The Divine Payroll ~ by Trish LeSage

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I once read an interesting article in the magazine, “PhenomeNews”, written by Alan Cohen, the author of the book, “Why Your Life Sucks and What You Can Do About It.” The article offered some good insights about how to get on The Divine Payroll. In other words, being on The Divine Payroll means: devoting yourself to an endeavor in life, and spirit supports you with sustenance in return.


According to Alan Cohen, there are a few keys to getting on the divine payroll, and they are as follows:

-  Heal or help others. This does not mean that you need to become a professional healer. There are many forms of healing. For example, a man in San Francisco nurtured and fed a flock of parrots for more than 25 years. He never worked a job during that period of time. Instead, he devoted his time to the parrots. Miraculously, people supported his devotion and work by giving him money, free food, free rent, and the other necessities of life as a result. He was able to survive for 25 years on the money and everything else that the people donated to him. This man received sustenance for helping others. He was on the divine payroll.


-  Stay true to your purpose of healing and helping others.

-  Make a contract on paper or in your heart with our Creator or whatever you believe in stating the type of work that you would like to do to heal or help others.

-  Do not demand exactly where the money should come from. Spirit will create a way of sending the money to you. It may not come to you from the specific healing work nor the endeavor of helping others that you are doing however. It may come from another source, and it may come in miraculous ways.


If you devote yourself to healing others or to helping others in some way, spirit will eventually respond by supporting you with sustenance. You will be on the divine payroll.

Copyright 2012, (the website link to where this blog article came from)




Right on!

M's picture

I can definatley attest that this is true 1000%!  Live life from a place of love in all that you do and you will be paid for it! Ok, maybe not paid in the way that the illusion has taught, but you will not starve nor have survival issues unless you desire that type of drama. You see, my passion is the Christ and YOU there is no difference..only in are my God and life is my you!