The Washington Post Posted by Rachel Weiner on December 26, 2012 at 3:11 pm
President George H.W. Bush and wife Barbara attend the premiere of HBO’s new documentary on his life.(Charles Krupa/AP)
Former president George H.W. Bush spent Christmas in a Houston hospital with a rising fever, his office confirms.
Spokesman Jim McGrath told the Houston Chronicle that doctors have put Bush in the intensive care unit and on a liquid diet.
The 88-year-old has been in and out of Methodist Hospital since early November, battling a severe cough. Doctors expected he would be able to go home for the holiday, but in recent days Bush developed a fever.
On Christmas, the former president and the father of President George W. Bush ate Chinese food with family in the hospital.
“The president has made very slight improvement, but still no discussion of discharge and doctors remain cautiously optimistic,” McGrath told CNN.
Love and Light to you Mr.
Love and Light to you Mr. Bush.
Love Nageeta
My heart goes out to Mr. Bush. I will pray for him that he will someday find the light. I will shine my light on him and send him love. We must Forgive, have Compassion, Love and Kindness. We are now co creating our new world. HATE can not exist. Duality ended we must move forward with LOVE. ~ WE ARE ONE ~
Bush Sr. Legacy
Im sorry folks but I'm torn on this one.
One part of me has sympathy and wants him to do better but the strongest side of me has no sympathy for this man who has done such cruel things in this world and has the name of thousands if not tens, or hundreds of thousands of people names who have died because of him..directly or indirectly.
He even said it himself.
“If the American people really knew what we had done, we would be chased down the street and lynched.” — President George H.W.Bush to White House correspondent Sara McClendon, 1992
From what I have read...he was an intregal part of the agenda to murder and kill billions of the earths population to a more "managable size".
So please...those of you more "enlightened" than me....WHy should I care if this man lives or dies?
Torn on this one
Understand you point of view and perhaps the anger you feel for what he has caused humanity. He is a part of the illusion that humanity needs to release to be truly free from all that they still see as wrong in the world.
Re: Bush Legacy
Thanks for the response....
Would you feel the same way if the Agenda he was involved with began...I.E. the mass slaughter of most of the worlds poplulation?
I mean really...this guy was involved with so much bad stuff. Shouldn't he be sent to the central sun immediately?
I think he should.
What to think and feel?
George H.W. Bush
I "let you go" and send you off with LOVE & LIGHT--May you find peace within your spirit soul as you connect with creator source--
Linda Burman
People like old Georgee here need to keep bringing all these feelings of hatred, confusion and compassion and Love to the surface. How else can we clear our Hearts and become Light? It doesn't matter how we feel. What matters is how we release, transmute and transform Everything. This can then be seen as a curse in one situation and a gift in another. Since I like presents, I'll take this as a gift.
I understand how there may be
I understand how there may be ambivalence and difficulty being positive about this man, whether ill or not. But everyone and everything is a manifestation of All That Is. With our free will we create all. Even him.
So I send out Unconditional Love and Light to you George Herbert Walker Bush. You have been one of the Shadow's greatest teachers. Jesus taught us how to deal with the likes of you. He told us to ''Love our enemies. And to pray for those who despitefully use us and do us ill.''
It ain't the easy ones to Love that are your hardest challenge, He said. Anyone can Love those who already Love you. But know too, that all things return from whence they came.
For All are ONE.....
If you do not like the state of your world, it is you yourselves that must change, individually and en masse. This is the only way that change will be effected.
The responsibility for your life and your world is indeed yours. It has not been forced upon you by some outside agency. You form your own dreams and you form your own physical reality. The world is what you are. It is the physical materialization of the inner selves which you have formed.
It is wrong to curse a flower and wrong to curse a man. It is wrong not to hold any man in honor, and it is wrong to ridicule any man. Your must honor yourselves and see within yourselves the spirit of eternal validity. You must honor all other individuals, because within each is the spark of this validity. When you curse another, you curse yourselves, and the curse returns to you. When you are violent, the violence returns.
I speak to you because yours is the opportunity to better world conditions and yours is the time. Do not fall into the old ways that will lead you precisely into the world that you fear.
There is no man who hates but that hatred is reflected outward and made physical, and there is no man who loves but that love is reflected outward and made physical.