The Secret Daily Teachings by Rhonda Byrne

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The Secret Daily Teachings

by Rhonda Byrne



There is no past or future for the law of attraction, only the present, so stop referring to your life in the past as very difficult, or full of hardship and pain, or in any other negative way.

Remember that the law only operates in the present, so when you speak of your past life negatively the law is receiving your words and sending those things back to you NOW.


The law of attraction is impersonal. It operates just like a photocopying machine. The law is photocopying what you are thinking and feeling in every moment, and then sending an exact photocopy back to you - which becomes your life. That makes your ability to change your entire world so easy. 

To change the outside world all you have to do is change the way you think and feel, and the law of attraction will photocopy the change!


From The Secret Daily Teachings by Rhonda Byrne

The Secret



Yes! The Secret Daily Teachings into your mobile

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If you like the "Secret Daily Teachings", you may check my free Android App. It works exactly as the Desktop Gadget, but shows messages into your mobile phone. The messages are updated from the same source of Official The Secret Daily Teaching Gadget, so you will receive new messages every day. It also has an "Oracle mode" that shows random messages. I did it for me, and it helped me a lot, for those moments that we need "to listen" something good. It's helping me, maybe it helps you. The link is:


This app is an Unofficial App, and it respects your privacy. None information is acquired from you and your mobile phone. Please comment about it, it's my first Android App.


You can download this file (APK) to your SD card and use an APK installer in your mobile, or you can download 4Shared app from google market and install from there. If you don't know how to do that, follow Garfield's #1 teaching: "Ask it for someone, they will make it for you, if you ask".


I hope you enjoy it.


Sérgio Zucchi