Excuse me but I am a person. But that has been forgotten hasn't it?
My husband bellows at me as my hand shakes to make his coffee, the coffee spills everywhere. The kitchen is never clean, so the maid is told to go. I obviously am unable to clean sufficiently?
The kids the kids, never stop do they? they pop out wanting and needing - selfishness. But alas I am not allowed to think that, I am a mother, I study how to be a great Mother. I do all the things the book teaches me. Still more and more. give give give.
Till ........there is nothing left to give.
One day, I met another, my body a shambles, my blood pressure sky high. I am over weight, overworked, engaged to a moron. I wake up.
I go to the gym, I spend time on ME. I loose my fat, I train my body, My hair is cut, My clothes better, my business that reflects me prospers.
Oh no they all speak, the ex husband, the mother, and the kids. This is not good. She neglects us.
Why ? did I fall in love with me, and with life without being a doormat?
Dedicated to all women.
I fell in love with me.
Again to the divine feminine. No more doormat or headaches.
Sex for breakfast dinner and tea. OOps is that an orgasm for the female, that this life allows not. Females are soooo tired from this life.
Women are beautiful.
Men adore that beauty.
Throw that doormat away!!!!
My FD looks at me all frocked
My FD looks at me all frocked up.....well I gotta go havent I? Network. What a load of sheeite.
I called my love after that supid time.
IP rights!!!
talk your langauge now hey?
My ideas had a lot of merit.
And you know it.!
We part not as enemies. It
We part not as enemies. It just is. Your wave of energy hit me, and you know I dont want it any more.
Your rose and I fell.
It just is.
You are that you are and I learn to live again.
Raw nerve of a gal that had such promise.
Let it go and we both live free of this , Let it GO.
Russian ladies et al.
I never wanted to get married or have kids. It just appeared to be. I looked at this world. I thought NOPE.
It is what I AM you see.
Am I on the edge of freedom?
If so we all celebrate.
I taught you love.
Someone may arrive to me or not. But I feel freedom .
No more daughter, wife or mother, did try and tell you my frustration!!!
To he who reads this . Thank
To he who reads this . Thank you. My response.
So, I am told to look at myself by the 'trainer'. Never reach 40 at this rate I was told. Change EVERYTHING! E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G (spoken as that)
Change your routine. Change your eating. Train your body. Get the blood pressure down. Spend time on yourself, ONLY O-N-L-Y yourself - for if not you there is NOTHING
And I did. But yes I was frowned upon, that I took my own life in my hands and turned an overweight unhappy, battered girl into an awesome lady.
Everyday I will and must remember this.
Projections yes. Thankyou for writing.
It was once told to me. Your mother does not love you, she is jealous of you , your ability.
That is why I miss him every day you see, if you can - see.
Romeo and Juliet - kind of - but not mushy stuff.
I finally had support and smiles projected to me. My life became smiley!
Imagine being loved and supported. when I never had.!!!
So to he who reads thank you.