what i have learned to be truth.


i know from personal experience of living with them that they do not consider themselves to be above or as you called it uber allies. they are redundent in their sharings of information that all are created equal. this means that regardless of how unconscious one is that one is still created equal and still deserving of the whole truth and nothing but the truth. they do not deny themselves the truth so why would they deny others the truth.


i for one am a being who focuses my attention on what i feel to be the truth in the here now. i too am a reader of this site.  even in this very moment of this i can feel myself going through my similiarly unique evolution on this planet. that of which kuthumi mothergod and fathergod have spoken about. the tingles.. this message simply re hearted me in my experience. and i have been drinking water as of late more so than ever. i find there to be no coincidence and no chance in this for before that my focus had been realigned as it always is for i choose love and in turn i have fallen in love with myself. and in turn i am able to share what i have learned with others more precisely.



i dont feel that them adding their findings in this post is a distraction nor do i feel that wold be the case with you or with others. what i see is an open door through the experience that lets readers know that there is truth to this message. if there werent then the word delusion would be pointed out as to be ignorance if it werent then it would be up to the reader to discern as has been mentioned the truth in the message.







My issue with your commentary

William's picture

My issue with your commentary at the front of the post

is, that I feel you arrive at your point of being able to transmute

the less than pure state of air, food and water that most people

on the planet consume, with a wave of the wand of Love.

Truly, how many people can do that with the consciousness

and focus needed to gain the benefits that Kuthumi proposes?

Transmuting  energies like thoughts and emotions or belief

systems into higher vibrations are one thing, transmuting physical

plane lower energies into a “purer” state requires a bit more

consciousness and discipline than saying all you need is Love.


Did you not at one point in your growth become aware of the

benefits of actually making the effort to consume pure water,

eat organic foods, actually stopped consuming animal products,

and didn’t  you move the country? Didn’t you find those actions

helped you raise your level of vibration? It’s hard to remember

sometimes how we got to where we are, I feel that by implying

all we need to be is Love to purify the inner 3D environment is

a bit naïve and discounts the process of actually attaining that

state of creating thru the vibration of Love. I have been working

at it for 45 years and still take my drinking water by way of an

R.O. filter!

Thanks for the Space,

Will I am

i fully agree with

amber's picture

i fully agree with motherfathergod and i thank them for thier love and light and re hearting of what is truely the heart of the matter.

i feel that it is impossible for anything in the "third demensions material plane" of exicistance to be completely "pure" just like i dont think there is one individual on this planet that is a 100% pure ethnic race everything and everyone has been for lack of a better word contaminated in some way shape or form that is why we are all proudly a melting pot of all the civilizations that have come before us. and to say u can only get to "purer vibrations" by eating drinking and breathing only PURE is a little depressing cuz then we would all be doomed. look at all the souls all the men women and children and animals who dont have the options to get "purer" air water or food than what they have readily available.

to me what they have to express here makes perfect sense when u step back long enough to look at the full picture. go straight to your heart that is the purest place any of us can BE


i do believe when ur conciousness is eleveated to the point of PURE bliss and unconditional love that is the place where the transmutation of the lower thought forming energies occours for when u are in the place of PURE BLISS and UNCONDITIONAL LOVE everything is PURE and  LOVE DOES = EVERYWHERE PRESENT <3  :)



~ Namaste'

William, this is a theme we

will's picture

William, this is a theme we address over and over again, so I'm going to write a bit about it to post on the main page. Not everything I mentioned is specific to you, so don't think I'm accusing you of everything I mention here.



It's not pure water, food or air that cleanses a Being. In fact, no physical thing is going to cleanse your Light Body, especially because your Light Body is already pure. The "impurities" that people feel lie within the mind, and those are what need to be cleansed. Poisoned thoughts leads to poisoned bodies, not the other way around.


People are going about it a totally backwards way, though most people on this Planet are living upside-down. They believe change in the physical, what they do in the lower dimensions, creates change in the Higher. Even people who don't consciously believe this still act like that's the way things work. Go tell that to any Master and they'll find it highly amusing. The Master knows which way Energy flows.


Now many, if not most, on their path to Freedom make the choice to cleanse themselves and then they change their physical habits (like what they eat, drink, etc). They feel better afterwards, but often the root cause is missed. It's attributed to what they did, instead of the fact that they made a conscious choice to improve their lives. They were clear in their intentions, and got precisely what they asked for, but they miss what truly created the change. It wasn't what they did afterwards that brought change, it was the purity of their intention. It's a case of the outer reflecting the inner, not the other way around. This is something very important to understand.


Then there's the whole idea of "purity" itself, which can mean all sorts of different things to different people. Some very ugly beliefs masquerade behind the idea of "pure", like the whole "pure blood" madness. The only thing that's going to create a truly holistic and healthy Life is purity of Consciousness. That's a clear Consciousness that's not polluted with attachments, and it's the most Pure thing I can think of. A lot of what constitutes pureness is simply judgment. For example, the toxic chemicals in the water, is it the molecules themselves that are impure? Are certain arrangements of atoms less pure than others? That seems absurd to me, the impurity comes from the intentions of those who put the toxic chemicals in the water.


A Conscious Being can smoke, drink, and eat McDonald's food while maintaining Higher Consciousness. An unconscious being can drink only the purest water and eat only organic food, while having that obsession with what they put in their bodies only serve to keep their consciousness stuck in the lower dimensions. Worrying about and chasing after only "pure" things to put inside your body can easily become a distraction, and hinder your growth more than it helps.


Now, nowhere am I saying to eat unhealthy food or poison your body. People want to create belief systems about how they should be living their lives and they look to messages like this one for how to do it. My message is simple, do what makes you feel free! Do things with Conscious Awareness of how it makes you feel, not a belief about what you're supposed to "get" out of it. Keep what works, get rid of what doesn't.



P. S. Another member of the Galactic Free Press, Amber, also brings up a good point. Completely pure food, air or water simply doesn't exist on this Planet. Telling people that's a requirement for raising their vibrations is going to make it seem impossible. I've also seen people mention that an Enlightened Being can purify substances that enter the body, but that's not something special only an Enlightened Being can do, it's one of the reasons you've got a liver and kidneys.

the specifics of physical intake

job's picture

I have found that during this period of vibrational shake-up, starting last march 2011, that sticking to the best purity of intake possible for my situation has made this transcension period more tolerable, actually enjoyable and acceptable. Accelerated self discovery, if you will.

I think the point is, manifesting physical purity in the lower body organs, readies the cooresponding lower energy bodies, to balance and harmonize with the upper bodies organs glands and its cooresponding energy bodies.

My sense of it is: the Three fold flame, Secret chamber of the heart and their invocation through the 'Light Body', will be greatly enhanced by the individual who matches this purity in the:
- physical
- mental
- emotional
- spiritual

Of course the re-manifestation of memories and energies of the past can show up in the Mental-Emotional-Spiritual as the Physical cleanses/replaces past substance accumulation for pure cellular rebuilding. This I feel is where the consciouness awareness to a more freely flowing transcention begins.

Who is more likely to rise in full awareness too: What is the 'Best Beer & Cheese.'? Cheers. Following in the body of KH. For purity of life, light and thought as best we can, each day - better & better.

I don't see what your issue

will's picture

I don't see what your issue is with the commentary or why you took offense. It's certainly not there to insult our readers, but to re-heart them of some very important things. If you disagree with what was said and would like to discuss it, feel free to do so here in the comments.

Each Drop of Water

Ashvatha's picture


We are honored that your are here William sharing & receving in union. All is well! As our loving hearts welcome each and every word that is express given by Grace every moment living beings inhale & exhile. There so much that is given either one will to understand or not still love embrace all in equally and through harmony as each sounds merge in devotion grand symphony of love.


There are many wise question that you have asked deservingly so, and these answers would only be fulfilled in it pure gifts when you yourselves arrival patiently to receive. We can not take this away from anyone nor force our will against anyone esle, as we all drink from the same source water as do all live to share however in abundance or a drop. Either way it still from the some hands that gives. 


"It is when one do we forget in gratitude of this blessings in return, that are reminded again until one remember." Our love to you and all your loved ones equally.


♥(ڿڰ✿ Thank You for passing by & cared with your thoughts.✿ڿڰ(̆̃̃♥

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