On Discernment
Commentary by Ari Jeshurun:
, Disclosure And The Failed Boarding Of ET Spacecraft Another Perspective on the Trip on Starship Neptune~
Cmdr Ashtar-Athena
BY: El Ari AN
Orion-Jerusalem Command
Commander Ashtar-Athena emailed me in reference to my conversation with her about those claiming to have a "joy ride" on a Spaceship this Saturday, Feb 4th. She knew I would post this here, so I have her permission to do so in this venue, as she was also addressing me in this conversation; but, before she addresses this issue, I would like to address it as well.
It is important to understand the posture of the Ashtar Command/Federation of Light in lieu of all that transpired, as a group of people were so determined to get on-board a "Spaceship" that all DISCERNMENT went out the window, also placing themselves in great danger. There were so many clues presented in the channeled conversations with these "so-called" galactics, that demonstrated that these were not who they claimed to be, yet most didn't pick it up, or did and swept it under the rug for the chance of a lifetime.
Even Michael was channeled, a "Michael" that wasn't Michael at all, since Michael does not speak in that fashion nor involves Himself in such events, nor was it his “energy signature”. Many have a bitter taste in their mouths due to this event not occurring – most still being surprised that it didn't occur. Others are still hanging on to the promise given by the "galactic" messenger that there will be yet another attempt with smaller groups. Another lie is being perpetuated and some are ignoring the obvious signs of the lie because they have "faith".
The sad part is that many Lightworkers are falling for disinformation being given by those that channel and most information, although it sounds loving and hits our "hot buttons" because the language used resonates with our hearts, is not accurate and comes from astral beings, off world entities with not our best intention in mind, or even from the subconscious of the person doing the channeling.
The Host of Light, whether it is Archangel Michael, Metatron, Melchizedek, The Elders, St. Germain, Sananda Jesus, Ashtar, etc., does not need "channels" to communicate. Our vibrations need to be raised to be able to communicate with them and it is not in the fashion we are accustomed to here in this plane of existence. It is instantaneous communication through Gestalts or packets of information that are downloaded instantaneously and unfold as a KNOWING. They speak as they speak - there is no modern-day vernacular used. They are straight and to the point, although I must admit that St. Germain’s demeanor is humorous at times, the communication is “Direct”, there is no Speech involved and no translators or mediums necessary for this to occur.
The use of the terms of endearment like: Dear Ones, or Dear Hearts or anything like that is not used. This is something that is filtering through the Channels, because it has now become a copy-cat way of addressing humanity by the so-called entities purporting to be the Host of Light. In reality, this is not used when there is DIRECT COMMUNICATION with the Host of Light.
As I mentioned before, there were many clues given within the conversations that ensued with these so-called galactics that should have had everyone's B.S. Radar going off. Not many picked it up, and now many do not believe that there are Benevolent ET Beings or The Ashtar Command/Federation of Light. Many are so enthralled with the need for Disclosure that they are willing to throw away their discernment, holding on to the notion, even after numerous amounts of evidence showing the contrary, that they will be picked up based on the words of a channeled messenger using everyday vernacular.
Is there any wonder as to why none of the predictions for a "Mass Landing" or Pick-up or Aerial Display have occurred? How many explanations and back-peddling about failed "Contact" with the Federation of Light ships or Advanced Benevolent ETs need to occur for the realization to take place that none of the "Channeled" information has been accurate about any of this.
Each and every one of us has the capacity to raise our own vibration and have a One-on-One communication with the Host of Light, which encompasses all those that serve The Light. These include the Archangels, The Ascended Host, The Elohim, The Elders, The Lords of Light, Metatron, Melchizedek, etc., and also includes the Ultra-terrestrials (off world Beings of 5th dimensional and Higher who Serve The Light and Mother/Father God/Creator/Source). None of these Beings of Light need to prove anything to anyone. The Ultra-terrestrials have no Disclosure Timeline in place, nor is there a need to have them engaged in a display or parade in our skies, nor do they have the need to generate a circus-like communication so that some can force a concept, like disclosure.
The last communication in reference to the "joy ride" was that no one was picked up due to the fact that there were too many and safety issues became a concern. The Ultra-terrestrials modus operandi is way beyond the scope of human understanding. If indeed these had been part of the Ashtar Command/Federation fleets/Ultra-Terrestrials, these Beings would have known this from the beginning and would not have given many hours of communication, raising hope and getting everyone excited, only to let them down with the obvious. This is not the Signature of the Advanced, Elite Forces of Light that hover over our skies protecting our Rights as Beings and as Members of the Cosmos. This alone would have set off the B.S. Radar for a discerning person in this plane of existence.
On board the Ships of Light, one is in an altered consciousness. If one is on board one of these Merkabah ships one is there to receive instruction and not there as a "tourist" to take pictures for 3D mental labeling and justifications. If this is one's intention, then one would not be on board these ships. It is a privilege to be on board the True Light Ships. It is not about "Show and Tell", it is about one's soul edification. Therefore, there is no need to prove the existence of the Ultra-terrestrials. These work Behind The Scenes and are known to those that need to know about them because of their involvement with them, because of soul agreements or missions.
Disclosure is about humanity's acceptance that there are Extraterrestrial Beings visiting us and that we are not alone. Yet, not all ETs serve The Light. Many are technologically very advanced, but may not be Spiritually Evolved. Many of these will pretend to be of the Light and fool those who can not discern, using language that is accepted as being that of love and compassion and spiritual. They know what motivates us and feed us what we want to hear. Some of the spaceships used by these ETs are metallic or third-dimensional in nature. This is how the governments of the world have obtained the technology they currently have, using reverse engineering on spacecraft that have fallen onto Earth due to various causes.
The Ships of the Ashtar Command/Federation of Light are Plasma Ships, Alive with Living Light, existing in very high dimensional frequencies. They are not operated by technology as is known in this plane of existence. It is Living Light and Intention that "pilots" the Ships of Light, not gadget technology. Those that board these ships are in a Higher Vibrational mode and are not thinking about picking up "specimens" but about receiving further spiritual instruction so they can Be Of Service to Humanity!
Another difference here is that there is no "lying", no manipulation or holding back of the truth, nor Deception on the part of the Ultra-terrestrials. There is no need to orchestrate a "big-to-do" in order to have many prepare to board the ships, having many of these change their plans, pack, gather cats, dogs, children and the elderly to go on a trip through space so that pictures can be taken and phone calls made through cell phones that work in space or that are made to work via the ETs special gadgets. All this so that those that are privileged to board these spacecraft can satisfy their "MINDS" that ETs do exist and they can now prove it to the world!
Here are some clues that should have set off discernment alarms:
Technology: Adapters to be given to allow the guests to be able to use their gadgets
Pickups: Black Limousines to be used to pickup the guests, which shape-shift into spacecraft
Bathing Suits: Guests can bring Bathing Suits to enjoy the Recreational Facilities (Pools and Spas?)
Pickup: They'll let you know and could happen when asleep - contradictory information in reference to how the pickup was to happen (It was said the pickup was in the physical)
Part-time Guests: At one point it was said that they can not shuttle people back and forth, but it was OK for one particular guest on the list.
Number of Guests: The number was given to be 150 guests, then the day of pickup it was too many and they were concerned with Safety issues of the guests. Especially the Cabal (They figured this out the day of the pickup)
Visiting the Higher Dimensions - guests could go visit up to the seventh dimension in their physical bodies.
Getting on board spacecraft for the purpose of coming back with evidence to prove to the world the existence of ETs is further anchoring oneself into this third-dimensional illusion! The world will Not believe about ETs even with photographs or gadgets that could be brought back from any spacecraft. There are many institutions and people that will discredit that information regardless. This is all an exercise for the 3D Mind and for a world that is dissolving. Is this the world we would like to remain in?
I caution everyone to use MAXIMUM DISCERNMENT during these times. There will be a plethora of disinformation to try to deviate those that serve the Light from the path. If one is connected to Source and The LIGHT at ALL TIMES, one Will NOT be deceived. One will KNOW with unequivocal, unwavering certainty that one KNOWS! One need not speak or listen to Channeled disinformation, for ALL INFORMATION IS WITHIN US! One also need not pay for this third-party disinformation anymore.
Do Not Follow the Lead of ANY HUMAN Being on this planet, for not all are Walking The Walk and are still in this plane of existence! The Truth is anchored in our Hearts -There is where one can reach for their KNOWING, their TRUTH, their LIGHT! There is nothing anyone can Teach anyone that one doesn't already Know! Allow that to Be Expressed Now!
CONNECT With Your Higher Self, The True Self. There all the Answers Lie.
Disclosure is for us at a personal level. Does one Believe? Does one KNOW? If so, then that is ALL There IS!
It is time to step up our Knowing about who we are and stop depending on outside information to give credence to a world that is quickly falling away. Let it be known here and now that the Ashtar Command is aware of this infringement in trust and impostors and let it be known that it was not any member of the Forces of Light known as the Ashtar Command or Federation of Light, as these would never infringe on Free Will nor deceive nor promise anything that could not be kept.
Here is Cmdr Ashtar-Athena Sheran's insight on this:
This is simply not the method of approach adopted by ANY of the genuine Masters, whether on this Earth, or of Ultra terrestrial origin---none of them need to resort to psychic channels to communicate with anyone---nor will they ever appeal to anyone's lower nature or tempt through glamor.
The Ashtar Command works through Spirit to Soul intuitive impression with all who are its direct emissaries. The rest of the ground crew who incarnate through the law of karmic necessity, pass through the same processes of learning discernment and correct attunement, like everyone else incarnated on Earth must eventually learn to do.
Think about it-- what in the world would an advanced race of truly intelligent and enlightened beings do with those people IF they did pick them up? What possible Spiritual benefit would it afford those people by being picked up? Where could they possibly be taken? What about their karmic commitments and obligations to families and other relationships? How could such people tolerate the incredibly high vibrations of a physical encounter with any advanced being without harm both physically and psychologically? Doesn't this seem like a manipulative and agenda driven approach? Wouldn't a truly enlightened race manifest greater wisdom and diplomacy in entering the territory of another race and civilization? Wouldn't it show more respect, courtesy and universal protocol?
The immature individual is always looking to escape into some form of fantasy---anything but to simply deal with their life and make it work for them.
All Souls are on Earth because they need the lessons and experiences that this Earth curriculum is designed to provide---which is the mastery of ones self and nature through learning to give unconditional loving service to ALL life.
Therefore there is no need for them to look to some outer agency rescue them---for there is no need to escape---there is nothing going on that warrants it--they are here because they've earned the right to be and have also chosen it.
I know there is all this conspiracy rhetoric about the Cabal-- Nesara--the evil doing Reptoids, overthrowing those in political positions and those in power behind the scenes etc. There is no end to the nightmarish victim-victimizing scenarios that the ego-mind conjures up and projects upon the innocent screen of nature. The only true enemy we have is within our mind --it is our own false-ego persona with its characteristic expression of projecting all error and blame outside of itself---finding reasons to hate, divide, fight and create endless conflict.
We are not the victim of the world we see, because we have invented the world we see. The "world" has only the meaning that we have accorded it--it is entirely of our own interpretation; it simply plays back what we've prerecorded---- what we've decided is so and have chosen it to be.
There truly are no evil doers---just immature beings doing what immature beings do.
All Souls are here learning and experiencing what they have opted to undergo prior to obtaining the privilege of incarnating here. That few to none remember this, has no bearing on the fact that it is so.
As for the Earth crew---we are here to be of service precisely at this time---this is why we came on Earth assignment. Why would anyone with genuine Spiritual commitment want to "bail" on Humanity that needs our love, wisdom and examples of faith and courage --now more than ever before-- just because it is a tough mission? No I think not.
We are here for as long as the Most Radiant One wills it and our Soul contract remains unfulfilled---and even then, some of us have volunteered to stay on way beyond the call of duty--out of compassion for our brothers and sister on Earth.
Many more people will continue departing this world through death, simply because they are unable to tolerate the ever increasing vibration. That is how the Earth, within the natural order of things facilitates its own culling and clearing out process.
The great Cosmic Avathar, Sai Baba told us in 1985 that only those who were rooted in devotion to God would survive the times ahead; that only the people of love will be able to advance into the Golden Age of Love and Truth. The vibration of the fifth world and New Earth is one of pure Living Love, universal good will and kinship with all life.
Obviously those in more elderly bodies who are in poor health will be passing over in increasing numbers, because they will not be able to adjust to the physical rigors and changes.
Those volunteer Souls who are from the Ashtar Command will-- in many cases-- return to the Ashtar Command and our Vessels of Light when they leave their bodies. Some of us have our bodies of Light held in suspended animation aboard ship, I saw mine aboard ship,in 1994 when I spent two weeks Earth time with Ashtar. He said some have these bodies aboard ship but not everyone. Those of us who do, have our Light bodies awaiting our return--when we will simply don them and carry on with our lives and our ongoing cosmic service to all life forms of this and other worlds.
Service is the key note of our lives both here and within the greater cosmos ---whether as a Soul just beginning its journey to Christ ship---or a Soul that has already attained a higher level of Spiritual awareness upon a more advanced world--we are all here to more fully develop the capacity to manifest self-sacrificing , compassion and self-less service to all beings---we are eternal co-workers with the Divine Source.
That is what came forth in response to your inquiry---lengthy but possibly of use to those who will be asking about this and the ones in the future. I'm sure they'll just keep coming up with these kinds of messages as they have been for the past 30 years that I've been aware of, yet not one has ever come to pass.
Anyway my love and blessings to you,
Sending all my Love and wishes for Internal Peace to all who may be experiencing discomfort right now,
The Orion-Jerusalem Command is "the tactical branch of High Command from Orion working directly with Michael and Yophiel in the overthrowing of the fallen angelic kingdoms and the military kingdoms on planets."
Also, these are part of the fleets that will arrive in mass in case of evacuations on the surface.
Ashtar-Athena SherAn:
Commander Lady Athena, Integrated as one with her celestial counterpart, Commander Ashtar is currently manifesting in this dimension where she is known as Ashtar-Athena SherAn.
She has come as a direct spokesperson for the Ashtar Galactic Command & serves as an Ambassador of the Great Central Sun Throne Worlds. Under the Supreme Command, Authority & Lordship of the King of Kings, Jesus--Esu Emmanuel Sananda Kumara, she comes forward in loving service to the Christ & His Beloved Humanity she anchors The Ashtar Command Heart Center on Earth today.
Heralding our planetary transfiguration and ascending into a higher octave of Light. Celebrating Earth Humanity's freedom through Grace through the redemptive, restorative plan of The Office of The Christ and The Order of Melchizedek.
El Ari AN
Orion-Jerusalem Command
**The article, including Asthar-Athena's letter to me may be copied and redistributed in it's entirety only, giving credit to the author and this website: http://12-21-2012.ning.com
There are still channels who
There are still channels who are insisting 25 people indeed are up on the spaceship Neptune....as we speak.....you people need to get your stories together!
Here at the Press
WE Here at The Galactic Free Press Allow all Perspectives to come together... 2012 is about Unifying, check in wth your experience... In the No Matter what Love and Truth Have Won... Your Heart and Soul know the Truth. We Count on your Being Sharing the Highest Truth with You and ALL. Love Mother and Father God and The Entire Galactic Free Press Staff~
Welcome Home into,The Kingdom of Heaven on Earth=Heart, We Love you Unconditionally!!
I Agree with this
I Agree with this article.....because the idea of a group of people going on a trip seems Flashy, which the whole "point" is to get the rest of Humanity's Attention with PHOTOS? Realy? That would be breaking the Contract of Free-Will.........because lets Face it, NOT every human will be ascending......some or I should say Most have still not leanred how to Self-LOVE. You cannot give what you dont have, which is why most will be having to continue playing the Game elsewhere as this Earth Ascends.
If I take my thoughts back to the Law-of-One, the info seems more accurate with less glamour & FLUFF that ALL will ascend..........I believe that is EGO wanting everyone to be "Saved".....when its just not so.
Love & LIGHT(Wisdom) <3