The question is, why do you not see the changes you desire. Is that not so? by Ron Head

Lia's picture




Out topic for today is, once again, the accelerating change and your ability to perceive it.  The change we are referring to is total.  It is changing you internally, and this change is resulting in changes external to you, at least in your perception of internal and external, which is flawed to say the least.  What you perceive as external change is a result of internal changes you have been able to make for yourselves due to the increased and increasing light which is available to you.


There is truly nothing external to you, and of course that is why you see changes around you, around your point of perception, and you understand, or misunderstand, that of course you had nothing to do with what you see because you further perceive yourself and other.  This is more of the illusion.  There is self, yes.  But there is no other.


Enough of the riddles, you say?  We agree, for now.  You will understand things of this sort in your own divine timing.  The point of this little exercise is to get you to stop looking around and thinking that nothing is changing.  Dear ones, everything is changing.  It always has.  It always will.  As has been observed before by your sages, if there is one constant in your universe, it is change.  The question is, why do you not see the changes you desire.  Is that not so?


You think such changes are not there to be seen?  Well, they most certainly are, and they are increasing every day.  If you truly desire to see them, and if you truly look for them, you will not miss them.  But if you hold the cloak of denial about yourself, which is a way to protect yourself from disappointment, you will not see them.  And as long as you hold onto that protection, that blanket, moth-eaten and musty though it is, you will not see them.


Things are moving along quite nicely now.  We invite you to drop the blanket and look around.  Things are not nearly as frightful once you make the decision to expect and look for the positive that is around you.  Even the apparent bad news, such as peaceful demonstrations being repressed, can be seen for the positive influences they are when you change your own perspective.


You are, in fact, well into a period of immense and positive growth in awareness and consciousness.  Millions of you are aware of the changes happening in yourselves.  It can be time now for you to open your hearts and see the resulting changes in your world, but that is a decision you must make for yourselves.  The strength to do so is now available to you.  It resides in your heart.  We keep saying that.  We will continue to say it.  Your entire new world resides in your hearts.  In your own words, dear ones, go for it!  Be the angels of peace, love, and change you came here to be.


We love and respect you and will speak with you again soon.  Good day.



Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:


Dear brother Michael and Ron

David Porter's picture

Suicide is becoming more common now not just with celebrities but simple common folk as well as Light workers etc which are writing of this more and more now.

I see this coming now in advance in a massive way of genocide/suicides in our near future, "soon" as in what took place before with "Jim Jones" and the wine and "Hale-Bopp and the the comet."

It would seem obvious that many of us Souls will assist from the ships or other Heavenly type planets or realms, but my question is, do you see this coming, and what about as many of us as can be rounded up for ascension from our here and now level of dimension?

I also read that some will ascend from "up there," but if they "die" (leave their earthly body) and "go" up there, then they simply ascended then, yes, no, maybe? Please give us examples of this that is so "soon" to take place and in this case that "soon" for many has just occurred. Thank you for you support~


David Porter

Author of the series


My experiences with change

Lichtwerker's picture

Hello David,

It has to do with if someone is able and willing to change from within recieving more and more of the higher energies. Everything which is of the old energy, old patterns and behaviour cannot resist in the increasing light frequency anymore. You have to look at what is out of balance, clean your shadows up to transmute them into the light, forgiving yourself and all people involved.

People who cannot cope with the higher light and don't want to go deep inside to look what is happening more and more are deciding to leave our planet. It's sometimes disappointment but even it's possible that they don't want to give up their old ego driven life in 3D.

I did my ascension already some time ago, it's a real process in the same human body, so no physical death this time.  The world really changed 180 degrees in my awareness just after this shift from ego to heart, lving and feeling in oneness energy and unconditionall love. If your frequency becomes higher and higher, than you will notice that you attract more positive people and situations and the negative falls away more or less. Although there are still items to clean up even after reaching the first stage of enlightenment, ascension.

Thank you

David Porter's picture

For your insight, I await reply from the one that I question.

David Porter

Author of the series


Can anyone tell me where Tobias went and what he's doing now?

lucimilena's picture

Hi Ron, thank you so much for your fantastic job .  I have a question you will find quiet a bit strange, I know.  Maybe you know it or not, St Germain worked before much together with Tobias in his channels.  This stopped a couple of years ago because Tobias came back on earth in another body as son of 2 professors in America.  Do you have any clue, what happened further to him?

Can you try to channel him what his purpose was to come here again in this huge changes we're living in?

blessings and much gratitude.

my email is ;