Update from Turkey: Unbelievable

Lia's picture

From “Occupy Love” Facebook Page. If you have a Facebook account, you simply must see the video there. The people are literally filling the streets as you can see above, chanting, holding up the peace sign. They must be running on pure adrenalin by now. This has been going on for over a week now, hasn’t it?

We don’t have to do this in North America… we can do this more peacefully, but we must do it. We must make the change.

“This is not about Taksim anymore…This is not even about Turkey…My friends all over the world;this is the power of politics trying to come over the power of love …We, the mothers, the students, the teachers, the workers,the doctors, the housewives of the land…cannot sleep for days…and that is ok…even our hospitals filled with patients are being attacked now… teargas is being thrown in the houses … thousands of people are in the streets, helping and holding each other and the attack only comes form the police… we, all the people living in Turkey, are together now regardless of our age, political view,and everything, and walking hand in hand.. and now it is time for us all, all the people from all around the world, come together, and stand still in peace… as one… cause that is what it is… lets remember who we are, where we come from, where our hearts are still beating as one, lets remember that we were the ones who created the system, the government, the borders, lets remember that we are all brothers and sisters, coming from the same roots, lets remember, re- member …. and lets recreate what is needed now… we can do it, together as one…”

By: Occupy Love



d'tewa's picture

Greetings Light Beings Everywhere!

The subject of "Peace" has been on my mind a very long time concerning what WE in the United States can do about it.  Two things are agreed upon for sure; Most of us want it, and WE must do this TOGETHER!

While it's very important that we send Love and Light for Peace, somehow we must get the word out so that people "think" Peace, don't ya think?  So, I've thought of a few ways that we can do that.  If we can join together and either do some or all of what I've listed, or if you're creative enough to think of something else yourself, excellent!  Just as long as the word of Peace gets out.

1.  Write the words "PEACE NOW" or "Honk! If You Want Peace Now!" on a sheet of paper and put it on your car so that as you drive around, people will see it.  (See how many honk their horns.)

2.  Make flyers to distribute around your neighborhood saying "Peace Now".

3.  Have a T-Shirt made that depicts "Peace Now", and wear it.  Or, if your creative, you can do a colorful "stitch" saying "Peace Now" on something you already wear.

4.  Not to promote vandalism, but you can carry a magic marker around with you and write the words "Peace Now" on stuff. ( I won't say what.  Use your imagination.) lol

5.  A little extreme, but you can somehow put "Peace Now" on the roofs of your homes.  (At least people in airplanes can see it, especially the media when they fly around.)

6.  If you have enough money to do it, selling or giving away "bumper stickers or buttons" saying "Peace Now".  That will definitely get the word out!

7.  Make some flyers and put them on the windshields of people cars in parking lots, i.e.: grocery stores, large malls, strip malls.

8.  Got a "outing event" coming up in your area?  Pass out the flyers, or open a booth!  (See below).

9.  Open a booth in a flea market.  (There's a lot a person can do in a booth if they're creative.)

10.  Draw a huge "Peace Now" sign on either the front of your house or place a "Peace Now" sign in your front yard and back yard so that neighbors walking by or driving by can see it.

11.  Get some chalk and draw "Peace Now" on neighborhood roads.

12.  Make some chain letters of "Peace Now".  Remember them?  Mail some out saying that if you promote "Peace Now", put your name on it and send it on to someone else. 

13.  Create a petition promoting "Peace Now" and see how many signatures you can get.  Give it to a politician. (Couldn't hurt).

14.  Got some money to spend?  How about renting a billboard for a day?  ( You know, like people do to tell someone happy birthday or happy anniversary.  I have no idea how much that costs.)

15.  Know someone who will sponsor an outdoor event promoting "Peace Now" to advertise their own product?  There's a lot of struggling singers and dancers out there who'll gladly take the opportunity to "do their thing" on stage.  There's a great deal of possibilities for this suggestion.  Perhaps it could be such a success that you'll receive a HUGE amount of people!

Well, that's about all I can come up with.  Can you think of any to add?  Please feel free!

If we can get the word out and make "Peace Now" a second language, we're bound to put those words in the minds and hearts of everyone in the United States to manifest "Peace Now".  Agreed?

Love and Light,



Love and Light, d'tewa


BelindaLove's picture

Your thoughts d'tewa, have

TitaniumLotus's picture

Your thoughts d'tewa, have inspired me to partake of some. Thank you!

BTW, I could not contain my tears while reading this post. I feel the love energy emanating from that region so strongly, I break down as I send love and light to support our brothers/sisters in their stand to tear down the illusion.

Love, peace, harmony to all


karenannr@adam.com.au's picture