World's Oldest Trees Dying At Alarming Rate: Study (VIDEO)

MomT's picture

The Huffington Post  |  By Ryan Grenoble

Posted:   |  Updated: 12/10/2012 5:34 pm EST

Oldest Trees Dying

According to a disturbing new report, the world's oldest and largest trees may be dying off -- and fast.

The study determined that trees between 100 and 300 years old are perishing "en masse" because of a deadly combination of large destructive events like forest fires, and other, more incremental factors like drought, high temperatures, logging and insect attack. The steady increase in threats means old trees are dying at 10 times their normal rate, researchers concluded. Their study appears in the Dec. 7 issue of the journal Science.

“It’s a worldwide problem and appears to be happening in most types of forest,” explained lead author David B. Lindenmayer, of Australian National University, in a release. "Large old trees are critical in many natural and human-dominated environments."


COMMENATARY:  Trees are our connection with the earth.  The older the tree, the more it has experienced and can pass on to us.  Connecting with a tree is so grounding and comforting to me.  They carry the energy of the sun, the wind and all the elementals. Birds and other animals use them as shelter. 


To read the rest of this story and view the video visit Huffington Post




Poor Trees

StarDancerKat's picture

I also will add that the Chem Trails probably have some affect, espeically since we keep hearing about Cali getting just blanketed with the stuff.  Please Galactic friends, please help our trees, they desreve our help. 


People of Earth, How can we stop chem trails?  A topic for discussion on a later day.  FOr now our power is thinking them out of exhixtance and the universe will fill in the gaps for our visualization.



No...they are not dying...THEY ARE ASCENDING!

oystergirl's picture

As a devoted wood whisperer I can tell you resoundingly that the trees are NOT dying...they are ASCENDING....I just lived through a mass ascension of trees in my area during Hurricane Sandy and my guardian tree Bess reassured me that the trees that are leaving have, like the Ringing Cedars of Russia, obtained all the energy and love and light that they can handle and are simply vibrating into the new dimensional reality. The trees that remain are perfectly up to the task of shifting within their own cores, but these old sentinals really want to come into the new world upgraded from new seed and grow in the new way and so they are taking their energy into the fifth dimension to assist Gaia and all that is...


DO NOT worry AT all about the trees...they LOVE us...they are with us and will remain with us for eternity..


:) Alex