WHY NOT?... WHY NOT AFRAID? .... Ascension or not, it is only your choice, always....
Dear Robin,
You bedazzled me and ignited me with this question.... "Why are you writing these good formulated letters?" I truly never thought there will be one brave enough to ask so directly and so genuinely.....
And my answer to this is very simple:
Why NOT?.....
Why not? ... share the heart with other humans?..... Why wait to get information on Main stream media, while we can be fully informed at this beautiful alternative and impartial New media concept? ....
Why Not?... Sharing my Ascension with others, sharing the way I know God....
Why Not? .... if this is my way toward Ascension and if this is my way of giving others example how I found Him in my heart? How I found God in My Heart? .....
Why Not?... having discussions is not negative, if does not turn in to argument...
And at the same time, I truly feel that we cannot even discus word "discussion" as every discussion is based of proving my point to you and vice versa, but if we simply exchange our love energies, where both of us feel that only love is common between us, and right after we realize that we are preaching to ourselves by preaching to others......
Why Not?... as I cannot wait to hear your experiences and thoughts how you are awakening ..... I encourage you to open up your experiences and your wisdom for rest of us.... Only then you will truly realize the strength of your actions, while they were shared with others.....
At this moment of sharing you will realize that the Student becomes a Teacher, simply by learning from his own lessons .... God's lessons that you share freely with other teachers...
Why Not Afraid? ...
Why Not? ... All is as it should be, so my view of Ascension is only my view, and it does not mean it will happened to you in the same light, or on the same street.....
There is full freedom how we want to Ascend, there is always free choice when do we want to Ascend, so anything I write is simply a reminder of great diversity of our Unity with God....
Why Not? ... Ascend with smile on your face, Why Not? ... Ascend with joy in your heart simply knowing that you are playing this last 3D role in this great and magnificent Galactic movie, created, written, filmed, edited and directed by God... with only one reason:
not to make loads of 'money', not to make some of us 'famous' or 'successful', not to be first on the blockbuster charts..... But simply to create Love for each others, and to remember Him and awake in His never-ending Love....
Why Not Afraid?..... So if I see God in my Heart, you could feel Him in your mind..... There is no right of wrong way of seeing God, if this is what we are "discussing" here....
Why Not?... accept this gift from Him..... Why Not? ... Accept it with all your heart....
Why Not Afraid?.... because I see Ascension as Gift of God to all of us, to All of US as ONE....
With Love Only, Predrag
Great msg today!
All answers reside within. I have heard the term discernment used more now then ever. I so agree, everyone only shares their truth that resides within. We all have our truth and we all make our choices in life, that is self-will, what truly limits us at times, but what will also carry us through...thank you so much for all your amazing msgs and this one today was excellent...written by a Master serving as Teacher in this Moment...thank you!
Welcome Home into,The Kingdom of Heaven on Earth=Heart, We Love you Unconditionally!!