Consciousness, Flying Saucers, and the Intergalactic Computer Network

Rain's picture

Source: - Grant Cameron, 6/23/13

“A human being is a part of the whole called by us ‘Universe,’ a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest – a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness” Albert Einstein

As many will know in the 1950 a Canadian Top Secret memo detailed what had been learned about flying saucers from the questions put to American officials. The Canadians were told flying saucers exist, that it was considered significant, and was the most highly classified subject in the United States. More importantly they were told that other things might be associated with the saucers such as “mental phenomena.”

In 1973 documentary producer Robert Emenegger told a story of a tour through the military labs at DARPA which indicated the military was involved in the race to link the mind to a machine. In one lab the scientist refused to describe what he was doing until he was told by the official conducting the tour that he could describe what was going on. The man stated that he would sit on one side of the room and a computer would sit on the other side of the room. The man would think of a word and the computer would repeat the word without a physical interface. They were at the point that the computer could pick up almost 10 words.

In 1990 during an interview with the former President of Penn State University and former Defense official Dr. Eric Walker he seemed to confirm that consciousness was associated with the saucers. In the middle of one interview he cut off the conversation asking “what do you know about ESP?’ When he didn’t get an answer he stated, “Unless you know about it, and how to use it, you would not be taken in. Only a few know about it.”

Then in 1993 there was another high level person who again seemed to hint that a consciousness machine symbiosis was the key. During a lecture to the UCLA engineering alumni Ben Rich, who headed up the key black world projects at Lockheed Skunk Works stated that we now have the technology to take ET home and that “we” have found the mistake in the equation. Two of the attendees approached Rich after the lecture to see what he had meant. They posed the question how UFO propulsion worked. Rich repeated what Dr. Walker has asked two years earlier, “Let me ask you a question. How does ESP work?” The questioner responded with, “All points in time and space are connected?” Rich then said, “That’s how it works!”

The theory of consciousness proposed by biologist Rupert Sheldrake and others proposes that consciousness is a field outside the brain, and that the brain is nothing more than a radio/TV receiver or computer that taps into the consciousness field.

This leads to an interesting parallel connected to the origins of the internet. Like the Sheldrake consciousness field concept internet information is stored away from the computer. Like the consciousness field idea all computers are simply logging on and have access to all the information. The internet concept has never gone a step further with the idea of cloud computing where “everyone on the globe is interconnected and accessing programs and data at any site, from anywhere.” It sounds very similar to the idea of holographic universe so commonly referred to by consciousness researchers like Edgar Mitchell.

The statements made by the Canadian government, Walker, and Rich all seemed to indicate that the military may have figured out consciousness and had been able to develop UFO type technology using what they had learned.

What may be significant is that the internet was developed by the US military, supposedly as an idea where the information would not be stored in one place and therefore could not be taken out by a Soviet nuclear attack. It was developed by the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) which later became DARPA which does leading edge research for the black budget world. The original system was called the ARPANET which was used by the Department of Defense to link its projects at universities and research laboratories in the U.S.

Had the US military used what they had learned about UFOs and mental phenomena to come up with the idea of a secure information cloud that computers could link into? A look back at the key designer of the ARPANET makes this look even more possible.

The origin of the internet idea actually goes back to August 1962 and the work of Joseph Linklider who was Director of Behavioral Sciences Command & Control Research at ARPA. Already in 1962 Linklider had proposed the idea of network in which he believed everybody could use computers anywhere, get at data anywhere in the world, and the idea of cloud computing.

The name Linklider gave to his idea makes one wonder if he had an insight into the work that was being done related to UFOs and mental phenomena. That is because he called his idea “The Intergalactic Computer Network” and he addressed his colleagues as "Members and Affiliates of the Intergalactic Computer Network".

The internet we know today was originally called the Intergalactic Computer Network.

There is one more thing that links Linklider into the world of the flying saucer/mental phenomena connection that was first spelled out in the Canadian Top Secret memo. This relates reports by contactees who claim to direct knowledge of flying saucer propulsion and a paper that Linklider wrote in 1960 called “Man-Computer Symbiosis.”

In this paper Linklider proposed “the development of man-computer symbiosis by analyzing some problems of interaction between men and computing machines, calling attention to applicable principles of man-machine engineering, and pointing out a few questions to which research answers are needed. The hope is that, in not too many years, human brains and computing machines will be coupled together very tightly, and that the resulting partnership will think as no human brain has ever thought and process data in a way not approached by the information-handling machines we know today.”

Compare this human computer symbiosis idea proposed by Linklider to the many accounts that exist where contactees, who have been on the ship, talk about a symbiotic relationship between the mind of the person piloting the ship and the ship itself.

  • In February 2013 I met with a woman in Phoenix who first mentioned this saying that she had flown a number of different crafts. When I asked how she stated “I do it with my mind.”
  • From Helmut Lammer’s book “MILABS” – “The being was telepathically instructing her how to maneuver around objects while navigating.  The Gray told her that the craft could ‘sense’ objects and maneuver around them.”
  • From researcher Melinda Leslie’s case files – “"I willed the ship with thought"
  • From another Melinda Leslie case files – “"The ship is alive, you just think it"
  • From another Melinda Leslie case files – “"The ship did what I thought.  I did it with feeling, like it was alive.”
  • From a contactee named Ron is Utah who told me of his experience – “I asked him what am I supposed to do. He told me that it’s already inside of me and all I have to do is think about what I want to do and the ship will respond to my thoughts.”
  • In reply to a question to Australian researcher Mary Rodwell who has over 2000 cases of experiencers as to whether she has encounters cases of people claiming to have flown the craft she replied “yes many have said they are 'taught ' to fly craft even as children.” (the children cases I encountered involved children being taught to levitate different color balls.)
  • From Rebecca Hardcastle Wright who wrote about her contact experience in her book “Exoconscioussness: Your 21st Century Mind” - “As they escorted me out of the room, I ran up into my favorite place in the craft - the cupola. In the cupola I was privileged to navigate the craft. As I stood up at the helm, my mind drifted off into a relaxed glide, my small hands one with the craft. I navigated the craft through space. Star maps were stored in my conscious mind. I navigated easily among the star systems…I intuitively knew how to navigate as well as launch and receive crafts. The cupola was my home. My consciousness fit the craft. We were one."
  • Niara Isley was a security officer at Nellis Air Force Base. Her recollection is stunning similar to Linklider’s human computer symbiotic idea. She stated, “You would sit in a chair in this craft and it was like neural interface. You could fly it as easy as moving one of your arms and legs because it would slip right into your neurology. You could think that you wanted to go here and basically all you had to do is think it, the computer on the ship was extremely sophisticated beyond anything that we have – it would take that desire that you had generated in your thought and it would translate it into something that would create a field in donut shaped electromagnetic – I called them donuts – they served the same purpose as an electromagnetic coil. It would cause a field that would propel it off the surface of the earth and then move it in a direction that you wanted it to go.”
  • Besides people who claim to have flown the craft there are claims that the Roswell craft used symbiotic technology. Philip Corso made this claim stating that the Roswell aliens were part of the craft. Another researcher claim of this Roswell alien ship symbiosis is at
  • In the 1993 lecture referenced above Ben Rich stated, “Nearly all ‘biomorphic’ aerospace designs were inspired by the Roswell spacecraft — from Kelly’s SR-71 Blackbird onward to today’s drones, UCAVs, and aerospace craft…”
  • Finally there is the story of David Adair who made a claim that he was shown a symbiotic flying saucer engine during a tour of Area 51. Adair was basically written off as some sort of deluded fraud, but in light of all the other material above maybe his claims should be reexamined.




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Mario's picture

I remember in December they gave me the "keys to the car" In meaning full control you could ask any question you wanted and it was answered in your surroundings, Its much to understand like they created some ship "mother earth" integrated technology from those past events and are utilizing on a global proportion... Its like a choice to go there, waiting on a tin line and Going there is the problem, because the other side is????? Just feel like ripping appart trying to explain once your out, its like a giant brain fart.... mann just want to keep away until we know we get thru and never shift back and forth again 8-) I think my inner child is trying to catch up also today

Any how good updates... that word Symbiotic herd that while back important word kept resonating when I seen it here thats how I figure its got something to do with earth or inner Earth well earth in general and exoconsciousness?? I cant wait till Im done on earth so complex the LIFE timeline... Its like vacation for one day and when it hits and we start working we start to get use to but then theirs this choice soo simple... but complex now thats where we know theres something wrong thats when the new comes in and Integrating it is some kind of suicide mission in the long run houff... thanks for your posts.

Peace, and joy, Namaste