~Captains Log" Stardate = Now~ Long Edition~
In order for the dinosaur to feed, the dinosaur eats. It eats everything. Moves right along eating everything until finally, there's nothing left. So then the dinosaurs start eating themselves, and they eat until nothing is left, except the dinosaur hunters.
The Universe has a Nature, the Nature of the Universe Is Creation. Creation has a Nature, the Nature of Creation Is Love. Love has a Nature, the Nature of Love Is God. God has a Nature, the Nature of God Is the Universe. Spin that around as a mantra. You'll like it.
If We give them the Higher Thoughts to put into their internal dialog, guess what happens to their internal dialog? The thought of Being.
Happy Faces all around the Universe.
We are a part of the Coffee Party. Coffee helps you Awaken, then You're a part of the Awakening Party.
What ignorance does not understand, is that Humanity is developable, and adaptable.
The darkness tells the Light about the darkness' insecurity. Light has no clue what insecurity is, it translates that as security immediately.
Anyway, what I see happening on the Planet, in the ways of ignorance trying to prove it's a dinosaur, is the feeding frenzy. You can see it, little fish out there swimming in the ocean, we call them a small business right? They get eaten up by a little bit bigger business, natural order of ignorance? Course the corporations are the sharks in the sea. Non-profits and cooperations are more like dolphins and whales of the sea. Metaphorically speaking.
Now after the corporations eat all of themselves up, guess who they're gonna go after next? Oh wait, they're already going after the people.
"Freedom, We Are Man of Nature"
Living the Life of a God, connected to The God, which I Am, Obviously, Here We Are.
The Universe understands 2dimensional thought, but also understands a whole lot more than 2dimensional thought. It understands It Is.
You know, they called Me king. I looked around and said Angels, "What's a king?"
They looked at Me and said, "FatherGod, they're just trying to be You, or like You."
Life is the journey where Love discovers Awakening. Got Your's? Like One? Have One! YOU ARE ONE!
The Planet is going to continue doing a bit of Her saber rattling. It's a Wake Up Call to Humanity saying, "You don't have time anymore. Now is approaching quite rapidly and You're gonna be There when it Shows Up."
I can guarantee You, a Starship doesn't steer for darkness.
It's like Spirit Is Energy without mass, and yet Spirit is kinda like mass, but not really, if you catch my drift.
When We landed that Starship on this Planet We came in with a whoopiedoobie. We did not even know this Planet was here, we were flying through the sun, we knew when we got spun right out of that sun into the Atoms Love Caught US. Landing Universal thought in oneness.
We didn't even know this Planet was Here. We were flying through that Sun, and We were booking. We knew that when We got spun out the other side of that Sun, through that Atom, it was gonna be a brand New Day.
Eventually We will ring Humanity's Bell. They'll take a Moment, pause, and probably have to sit down.
It's like We had the graviton meter pegged. We had the photon meter pegged. The chroma-velocity meter is pegged to. Blue shift mean you're going forward, FAST. The photons asked, "Can We have a ride with You Guys? We'll get back Here before We left!"
The true Starship Captain stands on the nose of the Starship, just for the thrill of it.
Humanity is kinda like the Nectar of the Cream. Sweet, Brilliant and filled with Light. Oh, that's the Center of the Nectar.The Present Moment, can You Feel It? It's a feeling of being Present. Everything else is just Icing on the Cake, overflowingly.
The ones who cannot listen to themselves will be the ones that miss what God Says. I don't recommend missing that.
Last night the Archangels, the Knights of Templar, Us, and Everybody Else on Our Team, got together and We discussed the momentum of Light and how to tell if it's a Human or a dinosaur. If it's a dinosaur, they're extinct right? Or they soon will be. Only Humans pass through this Gate. They can ride the dinosaurs when they get to the Other Side.
I could talk about It all day long and experience It as I was speaking. Usually works that Way.
"Life's not about what's better than"
I look across the Planet and wonder if there really is an actual Real Government, where People's Rights are what's honored and respected above the rules. That would be Truth. They try to put their laws on the people. People are not pigs, nor are they goats. People don't have kids, well, most people...
See, in God We Trust, it's the We that Are The God. That was one of their tricks to try to pretend. Every once in a while a blind squirrel gets a nut or two. They were just calling Us in, they didn't know where they were going, we didn't know either. We just watched to see where they were going. ignorance leaves the building, density leaves the Planet, and Humanity is Free to travel about the Universe. You Are Your Own God, You know? Ever hear that?
Feel the Planet, Feel Everything. Go into Joy and Feel That too. That's Everything also, with a High Five.
See, in essence, the bankers represent the dinosaurs, but they know they really can't eat people. They got that understanding a little bit, maybe. So they're not after eating people, they're after your nest egg. They want what you got because you got it. They'll get back to you later.
We of the Celestial, that Realm. We've got many Realms, We've got a Multi-Dimensional Universe full of Realms, and We add Parallel Dimensions with That.
Outside the box, you don't need an imagination, You have Reality. Open Your Present. Be There.
Irregardless of what the darkness believes, Light Is Here. Light ain't going nowhere, already been there.
The perfect oxymoron is yesterday thinking it's tomorrow. Knock knock. Who's there? Show UP! Gotcha!
It's always funny how You walk on the set of Creation and They try to put makeup on You. Then They send You onto the set and the Lights go up. Did I mention lines in there? You get up on Stage and You realize You're there for what? To stand there and look stupid? Well if it's a comedy that's pretty good.
What is it? Godhood is actually the Right Brain personified? The left brain is ignorance something or othered. You see left brains won nothing, right brains win LOL~
The Suns We choose to go through as Starship Captains, are the Suns who have chosen their Solar System to Awaken to their Godhood. We can't find any Suns other than those. This Sun, in particular, decided it was gonna give Us a Planet to land on and hang out for a while.
Forgive me nothing, for I have sinned against nothing, except for ignorance. I sinned to hell against ignorance.
You cannot choose two masters when the only master is God, course, Self-Masters included in That. That's the thought of Being Present, Equal Now, Equal You, Equal Awakened. Got It? What the hell, we Choose Heaven~
"Mike, what is the energy mass velocity of Now, including Everything?"
"Okay FatherGod, gimmie a sec. There it IS."
And he shows me a 42. Flashing. Now calling number 42.
You look at Eternity and how long has it been since Now? Here We Go Again!
This Is Gonna Be A High Velocity, Oh My God, Field Of Energy, Reaching In And Touching Braincells. That Kind Of Experience.
You get up every morning and You step into Eternity. And Your Bubble is the Moment You're floating in in Eternity. That's You. Eternity Equal Everything. You Equal Eternity.
Can You Hear Me Now?
This is how much Fun We have up on the Starship in Every Moment of Everything. That's Here, That's Stardust. A Day in the Life of a God, can You Keep Up? You think a President's day is busy? Wanna try being a God and see how busy You Are Now? You'll wish you had a life, even though You've got One.
What is it, mind control, that ignorance uses to be stupid? That's about all it can control, but it can't even control that. The mind's their God. They usually throw themselves into the recycle bin. With a little bit of SPLAT!
MotherGod, remember that story when I said.... no You said... no We said... that story? It was when You said, "Come Here FatherGod, closer, closer, closer, You can get closer than that can't You?... GOTCHA!" This is gonna Be Fun isn't it? Then She unfolded Me into a thoughtful arrow and TWANGED(!) Me through Her bow. She looked at the Angels and said, "Don't worry, I've got a string n Him. Let's see where He lands." Sure enough. We could call it the string theory. I was just stringing MotherGod along wasn't I? Fastly.
I guess that's why they put Us up on top of a hill, MotherGod, that's the best place they could hide a Lighthouse.
A wise Dalai Lama came into My office in the Kingdom of Heaven and wanted to sell me his karma. It was a dilapidated old thing, he must have been dragging it for miles. He wanted a mere pittance for it. I had a look at it and I said, "I wanna take this around the block once." The Dalai Lama handed me the rope, that was tied to the broken karma. You can't drive it, you just take it out for a drag.
I gave him a dollar for the rope. He was not amused, but fair is fair. I bought something from him. So he went outside the office and he kicked his karma, then gave it up for lent.
I sure hope they've got a sense of humor, if they don't they're missing it.
Angel came in and asked me one time, "FatherGod, what does off the record mean?
"A bankers balancing act."
Angels said, "Got It!"
"They don't."
I can imagine nothing occurring, of course I got over that quickly.
It's always amazing to Me that the Higher Self is just sitting right there within Everybody waiting for someone to say, "I Gotcha!" The Higher Self says, "Are you in or out? Did you play nice nice with Everybody? Remember? Okay, over there in there corner." We'll get back to them later, they'll have to sit there for a spell and discuss within themselves how they'd like to be Oneness Equal All. Of course We're Listening In, We Hear That.
The Laughter You feel after an Eternity of Eternities, Multi-Dimensionally, that's Deep Joy cause in that Joy You're Breathing in and out of the Top of Your Head with the Real Stuff that's filling You. LIGHT ON! WHEEE!!
So simple, even an Atom can understand the Oneness. Throw a little Spirit in there and We've got a Party!
True words aren't eloquent, eloquent words aren't True. True words have finesse that just slips the meaning into You, and You say, "I just understand That Now. Got It!" Example thereof, of their example, Being.
The Royal Fleet contains 12 Starships, Big Starships. Well, relatively Big, sometimes they fit inside an Atom. Especially the One that's going in the Right Direction. That Atom knows its going to be liberated into a Bigger Experience.
See, not every annunaki chose the Path of Light back to Godhood, some of them stayed on this Planet. They thought, "Hey, we had a good deal. We'll just keep it going like this and we'll win everything." They were just following along the 2dimensional thought of how everything is. They didn't know anything bigger than 2dimensional thought and they thought they had it all. So they continued on and they worked at it for 13 millenia of trying to dumb down Humanity into ignorance. They had a good plan. Didn't work. Anyway, they worked on creating a left brain. They had some kind of understanding, but they just imagined how it was supposed to be. Of course, when you can't see the Truth, what can you imagine? And it looked good to them for a while, course We were just waiting. We figured they would get to the Peter Principle, quite directly. The most greedy always rise to the top of the food chain. Especially when they're hungry, they can go there fast. That was the scheme of the annunaki, to take everything away from Humanity, and to prove to Humanity that Humanity was not God. That's Even Funnier. Right! Send in the A-Team! And the 12 Starships showed up to Planet Earth. Each of the 12 Starships had 500,000 Crew Members for the Away Team. We All understood what We Are Here for, you're not gonna forget are You? "Forget what?" Check Your Divine Plan.
Course each One of those 500,000 Members, Gods, each and every One of them was a God. They had to be Gods, trained to the highest level of exactness and then fine-tuned. Cause We didn't want to overcome Humanity, We wanted Humanity to come over Here, on the Light Side. That's who they're made of, that's who they Are, even if they try to hide that from Themselves.
"I'm not sure who that is, I'd better not look in the mirror."
Every Moment We Are Present, This Is It, This Is Us.
And they walk around for days in a daze, dazed. What dazed is this? The Planet on which Humanity stands is the Planet that is Our Top Priority. How are We doing? Planet says, "We're doing pretty good, it's nice You Guys are Here."
The Multi-Dimensionals try to get the memos to Me as soon as possible. Each one has an assigned Braincell, with uploads and downloads. It's like Light, a Braincell with Spirit Access, isn't that amazing? Same same.
Consciousness is contained within the Field of Being Present. More Present, Bigger Consciousness. Bigger Consciousness, Greater Awareness. It just gets better from There.
Adjusting Wings...
It's funny to walk around in a body hologram where you really can't see your Wings. Ever felt them though? They're Light. They're kinda like the wings Pegasus wears. Course they shimmer in cosmic light. Ever seen yourself right next to a Sun and watched how You Glow? Feel that as the Truth and You'll get There.
Oh by the way, part of the annunaki plan was to isolate the Planet and tell the people they're all alone in nowhere.
They're waiting for the UFO disclosure, UFO disclosure already occurred with Project Bluebook. Got it?
"There's some stuff out there that we don't know what is."
We do, that's Us!
Anyway, at the meeting of All of Us Together last night, We were discussing the dinosaurs that go into a nice zoo someplace, behind bars, to live out the rest of Eternity. Until they discover the Key around their neck. That's outside 2dimensional thought. Got 'em!
Humanity, from where I see them from, they look like the most brilliant understanding of God I have ever seen in my Life. All of Them. Course I know Them, I Am Them, They Are Me. We Are We, All of Us. Oneness Anyone? Certainly makes a good choice of Love.
The Ascended Masters, they were a little surprised when We brought in the New Plan, They thought They had it already. We're gonna give them an Upgrade, New Dimensions, New Possibilities, and They get to meet their Granddad. They're gonna Love that.
See, Love is the first step into the unknown. The second step is into the Unknowable, then You Fly.
Wings Fully Opened. And there You Are once again, suspended in Everywhere from the Center out. Touch the Planet with Your Heart and get a Ding! Connecting...
You know the annunaki that stayed on the Planet had a failsafe device, zero. In zero they couldn't go wrong, but they could go in circles. 2-dimensional circles. Small circles. Very small circles. Almost non-existent. Actually, they don't exist.
We probably packed them in today. Bases are loaded remember? Fully loaded. We even put the head of a pin there, that loaded.
Coors Beer for president and Pabst Blue Ribbon could be the vice president. It's ludicrous, their ignorance and how they think they really understand Creation. They try to buy and sell it? I'll have to talk to Creation about that.
Creation says, "They don't own Me, I'm Free."
Atoms say, "We're right there within Creation. We can't be owned. FatherGod said so!"
That was a decree someplace I'll have to go back in my library.
This way to the Kingdom of Heaven. Open Your Wings, come on Children, flap them Wings.
The Reality is Inevitable, that means you can't eat it.
End Transmission In Love Everywhere Present
Love Father~Mother God Amon Ra and The Entire Galactic Free Press Staff
Dedicated to the bankers. We'll toast to your titanic. Anybody want an iceberg with that? One on the rocks!
YUP.. **We R WE** ..
YUP.. **We R WE** ..
I Giggled ohhh bout 36 times "PoP"
(((((( BIG~HUG zzz ))))))
THxxx FatherMotherGOD~GODDESS