Lets determine who do we call 'aliens'?... US here on earth, the ones attacking each-others daily, or our governments alienated from its people by running them in slavery of money, or beings that are already on this earth for quite some time but hiding their existence by controlling all aspects of media and information, or beings that are not of this world and not of this dimension?.._
Or maybe, we humans, are these 'aliens' that are attacking Earth?..... But is there no one to tell this uniformed Human they are the EXTRATERRESTRIALS they are afraid off?.... Let tell US, GALACTIC HUMANS that we do not have to be afraid any longer from OURSELVES... As soon we get rid of fear from unknown, we become FREE to be any ALIEN species we want to BE.....
How to determine bad 'aliens' from good ET's?... Maybe if we just look in our heart and realize that this is all here for one reason: this is all here to bring our duality, our doubts, our fears about our own knowing to the surface.....
We will be exposed more and more with challenging situations, with unprecedented events just to bring US out in the open, just to change our perception of status quo..... As for the time while we think that we are still ok, that we think that we are free, we will be challenged and challenged till 'death'..... or until we KNOW that we are FREE....
When we realize that the stories of bad 'aliens' and good ET's are only here to give US opportunity to fully awake in to Oneness of Creation.... to fully awake in to nondual approach of existence, where only kindness and love IS..... To fully accept the differences that we experience during all these 3D lives are only here to make our light shine brighter and brighter.....
When we realize that dark side of life here on Earth was only here to make US more conciseness that we were when we agree to put a veil of non-remembrance who we truly are.....
When we realize that 'aliens' and ET's are the same bunch of good actors, as you and me here on Earth, with unique and unified goal: To become ONE through fully raised conciseness of light.....
One of my analogies I like to use it: We are all the actors in this Galactic Milky way Cinema Production, where main characters are:
Duality [he plays villain who will disintegrate on the end...], Fear [he is villain who will be transmuted close to the end of project...], Oneness [who will appear only in very last scene of the movie...], than we have Love [she is main character, very dualistic in the beginning....], and some other characters like Compassion, Kindness, Greed, Jealousy, Power, Control [these are Extras on the set, just to make story spicier...]
If there is no dichotomy, there would be no need for Oneness.....
So, if there is no war vs. Peace concept, we would not discover Compassion.... If there is no concept of darkness vs. Light we would be shy from Self-Love....
Or for the end: if there is no concept 'bad alien' vs good ET, there would be no Galactic Human as result of this beautiful mega experiment, that all of US are part of....
to be continued .... @ 'SHELL WE DANCE, MY LOVE?....'
With Love to ONE, Predrag
Asket Picture
The picture you display referring to "Asket" is actually a dancer from the Dean Martin Christmas Special in 1970...The "Ear Lobes" are actually hair curls...