I keep thinking I must do a blog … yet I really have no idea as to what topic. Enthusiasm wains these days … yet clearly not for everyone. Others seem to be completely inspired and carrying on better than ever.
It’s not that I am despondent … or perhaps it is … It’s not for the want of trying … yet everything … practically everything this year that I have put time and effort into … and enthusiasm … seems to either change course or get cancelled all together. If I didn’t find it all so funny … I’d cry!
People talk about spending more and more time in the 5th.
Nup! Not me … I’m struggling to cope with the 3rd. Yes I can feel changes yet nothing that makes me go WOW … This is it! Apparently it’s a gradual thing this Ascension lark … so very very gradual!
Pointless I know … it’s up to us … yet somehow I can’t seem to help myself.
I look up in the night sky as we all do. I FEEL a connection with it … I KNOW ‘home’ is out there somewhere. But to be honest … That’s about all I do know.
I watch documentaries on UFO phenomena … nothing new anymore. Unless spectacular … I rarely watch YouTube links of UFO sightings these days. We are beyond all that now. We KNOW THEY exist. We do not need proof of that … yet how we yearn for a ‘kick start’ … instead of unfulfilled promises.
I find it amazing that those who are out there putting themselves on the line for disclosure etc. … have no connection with most channellers. Someone wrote recently who said they had met Dr Steven Greer and asked what he felt about The Galactic Federation and he had never heard of them! Maybe if we worked together we may just get somewhere … yet it seems, like many … they think ‘us channellers’ to be out of the local doo-lah-lah bin!
Perhaps we are!
Sometimes … when I think of it … I find it quite bizarre that I speak with ‘off world’ people. To me it seems so natural when I am doing it … Yet I can see how others would find it simply ridiculous to even comprehend that I do. I mean … I do get that … I think I would find it odd … if I wasn’t me! And as I always say … I have absolutely no proof … yet for some reason thousands of people connect greatly with what comes through me … so surely to God … there has to be something in it!
So … this ‘ere blog post … what is it actually accomplishing? Not a lot. Other than the fact I can say ‘Oh good. I’ve at least done a blog!’… No valuable words of Divine wisdom here … just sprouting thoughts … unenthralling ones at that!
I read so little of other channellers and what is going on in the entire scene anymore.
When created, I didn’t get in those queues for the financial, political, indeed intellectual side of life. I have no interest at all … which some find very odd … Yet I simply don’t! So any channels about such subjects, I seem to switch off from reading if they arrive in my inbox.
So I have very little knowledge as to what is being said lately from above. It all sounds the same to me. Is that blasphemous? Who knows! Just my feelings on the matter. ‘They’ tell us how very well we are dong … how courageous we are etc. … how very nice! Yet … here we still are … doing what we do … reading more or less the same words as we were years ago.
Be patient ‘they say’ … Do we have an option? It’s not that I don’t believe ‘THE EVENT’ will happen … I TRULY do. Whatever THE EVENT IS! I FEEL something HUGE ‘will’ take place … one day … but let’s be honest … we could go on hoping like this for years and years, as so many have already done .
You see … this is why I find it odd that I got picked out of the volunteers to be ‘their’ messenger … Hardly coming from a ‘radiant’ place! Yet I can only be me … and say what I feel … in the KNOWING… that usually so many feel the same . Yet I guess it would be far more beneficial to write a hugely uplifting piece and find that so many feel the same about that. That would be the better choice would it not? OOPS!
It’s not even that I am ‘down’ particularly … yet not ‘up’ either … having moments of both … therefore leaving me feeling ‘stuck in the middle’.
Could we not organise a few intergalactic coach tours? In the future perhaps. Yet how far into it? Will I still be an Earthling, or will I have left this mortal coil and be doing ‘my bit’ in my ‘Light form’?
I do so hope I am around to experience this New World that is being spoken of. All I can do is wait and see. Yes I KNOW it is me that creates it for me ... my point exactly!
In the meanwhile I am continuing forth on a daily basis … experiencing that day with its ups and downs and ins and outs … then I go to bed and awake the next morning and continue forth experiencing that day with its ups and downs and ins and outs …
The good thing is of course … one never knows what any given moment may bring. As we speak I am awaiting a new duvet set in the post and I am very excited about that!! A new duvet set … you gotta love it!
So … lets’ bore you some more shall we? No perhaps not on second thoughts.
Surely to God I can come up with an inspiring last paragraph. Someone once wrote in and told me off … saying that I shouldn’t write negative stuff because it was my job to uplift and be an example! That’s all our jobs isn’t it? … Yet I feel I am allowed to share my less uplifting times too …
I laugh to myself as I consider the title of this post. Would anyone in their right mind entice people to read it with such a ‘theme’? … WHATEVER!
Please know I find this amusing … Am I really going to post it? I think I am … if only to cross ‘do a blog post’ off my list … it seems to have been lurking there for weeks.
So … I’ll take me leave … leaving you the reader so very much in awe of my incredibly insightful sharing … and quivering in anticipation awaiting the next thrilling installment.
Golden Rays on the entire matter of course!
Blossom G.
Ps. If anyone comes across my ‘enthusiasm’ … can you point it back in my direction please! Thanks!
Posted by Blossom Goodchild
I almost felt the same way, something had stalled in a couple corners around the earth hahaha
Ahhh peace and light lets try and have a good trip this time or next time when accelerations pick up, I guess if you trust in what makes YOU it will flow like water filling in on one side of the damn until it burst open once the rise is critical in the mass population.
Its funny because when I'm there I DO FEEL as if I am surrounded by Advance beings being all of you guys that appears in my path and when MG said that some will die to another Earth and be watch by these advance beings IT litterally blows my mind when I AM there cause its not the first time I felt that way in those 7 times I spoke of in 3 years achieving that place, So many triggers I can only explain those feelings in the reality shifts going further as accelerations to some point. Anyhow haha Im surrounded by physical noise arround me in this room and it affects deeply understandings... It happens randomly at different places?? So amazing yet not sure whom... In december was going on INTENSE everywhere like my house was imploding??? So much weird experiences.
Anyways BE AT ONE :P
I see the spirit of confusion again.
Mario, I try and try to make any sense at all with your last paragraph but to no avail. Could you help me out here, bud? You said:
"its not the first time I felt that way in those 7 times I spoke of in 3 years achieving that place, So many triggers I can only explain those feelings in the reality shifts going further as accelerations to some point. Anyhow haha Im surrounded by physical noise arround me in this room and it affects deeply understandings... It happens randomly at different places?? So amazing yet not sure whom... In december was going on INTENSE everywhere like my house was imploding??? So much weird experiences."
Yes the noise
When I go at it or "jump in" the further deep in energies or the core concept the I AM assimilitaing anchoring info, noise is made and deeper I go the more intense they become. The sounds are clicks or cracks sometimes loud right over where Im sitting and these are litterally link to me you feel it shift the conscious field, its not the wind or the heat or any of that witch causes it... could be the frequencys the triangulating** from what I spoke of in 23rd to 28th june and the accelerations each sound around in my room feels like beings watching me sometimes but I havent seen any physically since 2012 so I dont know anymore if they are different or more advance, or its all linked, It only happens synchronostically... Sometimes they nudge to know more. When I go to sleep in a deep state "relaxed state" these noise are reflected as light before I hear them, when your eyes are close its dark but before the noise its as light bolts of electricity lighting up purging simultaneously affecting the conscious field.
A wider scale* I'm speaking of the universal energies now the "Mekœpæño" whoever they are yet that word came up back then... I find these energys that we can bring in "not sure from where yet" the "outside" space has great effects on wide scales, the distortion carryed on by the unaware that taps into the fields have different pulls, Its the one explanation that seems to come to mind often again and again. Could also be from the crafts to surrounding Earth and also all of the above... All I know is when its time ITS TIME and the rise keeps going till we shift back to normal.
Anyhow since the 28th it has stopped here, the weather patterns even change dramastically... When we link into it the weather acts different from point to point on Earth?? Its something we might find out in the future If ever another one experiences or many begin to experience link into it... We just know when it happens you cant even think we just are awake and aware constantly dooing as an overdrive becoming like 100 steps further in understandings and our nature of being, the thing is the "inbetween" after the drop till the next ride I just feel like ripping appart you dont feel Normal it gets denser, If I could know 100% others having the "keys to the car" explaining by surreal experiences whats going on in those moments Its easyer to comprehend or keep going when we know we are not alone within those constructs... Yet we can not discern or understand when we are there we just KNOW thats when I say complex, while others view as simple they see the reality in the moment not the reality that works over... Its like when I saw the Hour glass crop circle you see it and basically anylize the energies... The difference between "here" and "there" is instead of viewing life with 5 basic sense your utilizing 6th and beyond, everything gets magnified almost flipping inside out and we "see, hear and feel" basically becomes codes The receiving amplified, magnified shifts higher functions like telepathic comunication, everything becomes alive...
I hope this helps a little bit, It is helping me now after I work the brain a little bit, we get centered in our creations haha I had not meditated in a while also these writtings help thanks Ron
Be at one
Boring blog
Oh Dear Blossom,
DITTO! I know just how you feel! You really did hit the nail on the head. I have had the feeling of being stuck in "Ground Hog Day". Get up, send out resumes, pray for work, eat, sleep....repeat. The effort to maintain a high vibration is daunting. And yet we keep putting one foot in front of the other, hoping, praying "have I cleared out that last vestage of LACK OF......?" I'm Eager to achieve abundance, not just for myself, but it seems to be hiding someplace else. I'm feel like I'm in a holding pattern and I'm sooo ready to move on to bigger and better things.
I feel ya, girl...
I feel ya, girl... Day in, day out... The heat, the frustration... The waaaaaaiting. And still having the physical "ascension symptoms" regularly... That always makes it lovely, doesn't it? But then out of the blue, as if I'd been tapped on the shoulder, I will see something multi dimensional happen right in front of my eyes, or be brought some piece of divine wisdom at just the exact right moment and it reminds me that it IS happening. We ARE changing. Shifting. And yes, it has taken so very long. So many lifetimes. We are weary. We have longing straight from the heart to be there... Wherever "there" is. And so we clear our emotional shelves and reorganize... We prepare our soul soup... A cup of laughter, quarter cup of tears, 3/4 cup of truth and a pound of forgiveness. We simmer the soup... Stirring well. We dish it up. We dine. We share our soup with other selves who seem hungry, too. We sleep, perchance to dream and leave this heavy, physical, gravity laden
form we tout about. We have learned much about what it means to be human beings on this beautiful blue planet... And now we are remembering. Remembering who we are and why we came. It comes and goes, just like the counting of days since we began this long and arduous journey. But inside me... Deep within the most sacred part I feel it. I feel it rumbling and moving and growing and vibrating. Some times it feels as if I will fly into a million sparks of light, shooting out from my solar plexus, escaping this fleshy cage forevermore. Sometimes I feel like I may never get out of here until I am a very old woman who
still waits... Eating her soul soup. But just those little miracles keep me going. That intuitive sense that we are closer and closer and gaining momentum. I see the truth being revealed even on the MSM. So much to take in... so much to process. But that's what it is, isn't it? A process? No one ever said it would be easy... right? We volunteered, knowing that... didn't we? Yes, we certainly did. S as much as "home" calls to me from above... And as much as I'd really love to finally meet the Paschat who comes to my meditations in person, I will wait patiently. I will wait knowing. I will wait sure. Because we are seeing it happen my friends... No matter the pace... We ARE seeing it happen in our lifetimes. So soak in the joy of each small moment. Just KNOW its happening. Laugh when it's funny... Get as much of that as you can. Cry when you need to... Don't hold it in. Release that old stuff and acknowledge your frustrations and just move along. Hug a dog, smell a gardenia, look a child in the eye, kiss someone you love, and stir that soup... It smells wonderful... Delicious. Eat it up, yum! We will be having guests for dinner soon enough. As well as perhaps be seated at the table of our galactics bros. It will all be fine in the end... After all, we've got millions of eons to get there. It's just that now that we know, we are anxious. So take a deep breath... Inhale...hold...exhaaaaale. And know that when one of us feels at a loss, the others are holding space for you and for me. We are all in this together. We are in our living rooms, we are in traffic, offices, parks, we are in Egypt swaying with the throngs of other selves as they chant for change and peace, we are in the astral planes gallavanting with some subconscious cousin from afar. And yes, we are right here, in this very moment, thinking about Ascension. And so it is. See how that works ;)
Love, peace, patience and understanding you,
Thank you! Thank you for
Thank you! Thank you for that!! For us " lay" people is comforting to hear that others feel the same! I know that something is coming and is going to have to be a big something to shake people out of their slumber.... however I personally feel very lost and frustrated....I don't know what to do with myself :-) We will know what to do when the time is right.... right? :-D Thank you for being real and true to your feelings. That's what keeps the rest of us going!
I like your style and example to us Blossom
Thank you for all your efforts to get at the core for us of when, where, how events will happen as you ofter seem to get the "run-a-round." From our little friends up there. We all need and want to be pumped up, yes, but not with BS just to hold us off, and hold us off for what is always my question to "Them?"
It would really be the relief for us to think that "They" actually know more than we. But when it comes to predicting time frames of events there is enough of that out there that we need NOT any more. Some believe that only ONE know the "WHEN" of anything to be. What ever the case, we need not false promises of gifts like free energy tech etc.
The ones that continue to speak of this I won't name they are consistent enough to be read near daily. What on Earth good does it do us to know that life on earth will be so wonderful LATER? Free energy LATER? Back up support LATER? NESARA LATER? Disclosure LATER? Mass arrest, dropped to "containment" LATER?
Thank you for you honesty and logical way of bringing to us as much as you can squeeze out of "Them." I/We Love you
David Porter
Author of the series
I wish to gently remind you
These words are yours, from your blog posted on 12/11/2012 with which I feel compelled to give the gift of remembrance to this one principal that most of us, myself included, have a tendency to forget.
“They” (even the perceived enemy) out there are “you.” How you choose to treat “self” on this day will be seed for you in your future outcomes. “You” are “They” just in a different package. How do you want your future "garden" to look? What "seeds" are you planting just NOW?
With much Love and respect,
Blossom thank you I loved
Blossom thank you I loved reading this blog post. My enthusiasm has gone the same way as yours and its good to know its not just me. To be honest I feel like checking out altogether and I am really hating it here and the stuff I am going through at present although I occasionally manage to get an awesome 5D view of it all which keeps me going ... JUST! My little 3D self flies into rages at the frustration there is nobody to blame, nobody to kick, I just have to keep putting one foot in front of the other because there is no other choice.
Never stop blogging you are fabulous
Sister!!! You speak my experience!
What a blessed relief to read this blog. Just bottom line truth of experience. No preciousness, Thank God. And what a blessing to once again discover that I'm not alone in what I'm experiencing. I had rarely been bored with this process in many, many years, but I am now. Many Blessings of Peace and Joy to you, Blossom. Thank-you.