At the moment many things are happening in your world, that give many of you the doubt in the divine plan. Many of you are asking, how it can be, that we are talking about love and peace, promising you the most wonderful things, while seemingly chaos, violence and oppression rule all around the world
Please understand, that this is the last gasp of the dark energies. Anything, that is not from the light will now be washed away or transformed. It opposes his transformation, fights and stands up to the very last. But his fate is sealed. We see the solutions for the world's conflicts, not only in Turkey and Syria, which is currently keeping your media busy the most. Also, the conflicts between the sexes, different population groups and religions. We see how these conflicts melt and what newly arises on their land. And this is unique to your world: An unprecedented peace is awaiting you.
You are asking, "When?". Well this is depending very much on You. Send out your light and your love and help to transform all the negative energies in your world. We are quite active in bringing in the energies of your central sun, but the real transmutation, the anchoring and the thriving of this incoming energies is your job. And if we are allowed to say, actually your principal duty, irrespective of which other task you additionally have taken on.
At the moment we do not want go deeper into your actual world affairs, but inform you about, what is directly in front of your door. Because this is considerably influencing the just described transformation.
You were told, that the transformation of your financial system is a done deal and only waiting for implementation. As well you were told, that the dark ones have no more power to delay or to prevent this any more. This we can confirm and you will also see, why this is so important. In the next days and weeks you will learn more about it and even better, you will experience it. We are looking forward to see, how you rub your eyes in disbelief, asking yourself: "Is this really there? Am I dreaming?" After this short phase you will overflow with happiness and will be totally excited. This on itself lifts you up a great deal and your vibrations raise to higher power. And why do I, Ashtar, tell you this? Because this joy that you will experience with the introduction of the new financial system is absolutely critical and the basis, that disclosure can take place.
At the moment, the majority of mankind believes it is possible, not to be alone in the universe. Nevertheless, there is a difference whether one does not preclude or believes. What do you think would happen, if we now perform a mass flyover? Would the majority of people react with fear and terror? How would react your existing financial system? Would it not result in more violence and chaos?
And now ask yourself, how it would be like if humanity is lifted first by a new and fair financial system. If joy and happiness be consensus that the old shackles of the unfair economic system were stripped off and everyone feels that the New frees him from the yoke of slavery. Do you not think as well, that this will automatically resolve many of your current problems? And based on that, the disclosure that your star family is here and once again would like to unite with you, will be much better received?
Thus we can confirm, what other have reported and many of you already guess: Disclosure will take place, as soon as the necessary steps to implement the new, fair economic system have successfully taken place. Then we can come to you and present you with all that we have already announced to you.
And from your point of view, the most wonderful thing is probably, that we are talking about weeks and not years, until this fundamental transformation of your economic system picks up speed and becomes visible for everyone. And if this stone is rolling, you can be assured that also disclosure will not be long in coming.
I hope very much that this message brings you joy. Because that's going on in your life on this planet: Find joy in your life and focus upon it.
In deepest love,
Your Ashtar
Channeller: Philipp
Webpage: ASHTAR through Philipp
Translated from German - English: Petra ST
Dear Ashtar and Philipp
Ladies and gentlemen, please don't take offense to this site and the people that secure it as they can do only so much to weed out the miss information. I love this site, it has brought excellent insights to us all with some most intelligent Ones.
Ashtar, do you recall saying this on 3/1/13?
3/1/13 "Ashtar" said in NO UNCERTAIN terms that "ASCENSION" was extended by God per our request for 9 months from 12/21/2012, so more could jump in. But that disclosure was to happen "soon" in our language as you put it then on GFP on this date." Dearest "Ashtar," just as last year now this gives us 75 days until ascension by your words is to take place. Isn't this pushing it so to speak? Not much time to enjoy the stuff that won't be needed "soon."
This financial disappointment to many that you promised last year to take place long before 12/12/12 as to pave the way for what you just spoke of again for us to have a smooth transition into ascension, that didn't happen, AGAIN last year?? How many years has it been now that you said this would happen "soon?"
Now you say this:
"You were told, that the transformation of your financial system is a done deal and only waiting for implementation. As well you were told, that the dark ones have no more power to delay or to prevent this any more. This we can confirm and you will also see, why this is so important. In the next days and weeks you will learn more about it and even better, you will experience it. We are looking forward to see, how you rub your eyes in disbelief, asking yourself: "Is this really there? Am I dreaming?" After this short phase you will overflow with happiness and will be totally excited. This on itself lifts you up a great deal and your vibrations raise to higher power. And why do I, Ashtar, tell you this? Because this joy that you will experience with the introduction of the new financial system is absolutely critical and the basis, that disclosure can take place."
Then you follow this with:
"And from your point of view, the most wonderful thing is probably, that we are talking about weeks and not years, until this fundamental transformation of your economic system picks up speed and becomes visible for everyone. And if this stone is rolling, you can be assured that also disclosure will not be long in coming."
1. How many weeks now are you talking about then, 51?
2. You say, "And "if" this stone is rolling, not "when?"
3. You have stated that this, NESARA (financial relief) is to pave the way to ascension this year, (3013) by September. Do you mean by Sept. or by the end of Sept which of course is "by Oct," and do you mean in this particular century. This is what YOU said early last year (2012), then we got the blame for enough of us not being ready yet to make the leap.
Who is this really, who are you and please state your underlining purpose in all these miss leading to us promises??? As a matter of fact not fiction, why don't you just beam me aboard the New Jerusalem, that's your command ship, right? Take me to your chamber of the 3 day change, maybe that'll shut me up so as not to "disclose" you. I'll wait for you in my dreams tonight.
This is not the kind of communications that we would hope for from actual "Ascended Ones" that claim to be here in our interest. We have already been ever so blessed with enough false predictions, prophecies, and promises by the bloggers and "leaders" (cabal) that we now have.
I will not be letting up on you and or any others that continue to keep us sheeple calmly miss lead with lies and forecast that continue to prove false year after year. Is this not just for us to enter the gates of the FEMA camps to secure us when all has been prepared for this? This has been done with us numerous times in our past.
Humans wake up, there is something not right about what is being told to us, week after week, month after month, year after year. I like you have hope and have had it for years now especially with the inspiration of these readings, but let not your "HOPE" blind you.
Something is amiss. This don't jive, doesn't register, don't seem right, don't sound right and just don't fit???
Who ever you are if you do have a ship and land it here we will have the "Man of Steel" awaiting your arrival, "Arnold."
David Porter
Author of the series
David Porter
I've never commented before and this may be done incorrect, but I have been reading for quite sometime and I believe I tend to relate to David Porter's point of view. I still pray for the promises to come through.
And "they" know it.
That you pray, the cabal know it. You, I and millions of others pray long and hard for the promises to come and all we get from so many of these alleged ones of higher societies is lot's of hope tainted with miss information. It is the BS that I am stepping up on and as of now this has gone on for far too long now and I am jumping in all the way to disclose these ones and find out what is their purpose in this miss leading us???
We should all hope to God Almighty that "Ascended Beings" are brighter than to make statements that lead us on to no avail. Some of these may in fact be Masters, but somehow the timed statements may be from cabal type to be wrong enough times to make us believe that "They" are full of hot air, or that the channels are in it for other reasons than our assistance?? etc. etc.
A wise Being unless He/She is Creator/God in full waking consciousness would simple state that "our future" holds great gifts, surprises, rewards and they may promise this, that's fine, but to say "soon" "shortly" "a few days" (these promised were said by the alleged AA Raphael) 3 different times in the last month of our days and "He" promised it and worded it to be in "few days" weeks ago.
I will no long let any of these lying ones of the hook, and if they left time-framing out of it, they would need not be on the hook.
David Porter
Author of the series